TJ Holmes wears eye-catching suede sherpa coat as he and girlfriend Amy Robach visit NYC smoke shop

5 months ago 21

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach were spotted bundled up successful wintertime coats and clutching hands arsenic they shopped astatine a fume store successful New York.

The personage mates wrapped successful matching outfits of hoodies and lukewarm jackets for their outing successful downtown Manhattan. 

Both of the stars paired their casual apparel with sunglasses to support a debased illustration and support their eyes from the city's sunny upwind connected Saturday. 

After abstaining from alcohol for 'Dry January', the erstwhile Good Morning America anchors popped into the smoking paraphernalia store amidst rumors that their narration mightiness beryllium connected the rocks. 

Holmes, 46, and Robach, 50, reportedly person a immense fearfulness of being 'trapped' and admittedly privation to be couples therapy arsenic they are 'desperate to marque their narration work'. 

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach were spotted bundled up successful wintertime coats and clutching hands arsenic they shopped astatine a fume store successful New York

The personage mates wrapped successful matching outfits of hoodies and lukewarm jackets for their outing successful downtown Manhattan

Both of the stars paired their casual apparel with sunglasses to support a debased illustration and support their eyes from the city's sunny upwind connected Saturday

A root adjacent to the brace revealed that they are doing each they tin to marque the narration work. 'They've really thought astir going to couples therapy. It decidedly couldn't hurt,' the source revealed

'They some desperately privation the narration to work. They'd beryllium humiliated if they broke up now,' they added. 

Robach opened up astir the acheronian play of clip that Holmes experienced aft the ungraded began.

Holmes relied connected intoxicant and weed edibles to header with the accent erstwhile their matter was revealed.

Robach recalled to Holmes, 'You were conscionable splayed retired connected your bed. I ran to you and said, "T.J.," and you didn't move.

'It was the astir atrocious happening having to interaction your assemblage and spot if you were warm. I was truthful afraid. You were conscionable incoherent.' 

Holmes revealed 'That time was fundamentally maine getting disconnected enactment and pounding vodka. I didn't halt for respective hours and took who knows however galore weed edibles.'

The mates were seen past week strolling astir the Big Apple arm-in-arm aft confirming they are inactive unneurotic pursuing an aggravated speech connected their latest podcast episode.

Their exes, Marilee Fiebig and Andrew Shue, were spotted jetting retired of John F. Kennedy International Airport past Saturday.

 The outing comes arsenic a root adjacent to the brace revealed that they are doing each they tin to marque the narration work

The erstwhile Good Morning America anchors popped into the smoking paraphernalia store amidst rumors that their narration mightiness beryllium connected the rocks

The couple, who kept it casual for their stroll successful hoodies, precocious abstained from intoxicant for 'Dry January' revealed the scandalous romance betwixt the co-stars successful 2022.

Holmes and Robach's affable narration connected aerial evolved into a afloat blown concealed romance off-screen, successful caller months. The 2 are pictured having flirty post-filming drinks astatine a New York City barroom connected Thursday November 10, 2022

Robach and Holmes re-confirmed their narration presumption successful a video they posted connected their Instagram profiles Tuesday aft publishing a podcast occurrence wherever they mates admitted determination was occupation successful paradise.

'Despite what you've been hearing, we are inactive together,' Holmes stated portion helium and Robach were walking successful New York City.

'We're proceeding from a batch of you each connected our latest occurrence of the podcast. It was thing we truly struggled and debated astir whether oregon not we should adjacent enactment retired determination - but astatine this constituent I'm gladsome we did,' helium added.

Robach and Holmes person not worked since past January erstwhile they were axed by ABC implicit their concealed romance but person present launched a podcast called Amy and T.J.

The occurrence released Tuesday featured an on-air statement that near immoderate wondering if they had split, though that was not the case.

The mates got into a heated treatment astir their connection issues and admitted they were not successful a bully place, and that the filming of the occurrence was really a 'surprise' to their team.

The brace looked each inch the lovey-dovey mates erstwhile again connected November 17, 2022, erstwhile Holmes met his co-star astatine NYU Langone Medical Center successful New York aft work 

Both Holmes and Robach person been joined to their respective spouses since 2010. It is not known erstwhile oregon however Holmes's wife, Marilee Fiebig, (pictured unneurotic successful 2012) and Robach's husband, erstwhile Melrose Place histrion Andrew Shue (pictured close successful March 2022) learned of the romance, but some couples are said to person divided up successful August this year 

They released yet another caller occurrence of their podcast connected Thursday, wherever they opened astir wherefore Holmes was hesitant to merchandise the occurrence astatine all. 

Holmes admitted that helium didn't privation to beryllium perceived as, 'a Black antheral beating up connected a achromatic woman' successful the episode. revealed the scandalous romance betwixt the co-stars successful 2022.

A bid of pictures obtained exclusively by, told the communicative of their steamy narration arsenic the mates enjoyed flirty post-filming sessions astatine a New York City bar, unsocial clip successful each other's apartments, and - 2 weeks earlier Thanksgiving - a play distant successful a secluded cottage successful Upstate New York. 

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