OJ Simpson's brain will not be donated for CTE research, family spokesperson says - with killer set to be cremated in Las Vegas Tuesday

2 months ago 19

OJ Simpson's encephalon volition not beryllium donated for CTE research, a household spokesperson has revealed. 

The assemblage of the slayer and erstwhile NFL subordinate - who died aged 76 on Wednesday - is present acceptable to beryllium cremated in Las Vegas on Tuesday, a representative for his property told The New York Post.   

There person been repeated requests by scientists for ex-running back Simpson's encephalon to beryllium donated for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) research, but the household person reportedly refused with a 'hard no'.  

Malcolm LaVergne, Simpson's long-standing lawyer and executor, confirmed that each indispensable paperwork for Simpson's cremation has been completed.  

Despite repeated requests from scientists, determination are nary intentions to donate Simpson's encephalon for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) research

The assemblage of the slayer and erstwhile NFL subordinate - who died Wednesday astatine the property of 76 - is present acceptable to beryllium cremated successful Las Vegas connected Tuesday, according to a typical for his estate

CTE - chronic traumatic encephalopathy - tin lone beryllium diagnosed aft death, but arsenic the illness has gained notoriety, galore shot players person agreed to posthumously donate their brains for research. 

One of the main symptoms of CTE is assertive behavior. Other symptoms see representation loss, depression, anxiousness and impaired judgement. 

Simpson played 11 NFL seasons, 9 of them with the Buffalo Bills, wherever helium became known arsenic 'The Juice' and ran down an violative enactment known arsenic 'The Electric Company.'

He won 4 NFL rushing titles, rushed for 11,236 yards successful his career, scored 76 touchdowns and played successful 5 Pro Bowls. His champion play was 1973, erstwhile helium ran for 2,003 yards - the archetypal moving backmost to interruption the 2,000-yard rushing mark.

The household announced connected his authoritative X relationship that the erstwhile shot prima and Hollywood histrion whose execution proceedings for the sidesplitting of his ex-wife became a nationalist sensation, died Wednesday aft being diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

Social media users aboriginal called for OJ Simpson's encephalon to beryllium tested for CTE - the degenerative encephalon illness that has been recovered successful galore deceased erstwhile shot players. 

But present it volition ne'er beryllium known if his rampaging shot vocation whitethorn person impacted his brain. 

In the aftermath of Simpson's death, 1 societal media idiosyncratic wrote: 'In each seriousness I truly anticipation OJ Simpson's household has his encephalon checked for signs of CTE, retired of respect for the Brown and Goldman families, adjacent for his ain kids'.

Another commented: 'I anticipation OJ Simpson gave consent to let his encephalon to beryllium studied to spot if helium had CTE. My condolences to his children.'

'From the infinitesimal I started studying CTE, I've hypothesized that OJ Simpson showed each the classical hallmarks of the illness and that Nicole and Ronald Goldman whitethorn person been among its horrific toll,' added another. 'I anticipation his encephalon is examined and we larn more.'

Another idiosyncratic wrote: 'I anticipation they survey OJ Simpson's encephalon to spot if helium suffered from CTE and if it impacted his convulsive behavior. What the NFL does to players is truthful wrong, and their families often endure the consequences.'

Social media users person called for OJ Simpson's encephalon to beryllium tested for CTE aft his death

In 2018, months aft his merchandise from prison, Simpson admitted helium was 'concerned' that helium whitethorn person had CTE. 

'I get concerned,' Simpson had told The Buffalo News successful Las Vegas.

'I bash admit that it astir apt affects you successful short-term representation much than long-term. I cognize with me, I person days I can't find words. I virtually cannot find words oregon the sanction of idiosyncratic I know.'

'That gets a small scary. Those days hap erstwhile I'm tired.

'I consciousness each right. But I person days erstwhile I can't ... I suffer words, and I can't travel up with a elemental word. I can't retrieve a telephone number, truthful hide that.'

CTE - chronic traumatic encephalopathy - tin lone beryllium diagnosed aft death, but arsenic the illness has gained notoriety, galore shot players person agreed to posthumously donate their brains for research. One of the main symptoms of CTE is assertive behavior

Simpson's shot bequest was everlastingly changed by the June 1994 slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Goldman successful Los Angeles.

Live TV sum of his apprehension aft a celebrated slow-speed pursuit marked a shocking autumn from grace.

The assemblage recovered him not blameworthy of execution successful 1995, but a abstracted civilian proceedings assemblage recovered him liable successful 1997 for the deaths and ordered him to wage $33.5million to household members of Brown and Goldman.

A decennary later, Simpson led 5 men helium hardly knew into a confrontation with 2 sports memorabilia dealers successful a cramped Las Vegas edifice room. Two men with Simpson had guns. 

A assemblage convicted Simpson of equipped robbery and different felonies.

Imprisoned astatine property 61, helium served 9 years successful a distant bluish Nevada prison, including a stint arsenic a gym janitor. 

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