How Diddy made himself the 'victim' in apology video where he does not mention ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura after shocking images of him attacking her emerged

1 month ago 11

Sean 'Diddy' Combs made himself dependable similar a unfortunate successful the Instagram apology video helium posted successful the aftermath of CNN's airing of a clip showing him psychically abusing his erstwhile girlfriend, a assemblage connection adept contends. 

The video was aired by Friday six months aft vocalist Cassie filed a suit that acceptable disconnected a question of akin cases and nationalist allegations against 1 of the astir influential euphony moguls of the past 3 decades. The lawsuit was settled retired of court. 

Following that incident, Diddy said that helium sought therapy and asked God for forgiveness. During his video, which was posted connected Sunday, the Bad Boy laminitis ne'er mentions Cassie by sanction oregon immoderate of the different women who are alleging abuse.

Now assemblage connection expert Judi James told the Daily Mirror that Diddy framed himself arsenic a unfortunate successful the video. 

When Diddy said: 'It's hard to bespeak connected the darkest times successful your life,' James said that helium was implying 'that his behaviour was the benignant of happening we've each been blameworthy of astatine immoderate constituent successful our lives.' 

A assemblage connection adept claims that Diddy made himself dependable a similar a unfortunate successful his apology video that was uploaded aft CNN aired its exclusive 

Diddy regularly utilized 'you' alternatively than 'I' successful bid to connote 'that his behaviour was the benignant of happening we've each been blameworthy of astatine immoderate constituent successful our lives'

Diddy aboriginal states: 'I was astatine stone bottom,' James says this was an 'attempt to vie for sympathy.' As was his statement: 'I had to spell therapy.' 

Diddy said both: 'I'm truthful sorry' and 'I'm genuinely sorry.' James noted: 'It's hard to conjecture who helium is apologizing to and for what. Is it his fans? Because determination is nary notation of his ex-girlfriend here.' 

James besides pointed retired that Diddy's close feature winced, a 'micro gesture,' erstwhile helium called his actions 'inexcusable.'  

Dr. Lillian Glass who has served arsenic an adept witnesser successful some and State Court cases and is qualified successful the country of Vocal and Behavioral Analysis told MailOnline that Diddy is being truthful erstwhile helium says that helium isn't asking for forgiveness. 

'At the extremity of the statement, helium says, "I americium not asking for forgiveness." He is showing his existent aforesaid present due to the fact that it is true. He isn’t asking for forgiveness, and helium ne'er says atrocious erstwhile to this mediocre pistillate helium abused,' Glass said. 

'He says atrocious to the nationalist but helium is not sorry. He is simply a liar and determination are countless examples passim this video that amusement that. There was nary genuine emotion. He was precise monotone. Moonfaced - helium had conscionable 1 expression. He showed nary remorse whatsoever.'

'When idiosyncratic is remorseful determination is simply a batch much inflection that goes into the voice. It is much up and down. There was nary of that successful his alleged apology. He looks distant truthful galore times passim this statement.'

'In presumption of the existent physiology of the quality body, your assemblage does not lie. The limbic strategy is heavy successful your encephalon and that controls your emotions. It cannot lie. He keeps shaking his caput nary and helium looks up arsenic helium is trying to manufacture what helium is trying to say.' 

'He looks down, up, to the broadside and everyplace but straight successful the camera. This is showing a implicit dissociation. There is thing precise disturbing astir this antheral and precise sinister. You are seeing the pathology of this man.'

Sean Combs and Cassie Ventura be the premiere of 'The Perfect Match'  successful Hollywood, California. Two days earlier Combs assaulted Ventura successful a edifice hallway

Those views were shared by lawyer Meredith Firetog, an lawyer specializing in on sex favoritism and harassment with Wigdor LLP.

Firetog told The Wrap: 'Combs' astir caller connection is much astir himself than the galore radical helium has hurt.'

'When Cassie and aggregate different women came forward, helium denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday,' the lawyer said. 

'That helium was lone compelled to 'apologize' erstwhile his repeated denials were proven mendacious shows his pathetic desperation, and nary 1 volition beryllium swayed by his disingenuous words.'

The CNN   video intimately mirrors an battle described successful vocalist Cassie's lawsuit, which said Combs had already punched her that night, and she was trying to permission the InterContinental Hotel successful Los Angeles erstwhile helium woke and came aft her. 

 In the footage, a antheral who appears to beryllium Diddy, wearing lone a towel, punches Ventura, kicks her, and throws her connected to the floor. 

The suit alleges Combs paid $50,000 to instrumentality distant the video astatine the time. Combs' representatives had nary contiguous comment.

The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office said it hadn't been presented with a lawsuit successful the onslaught depicted successful the video. 

And that adjacent if instrumentality enforcement presented a lawsuit to prosecutors, the statute of limitations would apply, preventing them from charging Combs, the bureau said successful a connection posted connected societal media.

Just a week ago, Combs' lawyers asked federal justice to disregard the Dec. 6 suit that alleged helium and 2 co-defendants raped a 17-year-old miss from Michigan successful a New York signaling studio. 

Again, the objections are procedural — alleging the suit was filed excessively precocious nether the instrumentality — but the tribunal papers calls its claims 'false and hideous.'

After Cassie's suit was settled, several much lawsuits were filed successful the pursuing months, on with a national transgression sex-trafficking probe that led authorities to raid Combs' mansions successful Los Angeles and Miami. 

In December, Combs posted a connection connected Instagram broadly denying the information of each of them.

'Let maine perfectly clear. I did not bash immoderate of the atrocious things being alleged,' that station said.

The information camera video, dated March 5, 2016, intimately resembles the statement of an incidental astatine an InterContinental Hotel successful the Century City country of Los Angeles described successful Ventura' lawsuit. 

The suit alleges that Combs paid the edifice $50,000 for the information video instantly aft the incident. Neither helium oregon his representatives person addressed that circumstantial allegation. CNN did not accidental however it obtained the footage.

The suit said Ventura had been trying to get distant from a sleeping Combs, who had already punched her successful the look earlier the video began.

Combs is not successful information of being criminally prosecuted for the beating. The statutes of limitations for the battle and artillery charges helium would beryllium apt to look expired years ago.

The aforesaid is existent of galore of the allegations successful the lawsuits, but the national investigators pursuing Combs are apt looking for imaginable crimes they tin bring nether the law.

Ventura signed to Diddy’s statement successful 2005. The 2 had an on-again-off-again romanticist narration for much than a decennary starting successful 2007.

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