Johnny Depp return to Pirates of the Caribbean welcomed by producer - after actor was axed from lead role over Amber Heard abuse allegations

2 weeks ago 8

Johnny Depp has been 'un-canceled' - astatine slightest arsenic acold arsenic a Pirates of the Caribbean reboot is concerned.

Screenwriter and shaper of the swashbuckling franchise Terry Rossio tells that present that Depp has cleaned up his enactment helium would beryllium welcomed backmost with unfastened arms.

In an exclusive interview, Rossio said helium 'wouldn't adjacent hesitate' to person Depp backmost connected set, contempt the allegations of maltreatment and alcoholism against the actor.

Rossio, 63, said casting the arguable Hollywood prima is 'not the problem' for a sequel – it is uncovering the close script, co-stars and finances to revive the Disney-owned franchise, which has grossed implicit $4.5 cardinal worldwide.

Speaking exclusively connected camera astatine the premiere of his caller movie Protocol 7, Rossio said of Depp: 'Johnny is beloved. I wouldn't adjacent hesitate connected Johnny Depp.'

'Johnny Depp isn't the issue. The contented is: is determination a communicative worthy? Is the publication good? Can it beryllium directed well? Can the finances of it beryllium worked out? Those are the issues. The contented has thing to bash with Johnny.'

Producers would gladly let Johnny Depp, 61, to revive his relation arsenic Captain Jack Sparrow aft spending years arsenic a pariah successful Hollywood

Pirates of the Caribbean screenwriter and shaper Terry Rossio (pictured) told helium would formed Depp successful a reboot of the movie successful a heartbeat

Depp starred successful each 5 films of the Disney-owned franchise, which has grossed implicit $4.5 cardinal worldwide

Rossio, who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for Shrek, added that Disney should not conscionable look astatine Depp returning, but effort to bring backmost the main formed from the archetypal Oscar-nominated debut Pirates movie Dead Man's Chest.

Asked however acold Disney bosses person gotten successful their revival plans, Rossio pleaded ignorance, saying: 'Oh my gosh, I don't person immoderate wrong information. I'm sorry, I can't say.'

But helium past noted that other factors are apt to beryllium holding up the reboot, and that sometimes it tin instrumentality implicit a decennary adjacent for desired movies to beryllium made.

'The Indiana Jones movie, for example, was similar this,' helium said. 'Everybody wanted it, but it took what, 15, 16 years for it to travel about.

'There are a batch of forces that travel into play successful presumption of… schedule, availability, finances, originative control, the disposition of the studio, the planets person to align connected immoderate movie. It's a occurrence that thing ever gets done.'

Last twelvemonth franchise shaper Jerry Bruckheimer spoke of his anticipation to person Depp backmost arsenic Sparrow, but ne'er confirmed Disney were connected board.

Rossio's comments volition delight fans fixed galore had petitioned for him to travel backmost aft winning his libel proceedings against ex-wife Amber Heard.

The histrion famously told the proceedings nether questioning from his ain lawyer, that Disney dropped him from the sixth film aft Heard accused him of being a woman beater.

But a Virginia assemblage recovered that Depp proved elements of defamation for Heard's statements successful her 2018 Washing Post op-ed. They decided Heard's statements were false, and that she defamed Depp with existent malice.

Rossio told that the champion formed for a reboot would beryllium to reunite Depp with Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley for the comeback

Depp was axed from the franchise successful 2018 erstwhile his ex-wife Amber Heard penned an op-ed accusing him of abuse

The Jack Sparrow histrion enjoyed a 5 infinitesimal lasting ovation astatine the Cannes Film Festival for his 2023 film, Jeanne du Barry, successful which helium stars arsenic the erstwhile King of France Louis XV.

Rossio believes that with Depp's vocation backmost connected the emergence Disney should reunite with Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley successful this comeback.

'Clearly the champion pirate movie successful my mind, my arguable opinion, would beryllium to bring backmost everybody. I would bring backmost Johnny. I would bring backmost Gore Verbinski,' the screenwriter said.

'I would bring backmost Jeffrey Rush. I would bring backmost Orlando (Bloom), (Kevin) McNeely and Keira (Knightley),' helium said. 'That's the champion pirate film. Why not? We had a blast the archetypal time. Let's bash it again. That's what I would bash if it were me, wherefore not? And that's what the fans want.'

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl saw Depp nominated for an Academy Award Best Actor gong and earned implicit $650 cardinal astatine the container office.

Rossio feels that Warner Brothers volition person a deed should they determination guardant with the proposed thought of a Pirates flick starring Oscar nominee Margot Robbie.

'There's a endowment level. There's a crushed they telephone them stars. She is simply a prima due to the fact that she has ascended up into the heavens successful presumption of Hollywood royalty,' helium said.

'So immoderate she does, it's going to beryllium astonishing due to the fact that that level of endowment is going to ever travel out. So to get her successful a pirate movie, it would perfectly beryllium great. There's nary question of it.'

Rossio besides wants to spot spin-offs successful the Pirates beingness utilizing the archetypal movie's pistillate characters - akin to what Disney did with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

'Again, it's conscionable my opinion, but I wouldn't telephone it a pistillate mentation of Pirates. I would telephone it an enlargement and an exploration of the Pirate's universe. You can't spell up and effort to regenerate what's been done,' helium said.

'That would beryllium perfectly great. There could beryllium a Hector Barbosa, Jeffrey Rush movie,' helium added, referencing the archetypal film's antagonist cursed pirate captain.

In 2022, Depp won a defamation lawsuit against Heard aft a assemblage recovered she had made up allegations of home maltreatment against him

'I don't cognize wherefore you wouldn't. You person to beryllium fiscally responsible. Maybe the budgets are a small spot smaller, but wherefore not bash an enlargement of the beingness backmost to wherever the fund was for the archetypal one, and I'm definite it would beryllium successful. '

Rossio wrote the publication for Protocol 7 for disgraced UK anti-vaxxer doc Andrew Wakefield, who has go a filmmaker aft his aesculapian licence was revoked.

The movie tells the communicative of Alexis, a small-town lawyer, who is confronted with the world of firm fraud astatine the highest level.

The movie has prompted outrage implicit unproven claims that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine causes superior semipermanent wellness issues.

Rossio noted of moving with Wakefield: 'Well, I conscionable look astatine it arsenic what does the subject say? What does the probe say, what is the clarity that comes from examining the topic? And if you're connected constituent to the world of what's going on, past however tin you spell wrong?'

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