Lizzo is left stunned by new South Park obesity episode that mocks her weight

1 month ago 13

Lizzo has shared her thoughts connected a caller South Park occurrence that pokes amusive astatine her weight.

The vocalist took to societal media to respond to 'The End of Obesity' nine months aft she faced allegations of weight-shaming by her backup dancers, which she inactive denies.

The occurrence centers astir famously portly Eric Cartman's quest to get Ozempic to suffer immoderate weight, and obstacles created by a deficiency of funds and insurance. 

In response, a doc tells him, 'I'm going to constitute you a medicine for Lizzo. She's a truly bully vocalist who talks astir assemblage positivity, and conscionable being blessed with the mode you look. I privation you to perceive to Lizzo 5 times a day, and ticker her videos conscionable earlier bedtime. 

'I'm acrophobic you'll person to beryllium connected Lizzo for the remainder of your life,' helium adds, breaking the quality arsenic if it were thing fatal.

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The vocalist took to societal media to respond to 'The End of Obesity' Saturday - nine months aft she faced allegations of weight-shaming by her backup dancers. The episode, which aired connected Paramount+ Friday, pokes amusive astatine her value and the civilization surrounding assemblage positivity

The 36-year-old, successful turn, called the occurrence 'crazy', realizing its creators were satirically framing her arsenic an alternate to the progressively fashionable value nonaccomplishment drug

The occurrence goes connected to connection a phony disclaimer from the FDA, stating 'Lizzo helps you devour everything you want, and support carnal enactment to a minimum…. Serious broadside effects whitethorn see pancreatitis, hypothermia, and virtually s****ing retired of your ears.'    

'Stop listening to Lizzo if you acquisition suicidal thoughts,' a disembodied dependable framed arsenic being from the bureau goes connected to add.

Lizzo, unsurprisingly, reacted, aft uncovering notoriety for  themes of assemblage positivity recovered successful some her songs and societal media.

The 36-year-old successful crook called the occurrence 'crazy', realizing creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were satirically framing her as the alternate to Ozempic. 

Ozempic is simply a cause for diabetes that has go progressively fashionable for weight-loss purposes successful caller months - a improvement Lizzo Saturday appeared to instrumentality nary contented being compared to.

In fact, she relished successful it, reacting to a country shilling the make-believe attraction bearing her name.

'I truly showed the satellite however to emotion yourself and not springiness a f**k to the constituent wherever these men successful Colorado cognize who the f**k I americium and enactment it successful their cartoon that's been astir for 25 years,' she said successful a clip posted to her TikTok.

'I showed you each however to not springiness a f**k and I'm going to support connected showing you however to not springiness a f**k.'

The occurrence centers astir famously portly Eric Cartman's quest to get Ozempic to suffer immoderate weight, and obstacles created by a deficiency of funds and insurance

In response, a doc tells him, 'I'm going to constitute you a medicine for Lizzo' - a made-up cause that marque users good with their weight

The occurrence goes connected to connection a phony disclaimer from the FDA, stating 'Lizzo helps you devour everything you want, and support carnal enactment to a minimum…. Serious broadside effects whitethorn see pancreatitis, hypothermia, and virtually s****ing retired of your ears'

Lizzo, unsurprisingly, reacted, aft uncovering notoriety for themes of assemblage positivity recovered successful some her songs and societal media. The 36-year-old successful crook called the occurrence 'crazy', realizing creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were satirically framing her arsenic a value nonaccomplishment method

'I truly showed the satellite however to emotion yourself and not springiness a f**k to the constituent wherever these men successful Colorado cognize who the f**k I americium and enactment it successful their cartoon that's been astir for 25 years,' she said connected TikTok. 'I showed you each however to not springiness a f**k, and I'm going to support connected showing you however to not springiness a f**k'

Aside from that, the infinitesimal and a fractional snippet appeared to permission the vocalist speechless, with her rima near agape arsenic showrunners Matt Stone and Trey Parker attempted to teardrop her a caller one.

The brace person famously skewered hundreds of celebrities ranging from the UK's royal household to Barbra Streisand, making a big of enemies implicit the years successful the process.

Lizzo, though, did not look truthful vexed - adjacent arsenic the voices of Parker and Stone issues a series of quips successful the background.

'I'm telling you, Shelia - these caller drugs are beauteous amazing,' says 1 of the starring boys' mothers astatine the commencement of the pseudo commercial, arsenic Lizzo listens in.

'I was feeling truthful ashamed of myself, watching Randy [her husband] spell retired and workout each the clip and not eating arsenic overmuch - but I conscionable don't person the aforesaid benignant of willpower helium has.'

When asked what benignant of drugs she was on, ma Sharon Marsh says  it's not the costly Ozempic, but the much affordable 'Lizzo.' 

'My doc said they would lone wage for [Ozempic and different value nonaccomplishment drugs] if I had diabetes,' the quality says astatine a point.

Ozempic is simply a cause for diabetes that has go progressively fashionable for weight-loss purposes successful caller months - a improvement Lizzo Saturday appeared to instrumentality nary contented being compared to

'But if you can't spend them, however are you managing your weight,' chap quality Shelia Brovloski asks.

'Didn't you know, Shelia? Now there's a full caller obesity cause for those of america who can't spend Ozempic. I controlled each my cravings to beryllium thinner with Lizzo!' the different ma answers - earlier Stone and Parker instrumentality implicit with a diagnostic jingle for a make-believe cause that makes the idiosyncratic not attraction however dense they are.

'FDA-approved Lizzo makes you consciousness nutrient astir your weight,' an informercial-esque dependable asserts arsenic Sharon holds a conduit of topical medicine marked 'Lizzo.'

The mom, successful turn, adds: 'I've lowered my standards, an expectations!'

Eventually, instrumentality favourite Cartman - whose drama comes from his size - goes to the doctor's bureau successful hopes of scoring Ozempic amid the weight-loss craze, but hits a snag arsenic his aesculapian security doesn't screen the cause made for diabetes patients.

The doc feels atrocious for Eric and tells him he's going to pen him a medicine for Lizzo, which seemingly lone provides users with a mindset that sees it arsenic acceptable arsenic being overweight.

Eventually, instrumentality favourite Cartman - whose drama comes from his size - goes to the doctor's bureau successful hopes of scoring Ozempic amid the weight-loss craze, but hits a snag arsenic his aesculapian security doesn't screen the cause made for diabetes patients 

The doc feels atrocious for Eric and tells him he's going to pen him a medicine for Lizzo, which seemingly lone provides users with a mindset that sees it arsenic acceptable arsenic being overweight

Later successful the occurrence Cartman declares: 'Rich radical get Ozempic, mediocre radical get assemblage positivity' - poking amusive astatine celebs specified arsenic Elon Musk and Chelsea Handler who person owned up to taking the costly cause intended for diabetics.

The peculiar South Park: The End Of Obesity is present up for streaming connected Paramount+.

 Last July, dancers Arianna Davis, Noelle Rodriguez, Crystal Williams filed a suit against Lizzo, alleging she had value shamed them successful an interrogation NBC News.

It accused the vocalist of intersexual harassment and creating a hostile enactment situation - 1 rife with value shaming, unsanctioned firings, and discriminations implicit a expected wellness condition. 

Each accused the vocalist of pressuring 1 of them to interaction a nude performer successful a portion club, a assertion that Lizzo, similar the others, denies.

She issued a connection insisting she was 'not the villain' successful the case, which was enactment connected clasp past March portion Lizzo challenges a January ruling that rejected her effort to disregard the suit nether a statute that makes it easier to rapidly extremity meritless lawsuits that endanger escaped speech.    

After the vocalist broke her soundlessness connected the suit - which is acceptable to resume successful a substance of months - the accusers expressed outrage implicit what they called a 'disheartening' effect from the singer. 

Williams told Channel 4: 'Initially for maine it conscionable further deepened my disappointment successful regards to however I was feeling and however I was treated.' 

Last July, dancers Arianna Davis, Noelle Rodriguez, Crystal Williams filed a suit against Lizzo, alleging she had value shamed them successful an interrogation NBC News. It accused the vocalist of intersexual harassment and creating a hostile enactment environment. As of writing, it remains ongoing

'I deliberation the wide taxable successful each this is that our experiences were our experiences and our traumas were our traumas. In bringing that forward, it feels similar it was disregarded completely. It feels similar we were made retired to beryllium putting retired mendacious allegations erstwhile that's not the case.'

'So yes, it was precise disheartening to work and consciousness overlooked particularly erstwhile she stands for what she stands for successful regards to women's empowerment - being an advocator for intelligence wellness – being an advocator for assemblage positivity – and to conscionable further beryllium that that's not the case, due to the fact that thing was acknowledged successful that statement.'

Rodriguez agreed, adding: 'It's shocking to work a connection similar that. In her words and the mode she's saying this, it's invalidating not lone our acquisition that she was determination first-hand to witnesser […] but besides different women who person antecedently worked with her that person travel guardant successful airy of this.

'She mentioned thing successful this connection [around] protecting women – wherever was that aforesaid sentiment erstwhile I stated to her and wanted to speech retired things and saying 'I'm resigning due to the fact that I consciousness unsafe, I consciousness unheard, I'm disrespected'?'

Davis said: 'A idiosyncratic tin bash bully things, precise bully things and those don't spell away. The goodness you enactment retired into the satellite – it stays there. 

'But 2 things tin beryllium existent astatine the aforesaid time. Someone that does bully things tin besides bash tin bash atrocious things and the sentiment applies […] People person been affected, it's not conscionable america […] The consistency of wrongdoing is precise telling.

'I look up to the information she was utilizing her level to code issues that different artists weren't doing but knowing her now, it was performative.'

The dancers are seeking damages for affectional distress, unpaid wages, nonaccomplishment of net and lawyer's fees for the allegations, including sexual, spiritual and radical harassment, disablement favoritism and mendacious imprisonment. 

The magnitude they are seeking has yet to beryllium made public.

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