Bob Dylan guitarist Robbie Robertson's kids sue his widow for 'elder abuse' in ugly spat over inheritance

1 month ago 8

The children of a precocious guitarist who played pb for Bob Dylan successful the mid-late 1960s  person sued his widow implicit allegations of alleged elder abuse.

The big offspring of the renowned Robbie Robertson filed the suit successful Los Angeles Superior Court, naming Janet Zuccarini, a well-known Toronto restaurateur, arsenic a defendant.

She wed Robertson months earlier his decease this past August astatine property 80, and present the precocious musician's kid claims she was taking vantage of him successful his waning years, particularly erstwhile it came to the ownership of a Beverly Hills 'trophy home'.  

That residence erstwhile belonged to the shaper of Little Shop of Horrors David Geffen, and was purchased by the brace based connected an statement that they would stock ownership of the location equally

However, the suit claims Robertson - 1 the founding members of famed Americana radical The Band - covered the $1.8 cardinal down outgo successful full, and cites however wrong 2 years, Xuccarini allegedly convinced him to elope.

The children of Robbie Robertson, a renowned guitarist who played pb for Bob Dylan successful the mid-late 1960s earlier dying past year, person sued his widow - 58-year-old Janet Zuccarini (seen with the guitarist successful 2019) implicit allegations of 'elder abuse'

Delphine, Alexandra and Sebastian Robertson filed the suit successful Los Angeles Superior Court, naming Zuccarini, a well-known Toronto restaurateur, arsenic a defendant

This, the suit states, happened successful a backstage ceremonial 'kept secret' from the artist's kids, portion Robertson's wellness and intelligence capableness was successful decline.

Prior to the 2023 wedding, Zuccarini, 58, allegedly had Robertson motion a prenup, arsenic good an amended Tenant In Common statement that stated if 1 of them died, the property of the deceased would proceed to wage fractional of the mortgage.

This near the guitarist's property and trust, Adriane Hibbert and David Jackel, connected the hook, and led them to wage the existent lawsuit against Zuccarini.

Robertson's 3 kids, chap instrumentalist Sebastian, Delphine, and Alexandra, are present portion of the suit, which alleges  Zuccarini financially abused their begetter to inherit portion of his estate.

'A large clip for marriage,' the suit states of Zuccarini's alleged mindset astatine the time, arranging a backstage wedding distant from the musician's household successful March 2023

 She past had Robertson, who played with The Band from their inception until 1978, motion the prenuptial agreement, knowing helium 'was nary longer capable to work and would not comprehend the existent import of what helium was signing.'

She past saw an 'opportunity to embark connected a matrimony with a sick and dying man,' earlier getting Robinson to walk immoderate $175,957 connected renovations and $3,381.31 connected 'furniture and furnishings' connected the Beverly Hills three-bedroom.

A five-time Grammy nominee who was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Robbie is seen present shredding with Dylan backmost successful 1972, earlier helium went connected to go 1 of the founding members of The Band

The suit centers astir the pair's acquisition of this Beverly Hills home, which they said was Zuccarini's handiwork. The location was bought little than 2 years earlier Zuccarini wed Robertson successful March 2023, a ceremonial held months earlier his decease this past August

The precocious musician's kids assertion she was taking vantage of him successful his waning years, unbeknownst to them, aged friends similar Dylan, and the guitarist's ex-wife Dominique Bourgeois. The trio are seen unneurotic successful 2022

The suit slams this arsenic 'financial elder abuse' and 'tortious interference with inheritance', citing however Zuccarini pursued the prenup and wedding successful concealed truthful that neither they nor his ex-wife, Dominique Bourgeois, would 'be capable to review' it. 

They assertion they lone learned astir the matrimony - allegedly lone attended by Zuccarini's sister and brother-in-law - hours aft it happened, showing up to the caller location for what they assumed was an day party.

The trio went connected to discern it was a wedding party, aft which Robertson’s children said they were told, consecutive from their father, that 'nothing successful his property program had changed'.

They were further told that they would 'receive each of his spot upon death' - a committedness that did not cookware retired pursuing the five-time Grammy nominee's death.

The suit, which seeks to cancel the amended Tenancy In Common statement portion besides seeking unspecified damages, is presently grinding its mode done the California courts. 

Robertson, who had a nonrecreational and idiosyncratic enslaved with Dylan that stretched backmost much than fractional a century, died of complications created by pancreatic crab connected August 9.

When Dylan controversially went electrical successful the mid-1960s, it was his The Band that provided his onstage backing.

Two days aft Robertson's death, Dylan told Billboard: 'This is shocking news. Robbie was a lifelong friend. His passing leaves a vacancy successful the world.'

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