Steve-O lists his Hollywood mansion as he prepares to flee California for red state where he'll pay lower taxes

1 month ago 12

A erstwhile MTV prima has said farewell to the Golden State and hullo to a fashionable metropolis with little taxes.

Steve-O, who was calved Stephen Glover, listed his three-bedroom, three-bathroom Hollywood Hills location and has already moved into a ranch successful the Southeast.

'I got this ranch successful Tennessee, which I emotion truthful much. I conscionable had to accidental Hollywood, it's been cool, but I'm out,' helium said successful a YouTube video that helium posted connected May 2. 

Steve-O appeared to beryllium surviving the imagination successful Tennessee and helium hinted that 1 of the biggest reasons for the determination is to halt paying California taxes.  

Listing cause Cesar Melendrez from Jason Mitchell Real Estate is successful complaint of selling the 2,398-square-foot property that's listed for $1.799 million.

A Hollywood Hills location that was the location of erstwhile MTV prima Steve-O is presently connected the market. Cesar Melendrez is the listing cause for the 2,398-square-foot home, which is presently for merchantability astatine $1.799 million

Steve-O archetypal announced that the location would beryllium going up for merchantability during a location circuit video helium posted connected April 4. His erstwhile three-bedroom, three-bathroom location included a skate ramp and goat barn. However, earlier it was enactment connected the market, astir each country successful the location got a makeover, including the backyard 

Steve-O archetypal announced that helium planned to merchantability the spot successful the statement of his California house video tour connected YouTube.

'I worked connected this video for years, and lone stopped due to the fact that I decided to merchantability the house,' helium wrote.

He showed disconnected his unfastened level program connected the archetypal level with a chef's room and surviving room.

He besides displayed his erstwhile crippled room, which helium said was 'reimagined masterfully' to usage arsenic an other retention space.

Deer people wallpaper covered the walls adjacent the stairway that led up to Steve-O's chamber with a comfy furniture and a massage chair. 

He adjacent gave viewers a highest into a remodeled accumulation country with amusive pictures and unsocial curtains.

Steve-O concluded his circuit by showing disconnected his tiny skate ramp that helium and his friends utilized successful aggregate YouTube videos he's posted implicit the years. 

Now that the location is up for sale, it's been turned upside-down into a spot that viewers whitethorn not beryllium capable to recognize.

Steve-O pointed retired that the California spot is located close adjacent the Hollywood sign. According to the spot description, the location is 'atop a backstage hillside' and it's conscionable minutes distant from the Hollywood Reservoir and the Sunset Strip

The extracurricular of the location was featured successful some of Steve-O's videos. Hardly immoderate changes were made to the beforehand of the location and its obstruction that partially blocks disconnected the spot was unchanged during the renovations

The unfastened level program that was noticeable successful Steve-O's video connected the little level inactive exists wrong the remodeled house. However, each of the walls person been painted. The woody beams connected the surviving country ceiling were painted achromatic to lucifer the fireplace that had erstwhile been covered with a airy bluish fabric. The rustic woody floors and the placement of windows stayed the same, which gives the country large earthy light

The modern furnishings and caller fireplace colour were the last touches made to the surviving country earlier it was enactment connected the market. However, Steve-O decided to bent up customized artwork successful the country successful bid to adhd a spot of his property into the surviving room

The chef's room includes achromatic marble countertops that lucifer the drawers built successful adjacent to the stainless alloy oven. The island, cabinets and lights were already successful the location anterior to it being enactment connected the market. However, similar the surviving room, the woody beams that were hardly noticeable successful the room person been painted black

'It's conscionable astir unrecognizable... Everything's painted, they cleaned retired my goat barn, the ramp's gone, and it volition beryllium listed wrong the adjacent week,' helium confirmed.

However, the prankster decided to support the cervid people wallpaper astatine the stairwell.

Steve-O was bittersweet astir the determination and told the cameraman that it was 'bittersweet' close earlier helium left.

He and his fiancée, Lux Wright, had their belongings placed into moving trucks, and contempt the partial conflict to get their goats together, the brace near California.

'It’s been an grant to spot Steve-O’s maturation arsenic a person, this determination represents him starting a caller beingness with his fiancé and his passionateness for creating an carnal sanctuary,' Melendrez told TMZ.

Steve-O's caller Nashville location has much abstraction that's acceptable for an outdoorsman and carnal lover.

The bedrooms successful Steve-O's aged California spot were wholly redone and see caller achromatic furnishings and bedding with hints of colour that bring retired the ambiance of the room. The model adjacent to 1 of the beds provides astonishing earthy light

The all-new maestro suite is antithetic from Steve-O's aged chamber that consisted of a bed, acheronian colors and a massage chair. This suite present features airy colors and modern furnishings with a clearer presumption from the backstage balcony. If 1 looks adjacent enough, they tin spot immoderate of the different houses adjacent the Hollywood motion from the balcony

The maestro bath includes a agelong and constrictive bath including luxurious bathtub

The store is spacious and volition get the occupation done for anyone who needs to parkland their cars oregon store immoderate indispensable items similar tools, toys oregon successful Steve-O's case, accessories for his goat barn that was erstwhile connected the property

What was erstwhile an country for a skate ramp became an outdoor oasis for anyone that is looking to entertain guests portion watching a sunset

The structure looks up to the backstage balconies, including that of the maestro suite

Steve-O had a large grin connected his look astir the full clip helium showed disconnected his caller Tennessee retreat.

'Everything is an upgrade. Our goats person a marque caller barn, a dope caller pen, and we decided to fto them retired of the pen and conscionable bent retired connected the property,' helium said.

Other than their 4 goats, Steve-O and Lux ain 2 pigs, 2 dogs and 4 cats.

Their carnal caretaker, Daniel, besides moved with couple, who according to Steve-O, 'gets things done quickly.'

'I emotion our beingness connected the ranch truthful overmuch that I ne'er privation to leave,' helium added.

The entertainer and Lux decided to observe their determination with an updated bedroom, which includes a caller mattress and furniture set.

However, helium did bring each the furnishings and decor from the California chamber to Tennessee and placed it into the couple's impermanent bedroom.

'The lone happening astir the extremist ranch which has not been upgraded is our video accumulation room,' said Steve-O.

'Now, we transportation each of footage to our apical concealed caller determination successful California.'  

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