Billy Joel spotted at site of Justin Timberlake's arrest in odd coincidence - the same spot where he was boozed up before his own crash 20 years ago

2 weeks ago 6

Music legend Billy Joel was spotted having luncheon astatine The American Hotel, wherever Justin Timberlake besides enjoyed meal with friends up of his DWI apprehension connected Monday night.

The fashionable American Hotel is besides known arsenic the eatery wherever the Piano Man enjoyed a meal much than 20 years ago, aft which Joel smashed his car into a histrion connected a Sag Harbor road.

At the clip of his infamous crash, Joel was believed to person a occupation with alcohol, but was ne'er charged with a DUI, contempt respective crashes successful the Hamptons.

At the time, the New York Post reported that sources astatine The American Hotel said Joel had downed respective glasses of vino astatine meal earlier leaving successful his vehicle.

His publicist, however, denied that study vehemently, saying: 'I’m definite his different meal companions were drinking, but helium was not. He abstained.'

The euphony icon was spotted Tuesday having luncheon astatine The American Hotel, wherever Justin Timberlake had dined earlier his arrest

Joel (circled), infamously slammed his sedan into a histrion pursuing a meal astatine The American Hotel backmost successful 2003 - helium checked himself into rehab not agelong aft the accident

Unlike with Timberlake, astatine the clip of Joel's clang Sag Harbor cops were accused of being excessively lenient connected the beloved Long Island native.

At luncheon connected Tuesday, Joel spoke concisely to adjacent reporters astir Timberlake's arrest.

'Judge not lest ye beryllium judged,' the hitmaker said earlier hopping connected his airy greenish Vespa and scooting away.

In the precise aboriginal hours of Tuesday morning, Timberlake - who is presently connected his Forget Tomorrow World Tour - was arrested aft being pulled implicit for blowing done a halt sign.

Officers said successful their study that they witnessed the popular prima veering crossed the roadworthy earlier they intervened, and described uncovering him 'in an intoxicated condition.'

Police described Timberlake arsenic having 'bloodshot and glassy' eyes, smelling powerfully of alcohol, having slowed code and incapable to support his attention. 

The father-of-two was besides said to person been unsteady om his feet and 'performed poorly' connected a tract sobriety test, which helium yet failed. After being arrested and taken to a section constabulary station, helium besides refused to instrumentality a breathalyzer test.

Timberlake was arraigned connected 1 number of DWI, arsenic good arsenic moving a halt motion and failing to enactment successful his lane.

He is adjacent successful tribunal connected July 26 aft being released without bail.

For refusing the breathalyzer test, Timberlake had his driving privileges successful the authorities of New York suspended.

The singer, 2nd from close successful achromatic cap, told the property to 'Judge not lest ye beryllium judged' erstwhile it comes to the Timberlake arrest

The vocalist has 2 upcoming shows successful Chicago aboriginal this week followed by back-to-back nights astatine Madison Square Garden successful New York City adjacent week.

A root told 'Justin was retired to meal with friends and determination were bull cars stationed extracurricular the restaurant, similar they are astir nights.

'They look for radical who are leaving aft midnight who mightiness person been drinking.

'Justin near astatine 12:30AM and was pulled implicit arsenic soon arsenic helium left. Nobody was wounded and determination was nary play astatine the scene.'

The performer, who is often referred to arsenic the 'Prince of Pop,' is joined to histrion Jessica Biel, with whom helium tied the knot successful 2012.

The country of Billy Joel's January 2003 crash, erstwhile helium slammed a sedan into a histrion pursuing a meal astatine The American Hotel

Timberlake was spotted being walked crossed the span from Sag Harbor constabulary office to the villages Justice Court portion successful handcuffs Tuesday morning

Timberlake is presently connected the roadworthy crossed America with the with the archetypal limb of his tour, which concludes July 9 astatine Rupp Arena successful Lexington, Kentucky.

He has a interruption for a fewer weeks earlier getting backmost connected the roadworthy successful precocious July erstwhile the European limb kicks disconnected successful Krakow, Poland connected July 29.

Shows successful Germany, Belgium, England, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and France volition relationship for the 2nd limb of the tour.

The planetary show jaunt is successful enactment of his sixth solo medium Everything I Thought It Was, which was released successful March.

It was his archetypal solo medium successful six years, pursuing his 2018 medium Man of the Woods.

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