The 10 worst movie sequels of all time REVEALED - as ranked by IMDb reviews

2 months ago 28

Movie watchers person spoken and ranked the worst sequels of each clip - with immoderate astonishing results fixed the container bureau success. 

Digg precocious pulled March 2024 statistic from astir the worst movie sequels of each clip based connected IMDb reviews.

According to, the database comes from much than 100,000 reviews connected IMDb that incorporate keywords like ‘disappointing,’ ‘boring’ and ‘trash.’

All 20 films connected the database made much than $1 cardinal astatine the container office, 10 of the movies person received astatine slightest 90 percent affirmative reviews connected Rotten Tomatoes and much than 2 of them received aggregate Academy Award nominations.

Although the critics and moviegoers person made up their minds, the IMDb users person too, and their selections of the worst sequels whitethorn beryllium surprising. 

1. Transformers: Age of Extinction

Transformers: Age of Extinction is the 4th Transformers movie and the archetypal 1 not to person Shia LaBeouf play the antheral lead.

Mark Wahlberg took implicit the starring relation successful a movie that managed to marque much than $1 cardinal astatine the container office. Wahlberg and the container bureau occurrence wasn't capable to marque the movie palmy successful the eyes of IMDb reviewers. 

Not lone did it person a 55 percent standing of negative-worded IMDb reviews, but it besides received antagonistic reviews from critics.

The 4 Transformers movies that were released aft the No. 1 worst movie sequel received mixed reviews and nary of them were adjacent to making $1 cardinal astatine the container office. 

2. Star Wars Ep. VIII: The Last Jedi

The 2017 Star Wars movie was not adjacent adjacent to being a container bureau nonaccomplishment and it was rated 91 percent connected Rotten Tomatoes.

Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver whitethorn person shined successful the eyes of critics, but not to the reviewers connected IMDb.

In total, the Stars Wars movie received 45 percent of antagonistic worded reviews from much than 6,800 comments connected IMDb.

3. Skyfall

The 2012 action/thriller starring Daniel Craig arsenic James Bond received 92 percent connected Rotten Tomatoes and much than $1.1 cardinal astatine the container office.

It besides received 5 Academy Award nominations, winning 2 of them. Craig was praised for his portrayal from fans, conscionable not the ones from IMDb.

According to the 2024 data, the movie received a 36 percent standing of comments with antagonistic words.

It whitethorn beryllium ranked astatine fig 3, but Skyfall was beauteous adjacent to being successful the 4th spot of the list. 

4. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Transformers: Dark of the Moon lone has 35 percent connected Rotten Tomatoes contempt making much than $1.124 cardinal astatine the container office.

It was the last Transformers movie to prima Shia LaBeouf and the archetypal movie without the archetypal pistillate lead, Megan Fox.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was seemingly up to the task to prima alongside LaBeouf. 

Other co-stars see Josh Duhamel, John Turturro, and Tyrese Gibson.

The star-studded formed wasn't capable to marque person it beryllium ranked higher than fig 4 and it presently has 34 percent of negative-worded reviews connected IMDb.

5. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

The 2018 sequel Jurassic World, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, was afloat of enactment and finished its container bureau tally astatine a whopping $1.310 billion.

The movie whitethorn person been a container bureau success, but it wasn't the champion for IMDb reviewers.

According to the data, 32 percent of reviews see antagonistic words retired of astir 2,000 reviews the movie has gotten connected IMDb.

It wasn't a fig 1 deed successful the eyes of critics either and the movie lone received mixed reviews and a 47 percent standing connected Rotten Tomatoes. 

6. Jurassic World

The movie earlier Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom received affirmative reviews from critics. The 2015 movie made $1.671 cardinal astatine the container bureau and was acceptable 22 years aft the events of the blockbuster Jurassic Park.

Jurassic World tied with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom successful the percent of reviews with antagonistic words - 32 percent.

However, Jurassic World lone person astir 1,700 IMDb reviews, which is the apt crushed wherefore this movie is ranked astatine No. 6. 

7. Avatar: The Way of Water

The sequel to the 2009 blockbuster that was much than 10 years into the making went connected to go the 3rd highest-grossing films of each time.

It was besides nominated for 4 Academy Awards and won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects.

It notably received a little Rotten Tomato standing than the archetypal movie and it earned little astatine the container bureau than the archetypal movie. 

It inactive managed to person much than 3,300 reviews connected IMDb. Out of those reviews, 31 percent of them see a antagonistic word. 

8. Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens

The Star Wars movie earlier The Last Jedi included much than 1 of the archetypal actors, including Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill.

It was a container bureau smash successful 2015 and racked successful much than $2 billion.

That and a 93 percent standing connected Rotten Tomatoes weren't bully capable successful the eyes of IMDb reviewers.

Out of astir 5,000 comments connected the websites, the movie received a 30 percent standing connected negative-worded comments.

9. Iron Man 3

The Iron Man trilogy whitethorn beryllium considered a classical successful portion to the stellar show fixed by Academy Award victor Robert Downey Jr.

It received 79 percent connected Rotten Tomatoes and grossed much than $1.2 cardinal retired of a $200 cardinal budget.

It besides received much than 1,400 comments, 26 percent of them featuring antagonistic words.

This ranking intelligibly didn't harm Tony Stark successful immoderate mode arsenic his quality proceed to beryllium featured successful respective container bureau films. 

10. The Fate of the Furious 

The archetypal movie without Paul Walker was a memorable 1 for the container bureau since it made much than $1.2 billion.

However, it didn't marque the chopped erstwhile it came to staying retired of the apical 10 worst movie sequels of each time.

According to the data, similar Iron Man 3, The Fate of the Furious received a 26 percent standing connected negative-worded reviews.

The information indicates that the movie has little than 700 reviews, which is 1 of the lowest numbers connected the full list.

Top 20 Shockers

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King took location 11 Academy Awards successful 2004, including Best Director and Best Picture. The Oscar wins were not capable for the box-office deed to miss retired connected antagonistic IMDb reviews.

The caller statistic amusement that 8 percent of the 4,236 reviews incorporate antagonistic wording.

It's antagonistic worded reviews with those of Top Gun: Maverick - the highly anticipated 2022 movie that became the highest grossing movie of Tom Cruise's career.

The movie holds a 96 percent Rotten Tomato rating, which is the aforesaid standing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 received.

The phantasy movie lone has 1,119 IMDb reviews but 9 percent of them person antagonistic wording.

Other films that are connected the negative-worded remark broadside see Avengers: Infinity War, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Avengers: Endgame.

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