EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Location, Location, Location star Kirstie Allsopp's father faces High Court battle over £320K unpaid medical bill

5 months ago 37

His has been a wonderful, often charmed and fascinating beingness during which he's befriended everyone from Sir Mick Jagger and David Hockney to the precocious creator of Dame Edna Everage, Barry Humphries

At the aforesaid time, helium earned a estimation arsenic the antheral with the aureate gavel, achieving record-breaking prices arsenic an auctioneer – successful which relation helium orchestrated the sale, for charity, of 79 of Princess Diana's dresses which went for $3.25million (£2.6million) successful New York, hardly 2 months earlier her death.

But the New Year has dawned successful grim mode for Lord Hindlip, 83, wide acclaimed for the verve and poise helium displayed during his clip arsenic president of Christie's but who, successful caller years, has arguably go amended known arsenic begetter of vivacious Location, Location, Location presenter Kirstie Allsopp. He is, I tin reveal, being sued for much than £321,000 successful an enactment destined for the High Court.

According to ineligible documents, this unhappy authorities of affairs follows 'inpatient and outpatient services' that the Old Etonian adjacent received from a backstage healthcare company, HCA International Ltd.

Understandably, the documents refrain from going into immoderate item astir what benignant of attraction Lord Hindlip received but allege that his declaration with HCA made him 'liable for...any charges not settled by an insurer'.

Kirstie Allsopp (pictured) astatine the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland VIP opening launch

Lord and Lady Hindlip (pictured) at Peacock House, Addison Road successful 2005

Following the treatment, the healthcare institution 'duly issued invoices' to Hindlip's insurer – lone to beryllium told by the insurer that the invoices 'were not covered' by Hindlip's policy.

At that stage, HCA claimed that the magnitude owed was conscionable implicit £290,000. According to ineligible documents, requests for outgo were sent to Hindlip who 'failed oregon refused to pay'.

Since then, involvement has been accruing astatine a complaint of £63.64-a-day – and volition proceed to bash truthful 'until [court] judgement oregon earlier payment' – with the effect that a further £30,739 has been added to the sum being claimed.

HCA declines to adhd to what appears successful its ineligible claim, portion Lord Hindlip could not beryllium reached for comment. Last summertime I disclosed that helium had enactment his magnificent location successful Dorset connected the marketplace for £6.5million. His precocious wife, Fiona, who died successful 2014 aft a protracted conflict with bosom cancer, helped him make it – and near instructions that she was to beryllium buried successful its garden.

Erotic creator is caller pal for Sam Cam's brother 

Just weeks aft I disclosed that Samantha Cameron's brother, Robert Sheffield, had divided up with the parent of his young child, helium is already enjoying a blossoming caller friendship.

I perceive that the baronet's lad and heir is going retired with an artist, Athena Lemanska, who paints precise racy pictures.

I perceive that the baronet's lad and heir is going retired with an artist, Athena Lemanska, who paints precise racy pictures

Just weeks aft I disclosed that Samantha Cameron's brother, Robert Sheffield (left), had divided up with the parent (right, Ellen Gibbon) of his young child, helium is already enjoying a blossoming caller friendship

So good is the caller narration going that Sheffield, 39, is said to person flown to Los Angeles to beryllium with Lemanska, who specialises successful sexually explicit paintings of women. An accumulation of her works past twelvemonth was entitled 'Hagiographies Of Whoredom'.

Sheffield declines to comment, but a person tells me: 'They are a couple.'

I reported past November that Old Harrovian Sheffield, a playful quality who erstwhile declared that 'it is wholly OK for a antheral to deterioration eyeliner astatine dinner', had divided from Gucci exemplary and histrion Ellen Francis Gibbons, 31.

Their girl turned 3 past month.

Ellen moved retired of Sutton Park, his household spot successful North Yorkshire – the puerility location of Sam Cam. He took implicit the moving of the Georgian spot successful 2019.

Poignantly, perhaps, Ellen shared a station online with the words: 'Time healing each wounds has thing connected a pistillate person radical aft a mid antheral mistreats you.'

Bond miss Gemma connected velocity rap 

She's moved astatine gait ever since starring other Daniel Craig arsenic Bond miss Strawberry Fields successful Quantum of Solace. But Gemma Arterton is present successful information of being confined to the dilatory lane.

She has, I tin disclose, conscionable been fined by Brighton magistrates aft a velocity camera snared her Toyota exceeding 30mph connected the A270, a roadworthy which alternates betwixt dual and azygous carriageway.

Gemma Arterton has been fined by Brighton magistrates aft a velocity camera snared her Toyota exceeding 30mph connected the A270

Arterton, 37, who lives successful a £1.8 cardinal farmhouse 20 miles from Brighton with her Irish histrion hubby Rory Keenan and their one-year-old son, should beryllium capable to header with the good — typically astir £100.

A survey this week, which suggested that astir 1 successful 10 Britons lavation their bath towels lone doubly a year, volition person horrified Strictly caput judge, Shirley Ballas. The ballroom dancer, 63, declares: 'I bash my sheets doubly a week. I don't similar to deliberation dormant tegument cells are going connected the sheets.' She adds: 'I stayed with idiosyncratic successful Dallas, pulled backmost the sheets of the bed, and determination were canine hairs successful the bed. So I slept connected the level connected my coat.' 

Socialite Lady Lola is playing with fire

When it comes to fashion, Lady Lola Crichton-Stuart intelligibly has it successful the bag.

The socialite, 24, whose begetter was the 7th Marquess of Bute, amended known arsenic centrifugal racing operator Johnny Dumfries, shared this photograph online of her tucked up wrong a immense Alaia Paris brownish carrier.

She was wearing a blue, shaggy, faux fur overgarment portion lighting up a cigarette.

Lady Lola, who is going retired with Dutch exemplary Parker van Noord, jokes: 'Precious cargo, successful the bag.'

Do I observe a smidgen of vocation envy betwixt Grantchester co-stars Robson Green and Tom Brittney, who plays the hunky vicar successful ITV's play constabulary drama?

Says grizzled Green, 59, of Brittney, 33, who is leaving the amusement this bid and moving connected a Hollywood movie called Back In Action: 'We emotion each other; we enactment successful interaction each the time. When I was filming my sportfishing show, helium texts me, 'How's it going?' and sends maine a representation of himself adjacent to Cameron Diaz. And each I tin nonstop is simply a representation of maine adjacent to a large tuna.'

 Luvly jubbly! Del's bully small earner  

He's 83 and recovering from hep surgery, but Sir David Jason inactive has plentifulness of pulling powerfulness for fans of his best-known character, Del Boy Trotter.

This weekend, the histrion volition beryllium making much bunce erstwhile helium appears astatine an Only Fools & Horses Appreciation Convention successful Milton Keynes. The lawsuit is simply a sell-out, with fans paying £450 for a golden ticket, which includes a photograph with Sir David successful a re-creation of the Trotter household level successful Peckham wherever helium starred successful 64 episodes of the drama series.

Sir David Jason (pictured) speaking connected ITV's Lorraine successful November 2023

Del Boy's yellowish three-wheeler volition beryllium astatine the convention, on with Sue Holderness (who played Boycie's wife, Marlene) and Tessa Peake-Jones (Racquel Trotter) and Gwyneth Strong (Rodney's woman Cassandra).

The lawsuit had been postponed from past summertime aft Sir David underwent hep surgery.

He told fans: 'Unfortunately I person been advised I request a caller bionic assemblage portion fitted. I won't archer you which portion it is, oregon you volition each privation one!'

Ski hats disconnected to Lord Wrottesley! Aged 55, the erstwhile Grenadier Guards serviceman has triumphed successful the slalom astatine the 68th British-Swiss Parliamentary Ski competition, held successful Davos.

He changeable down successful 54 seconds, up of 7 Swiss MPs, who, successful turn, were minutes quicker than erstwhile PM Liz Truss, who recorded a stately 3 mins 28 seconds.

Managing a creditable 1 infinitesimal 41secs was the 8th Earl of Effingham, 52, whose great-uncle, the 6th Earl, was an subordinate of the Krays, erstwhile inspiring Ronnie Kray to remark: 'Let Effie marque the effing tea.'

I spot that the British contingent celebrated with thing stronger connected this occasion.

 Jemma and billionaire Arki's cosy household holiday

Jemma Kidd told maine past summertime that she and her billionaire boyfriend, Arpad 'Arki' Busson, wouldn't beryllium exchanging vows immoderate clip soon.

Yet things are getting superior betwixt the exemplary turned make-up artist, 49, and French businessman Arki, 60.

I perceive that Arki has gone connected a vacation to Paris with Jemma and her 3 children from her matrimony to Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington's lad and heir. Also connected the travel was the financier's 11-year-old girl with Pulp Fiction prima Uma Thurman. Busson besides has 2 sons with Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson. 'They person go a blessed blended family, and the kids truly emotion having Arki around,' a pal tells me.

Jemma ended her 15-year matrimony to Arthur successful 2020 and started going retired with Arki the pursuing year. She tin proceed to usage her Countess of Mornington rubric until she marries again.

Princess Beatrice's father-in-law, David Williams-Ellis, is not shy astir drafting attraction to his connections with the royals. The sculptor shared an nonfiction connected societal media this week which said, 'Being the father-in-law of Princess Beatrice, Williams-Ellis's enactment includes royal commissions: his stepson, Edo Mapelli Mozzi, gave Beatrice a 45cm-tall bronze of Queen Elizabeth successful 2019.

'He besides talented 1 to the precocious Queen for her ain collection.' Williams-Ellis, 64, is the 3rd hubby of Edo's mother, Nicola. Her 2nd was the precocious businessman and Conservative person Christopher Shale, who died of earthy causes astatine Glastonbury festival successful 2011 astatine the property of 56.

 Romance blossoms for Lady Jean  

Lady Jean Campbell is feeling connected apical of the world. The aristocratic exemplary has recovered emotion with creator Orfeo Tagiuri.

Lady Jean, 26-year-old girl of the Earl Cawdor and erstwhile Vogue exertion Lady Isabella Stanhope, has shared this vacation drawback of her with the U.S calved illustrator beneath her connected a formation successful Mexico. She declares: 'Feelin' lucky.' 

 Eyebrows person been raised astatine Bafta's 'snub' to The Great Escaper, 1 of the astir palmy British films of past year. It stars Sir Michael Caine arsenic World War II seasoned Bernie Jordan, who escaped his nursing location to be the 70th day of the D-Day landings successful Normandy. But Bafta has long-listed the movie successful conscionable 1 class — Outstanding British Film — contempt it being some a captious and commercialized success, grossing astir £4 cardinal astatine the UK container office. Sir Michael, 90, and the precocious Glenda Jackson were not adjacent long-listed successful the Leading Actor and Leading Actress categories, contempt Caine having since announced that it would beryllium his past film. 

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