All the stars who've come out as gay or LGBTQ in 2024 as Pride Month gets underway

3 weeks ago 8

Coming retired takes courageousness - and galore celebrities are starring the complaint with their ain inspiring nationalist proclamations. 

Be it gay, trans, non-binary oregon queer, 2024 has seen a big of salient figures from crossed the amusement and sports industries proudly uncover their LGBTQ identities.   

With Pride Month good underway, has compiled a database of immoderate of the biggest names who person travel retired this twelvemonth truthful far.    

One Tree Hill Alum Sophia Bush is seen with her girlfriend, USWNT jock Ashlyn Harris, days aft coming retired arsenic queer

Maren Morris (musician)

Maren Morris publically came retired of arsenic bisexual connected Sunday, successful grant of LGBTQAI Pride month.

The declaration came aft a performance successful Phoenix, erstwhile the 34-year-old Grammy victor posted to Instagram : 'Happy to beryllium the B successful LGBTQ +, blessed pride!'

Maren was instantly met with a flood of supportive comments - including from her existent opening enactment Allison Ponthier, arsenic good arsenic chap songstresses Kate Yeager, Lindsay Ell, Marielle Kraft, and Heather Mae.

Maren has been an outspoken state for the LGBTQAI assemblage since 2022.

Last year, Morris proudly performed astatine the Love Rising payment successful Nashville, which protested Tennessee authorities aimed astatine cross-dressing performers, trans youth, and same-sex marriage.

The Texan-born millennial took her four-year-old lad Hayes Andrew Hurd to the juncture - billed arsenic a 'family-friendly' resistance show.

There, she declared onstage the Bridgestone Arena: 'Yes, I introduced my lad to immoderate resistance queens today, truthful Tennessee, f***ing apprehension me.'

Grammy Award-winning instrumentalist Maren Morris, 34, publically came retired of arsenic bisexual connected Sunday, successful grant of LGBTQAI Pride month

Sophia Bush (actress)

Back successful April, Sophia Bush broke her soundlessness astir her much-talked astir emotion beingness - coming retired arsenic queer successful an effort for Glamour magazine.

The 41-year-old star, featured connected the screen without a shirt, dished on her close narration with USWNT athlete Ashlyn Harris, 38, pursuing her divorcement from Grant Hughes successful 2023, whom she'd wed months earlier.

She revealed successful her ain words however she present identifies arsenic queer, penning astatine 1 point, 'I consciousness similar I tin yet breathe'.

The Chicago PD histrion besides revealed she is 'in love' with Harris - whom she became friends with successful 2019 earlier they brace started a romanticist narration successful October 2023 aft her matrimony ended.

Back successful April, Bush, 41, broke her soundlessness astir her much-talked astir emotion beingness - coming retired arsenic queer successful an effort for Glamour magazine 

'I didn't expect to find emotion successful this enactment system,' said the star, noting however her enslaved with Harris was uncommon and beautiful. 

'I don't cognize however other to accidental it different than: I didn't spot it until I saw it.'

The One Tree Hill prima further recalled the archetypal clip she told her erstwhile partners she was attracted to women. Prior to Hughes, she was joined to costar Chad Michael Murray from 2005 until 2006.

Reneé Rapp  (singer/actress)

Back successful February, Mean Girls Musical prima Reneé Rapp made waves erstwhile she told The Hollywood Reporter: 'It is the coolest happening ever due to the fact that I've lone precocious started referring to myself arsenic a lesbian.

'I've lone precocious been successful a narration wherever I'm like, 'Yeah, I'm a lesbian for sure.' 

Within weeks, she made her reddish carpet debut with chap instrumentalist Towa Bird, at the Vanity Fair 2024 Oscars Party connected Sunday successful Beverly Hills.

The actress, 24, wowed successful a achromatic garment formal with a plunging crossover apical and a thigh precocious slit.

The unfolding determination from Rapp, who came retired arsenic bisexual successful 2022, followed an SNL hosting show earlier successful year.

Towa Bird and Renee Rapp astatine the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscar Party connected March 10. The Mean Girl Musical prima came retired arsenic lesbian successful an interrogation weeks before

There, the histrion was described by fans and media arsenic 'hard-launching' her lesbian identity.

She explained her thought process astatine the time, sharing: 'I didn't privation to bash it and beryllium like, 'Oh my God, I'm not utilizing the connection 'bisexual,' and marque bisexual radical consciousness shitty''. 

'I besides didn't privation to beryllium like, 'OK, I'm 'gay' and person each the lesbians beryllium like, 'Say you're bisexual, then.' I felt truthful wrapped up and scared.' 

Despite this, she has affirmed and re-affirmed her caller individuality ever since.

Bethany Antonia (actress)

House of the Dragon prima Bethany Antonia, 26, came retired arsenic cheery successful April, portion calling retired an net idiosyncratic over a racist connection sent successful effect to an Instagram Story.

Antonia, who has appeared successful 8 episodes of the show's 2nd season, blew disconnected the vitriol with humor, penning successful a caption, 'Wait till they find retired I'm cheery too…'

The actress, who has besides starred successful shows specified arsenic Netflix's Stay Close and the BBC's Get Even, went connected to adhd an emoji of a clown's face, and was seen smiling successful a abstracted changeable connected her Instagram Stories minutes later.

She plays Lady Baela Targaryen successful the HBO phantasy series.

House of the Dragon prima Bethany Antonia came retired arsenic cheery successful April, portion calling retired an net idiosyncratic for a racist connection received successful reply to 1 of her Instagram Stories

Colin Grafton (reality star)

Dancing connected Ice's Colin Grafton publically came retired arsenic cheery successful February.

The 32-year-old nonrecreational fig skater, who erstwhile competed successful the Olympic, came retired to his household and adjacent friends erstwhile helium was 24, but has present opened up astir his sexuality successful an interrogation with Pink News.

'It's been a agelong journey,' helium began. 'But present I americium arrogant of myself and I'm arrogant of my intersexual predisposition and I privation to fto different radical cognize that they should beryllium arrogant of each portion of themselves too.'

Originally from Boston, Grafton went connected to explicate however increasing up determination successful the '90 and 2000s wasn't ever casual for a antheral fig skater, not to notation a cheery man. 

'I retrieve feeling truthful tense astatine assorted points successful my childhood,' helium said. 'You know, I'd beryllium skating and the hockey players would travel and bang connected the broadside of the rink and outcry words. 

'That was thing each antheral skaters had to woody with backmost then. 

Dancing connected Ice's Colin Grafton (seen present with histrion Claire Sweeney) came retired arsenic cheery successful February 

'It wasn't casual but each of it made maine stronger due to the fact that I took it and focused everything connected my sport.'

In the years that ensued, helium became a prima skater successful a deed world contention show.

At 1 point, helium disquieted helium would beryllium stereotyped if helium came retired publicly, telling Pink: 'I was truly tense of doing that to myself.

'It was like, OK, if I travel retired arsenic cheery past radical are going to deliberation I'm this oregon that, erstwhile successful world the quality sexuality spectrum is truthful immense and it's conscionable 1 tiny portion of the idiosyncratic you are.'

Now surviving retired large and proud, helium went connected to counsel young radical coming to presumption with their ain sexuality: 'There is nary unreserved and there's nary unit to travel out. 

'You person to bash it connected your ain presumption and successful your ain clip and find that emotion for yourselves.'

Grace Wilson (A-League shot player)

In March, Adelaide United goalkeeper Grace Wilson became the archetypal non-binary nonrecreational footballer successful Australia, portion declaring a burning tendency to beryllium 'free'.

The 19-year-old Australian informed teammates connected Friday and the youngster stated they felt 'phenomenal' aft receiving wide support.

'I'm non-binary. That's it. I can't contradict it anymore,' they said. 

In March, Adelaide United goalkeeper Grace Wilson became the archetypal non-binary nonrecreational footballer successful Australia, portion declaring a burning tendency to beryllium 'free'

'It was similar this immense value had lifted, due to the fact that for truthful long, I had felt thing was different,' they continued.

'Finally proceeding radical notation to maine arsenic 'they/them', it's a phenomenal and euphoric feeling.'

Non-binary refers to radical who bash not subordinate to being either exclusively antheral oregon female.

Madame LaQueer (reality star)

RuPaul's Drag Race play 4 prima Madame LaQueer came retired arsenic trans connected her Instagram Story successful January, publically embracing her individuality arsenic Madame Cassandra Uzumaki LaQueer.

'It's thing I've been pondering for myself for years,' she told Entertainment Weekly astatine the time, explaining however she'd spell by the sanction Cassie adjacent portion not successful costume.

'It's present oregon never…It's ne'er excessively precocious to travel retired and unrecorded your existent acquisition and beryllium yourself and beryllium authentic. There's thing similar feeling loved successful your ain skin.'

RuPaul's Drag Race play 4 prima Madame LaQueer came retired arsenic trans connected her Instagram Story successful January, publically embracing her individuality arsenic Madame Cassandra Uzumaki LaQueer

Amanda Tori Meating (reality star)

Days later, different 'Drag Race' prima successful Amanda Tori Meating besides came retired arsenic trans.

The declaration came successful an exclusive interrogation with Entertainment Weekly, during which the New York City-based world prima who became a fan-favorite connected the show's 16th season.

While doing so, she reflected connected hostility with different formed member, Plane Jane, and however a infinitesimal of state pursuing achy divorcement helped her affirm her identity.

Days later, different 'Drag Race' prima successful Amanda Tori Meating besides came retired arsenic trans, successful an exclusive interrogation with Entertainment Weekly

'When we were filming Drag Race I was astir 5 months caller retired of a divorce,' she recalled of filming the amusement successful 2023, and however the acquisition of being 'bullied' by her ex-spouse yet helped her absorption connected putting herself archetypal - including connected the at-times drama-filled show. 

'I deliberation [Plane] caught maine astatine the saccharine spot of my healing journey,' she said. 

'I'm not giving you the effect you're looking for, immoderate that was. I'm sitting present similar a existent f**king idiosyncratic and I'm telling you, "I bash not similar this, delight stop."'

She went connected to callback however her divided stemmed successful portion from her then-husband's unwillingness to beryllium with her owed to her 'gender exploration journey.'

Parvati Shallow (reality star)

Survivor victor Parvati Shallow came retired arsenic cheery to ringing successful the New Year, uploading an Instagram photograph with partner, Mae Martin, to stock the large news.

The 41-year-old world prima - who was previously joined to chap Survivor alum John Fincher - captioned the station as: 'We're here. We're queer. Happy caller year.' 

The TV property who won play 40 of the amusement successful 2020 proceeded to clasp up a bid of achromatic and achromatic images that some she and the comedian, 36, had taken successful a photograph booth. 

Survivor victor Parvati Shallow came retired arsenic cheery to ringing successful the New Year, making her the archetypal of the 10 to instrumentality the large step

The brace could beryllium seen cozying up adjacent to each different and successful 1 of the pictures, the mates besides shared a kissed. 

Social media users jumped to the remark conception to stock their excitement, including writer Adam Grant who wrote: 'So thrilled for you. Bring connected the caller Black Widow Brigade' - a notation to the Survivor contention series. 

Writer Evan Ross Katz added: 'A cleanable pair. Honored to person played the tiniest relation successful this epic link-up. Love you both.'

Jessica Gunning (reality star)

Baby Reindeer prima Jessica Gunning was the past connected the database to travel out, doing truthful a fewer days agone for the archetypal clip portion recollecting however she recognize she was 'a large aged gay' 19 months ago.

The actress, 38, who played a stalker successful the Netflix hit, said it was similar a concealed she had kept from herself for galore years.

Jessica admitted she didn't deliberation she could beryllium gay, adjacent though determination were galore signs done retired her life, similar erstwhile she was kissing histrion Cate Blanchett connected signifier each nighttime during a National Theatre accumulation called When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other.

Baby Reindeer prima Jessica Gunning has spoken for the archetypal clip astir however she realised she was 'a large aged gay' and came retired 19 months ago

Jessica, who has ne'er been romantically linked to anyone, present describes coming retired arsenic 'liberating'.

Speaking connected the Reign podcast, Jessica explained: 'I came retired successful November 2022. And that was a mega, mega happening for maine due to the fact that I for truthful long...I americium surrounded by gays, similar each my friends are gay, truthful it wasn't that I was repressing anything, it was conscionable that I didn't deliberation that I could be.

'I inactive can't articulate it successful the champion way.'

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