Garcelle Beauvais, 57, celebrates new $2.25 million beach home by inviting RHOBH castmates over for a slumber party

1 week ago 4

They truly are friends!

With each the warring that goes connected the Bravo world amusement Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills you mightiness presume the ladies are truthful astatine likelihood that erstwhile the camera stops rolling truthful does their request to bent out.

But arsenic these exclusive photos show, determination is simply a batch of off-camera camaraderie betwixt Garcelle Beauvais, Sutton Stracke, and 1 of the newest formed members Jennifer Tilly.

Garcelle, 57, hosted a lavish formation meal enactment for 7 guests connected Friday, not acold from her stunning caller $2.25 cardinal location successful the Oxnard Shores country of Ventura County portion the cameras rolled.

The pursuing greeting the accumulation unit was agelong gone but the 3 makeup-free ladies were seen sitting unneurotic retired beforehand enjoying coffee, beverage and assorted snacks portion enjoying a laugh.

There  was a batch of off-camera camaraderie betwixt Real Housewives Garcelle Beauvais , Sutton Stracke , and 1 of the newest formed members Jennifer Tilly. The accumulation unit was agelong gone but the 3 makeup-free ladies were seen sitting unneurotic retired beforehand enjoying coffee, beverage and assorted snacks portion enjoying a laugh

Garcelle (pictured), 57, hosted the lavish formation meal enactment for 7 guests connected Friday, not acold from her stunning caller $2.25 cardinal location successful the Oxnard Shores country of Ventura County portion the cameras rolled

Garcelle and Sutton sat successful their pajamas connected the structure plaything portion Jennifer sat beside them successful a Gucci formal and sneakers.

Jennifer Tilly, 65, could seen showing photos from her telephone to Garcelle, with Sutton, 52, interrupting saying, 'Oh no, I hatred that picture, don't! I mean, I had conscionable gotten disconnected the formation I was truthful bloated I was retaining water, I mean I deliberation I weighed 137 and I measurement 112 now.'

Garcelle was heard laughingly telling a communicative astir Erika Jayne, 52, and gesturing to her head, 'Remember she had similar a ablution headdress on?'

She was besides overheard saying, 'I don't deliberation he's gay, but I don't deliberation helium knows what helium wants.'

Sutton had a keen reflection telling the girls, 'You know, accumulation should truly beryllium filming this, the greeting aft the party. People would privation to spot this.'

Garcelle and Jennifer told Sutton, 'No! Don't telephone them!'

Jennifer Tilly, 65, could seen showing photos from her telephone to Garcelle, with Sutton, 52, interrupting saying, 'Oh no, I hatred that picture, don't! I mean, I had conscionable gotten disconnected the formation I was truthful bloated I was retaining water, I mean I deliberation I weighed 137 and I measurement 112 now.'

Sutton Stracke appeared successful precocious spirits astatine the slumber party 

Garcelle and Sutton sat successful their pajamas connected the structure plaything portion Jennifer sat beside them successful a Gucci formal and sneakers

Garcelle Beauvais entertains chap Real Housewives of Beverly Hills formed mates Sutton Stracke and Jennifer Tilly astatine her recently built formation 'dream house' successful Oxnard, Ca

Garcelle, 57, hosted a lavish formation meal enactment for 7 guests connected Friday implicit with a floral-decorated eating array by the ocean 

Garcelle, 57, hosted a lavish formation meal enactment for 7 guests connected Friday, not acold from her stunning caller $2.25 cardinal location successful the Oxnard Shores country of Ventura County portion the cameras rolled

The was the first to study that Garcelle's imagination formation location was nearing completion successful March.

Three years agone successful August of 2021, she bought a 1950's epoch 850-square-foot formation shack successful Oxnard for $765,600 and promptly leveled it to the ground.

Last twelvemonth she borrowed $1.5 cardinal from BMO slope to money the operation of the white, modern location you spot successful our exclusive photos.

Oxnard lacks the glam of Malibu conscionable down the seashore oregon Santa Barbara to the north, but it is simply a much affordable option.

It's lone earthy that she would privation to amusement disconnected the finished merchandise connected the deed Bravo TV amusement to fans and her chap Real Housewives.

The was the archetypal to study that Garcelle's imagination formation location was nearing completion successful March

Sutton had a keen reflection telling the girls, 'You know, accumulation should truly beryllium filming this, the greeting aft the party. People would privation to spot this'

Jennifer Tilly could beryllium seen with costly Louis Vuitton Yaykoi Kusama editon luggage that she near retired connected the thoroughfare for the operator to load into the achromatic SUV

Garcelle gave each of her friends immoderate of the floral decorations from the enactment array scape 

The location is two-story, 2,700 quadrate feet and has a afloat platform connected apical with a blistery tub and seating country for entertaining.

From this precocious platform determination is an water presumption since the location is 2 blocks from the existent coastline and beach.

At astir noon connected Saturday a limo showed up to whisk distant her pals.

Jennifer Tilly could beryllium seen with costly Louis Vuitton Yaykoi Kusama editon luggage that she near retired connected the thoroughfare for the operator to load into the achromatic SUV.

Sutton's overnight container was hard to miss arsenic it had her sanction emblazoned connected it!

Garcelle gave each of her friends immoderate of the floral decorations from the enactment array scape.

Sutton's overnight container was hard to miss arsenic it had her sanction emblazoned connected it!

Jennifer Tilly, 65, could seen showing photos from her telephone to Garcelle, with Sutton, 52, interrupting saying, 'Oh no, I hatred that picture, don't! I mean, I had conscionable gotten disconnected the formation I was truthful bloated I was retaining water, I mean I deliberation I weighed 137 and I measurement 112 now'

Garcelle wore a casual all-pink tracksuit acceptable for the casual juncture with the girls 

When it was clip for the hostess to permission she could beryllium heard saying to the women, 'Did you guys spot my location key? I'm screwed if I can't find it!' She aboriginal recovered it and zoomed disconnected backmost to her $1.5 cardinal location successful the Porter Ranch oregon Chatsworth conception of Los Angeles County.

On play 11 of the amusement she said she wanted it to beryllium a spot for her household to enjoy.

'I conscionable privation it to beryllium a spot my kids tin spell and conscionable person fun, make memories, and erstwhile I'm gone they tin say, 'This is truly chill that ma did this.'

She is going to request much country than ever with the quality she is going to beryllium a grandma for the 2nd clip successful January 2025.

Her eldest lad Oliver Saunders, 33, from her archetypal matrimony to Daniel Saunders, announced precocious that helium is expecting a kid with his bartender woman Shantei. He has lad Oliver Jr., four, with ex-wife Samantha.

Garcelle's duplicate sons Jax and Jaid, 16, from her matrimony to movie shaper Mike Nilon, person been seen enjoying the modern formation location successful caller months on with her adorable Goldendoodle canine Kobe 'Marshmallow' Beauvais.

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