A star has bombed! Barbra Streisand's hotly -anticipated $47, 1,000 page memoir is huge FLOP and has sold just 212,000 copies since its November release, despite singer likely being paid gigantic advance

5 months ago 42

Billed arsenic a 1,000-page emotion missive 'to herself,' Barbra Streisand's blockbuster $47 memoir has failed to sway the greater public, quality income statistic show.

Published successful aboriginal November, 'My Name is Barbra' has sold conscionable 212,000 copies, numbers posted this week by Publishers Weekly bespeak - weeks aft the 81-year-old songstress promised it would people the extremity to her storied career.

While not precisely successful the mode she intended, it appears Streisand's prophecy is coming to fruition - arsenic the pricey book's income autumn abbreviated of landmarks acceptable by akin memoirs like Prince Harry's Spare and Britney Spears' The Woman successful Me.  

Initially exceeding 55,000 copies successful its archetypal week, wide income person since sputtered, hardly selling 7,200 this week past, the statistic show. Streisand is apt to person earned an eight-figure beforehand for the tome, though details of immoderate outgo person been kept nether wraps. 

The caller fig falls good abbreviated of the play income of 12 nonfiction works ranked supra it, Spear's publication included. It's besides astir 13 percent of the income recorded successful the book's archetypal week, meaning involvement has died down considerably.

Barbra Streisand, 81, clapped backmost astatine critics who deliberation she dresses excessively provocatively for her age: 'People should explicit themselves and deterioration immoderate they consciousness connected immoderate fixed day'

'My Name is Barbra' has sold conscionable 212,000 copies since coming retired successful aboriginal November, numbers posted this week by Publishers Weekly bespeak - indicating an evident misfire aft the 81-year-old songstress had promised it would people the extremity of her storied career

Among them was Spears', which since its October merchandise has secured 908,580 successful income - astir 5 times that of Streisand's.

The publication - different music-centered memoir involving a much-shorter vocation - is besides pounding Streisand's successful word of play sales, presently astatine 18,842 contempt gracing store shelves a afloat 2 months earlier Barbra's.

Also beating My Name is Barba successful presumption of income past week is simply a September biography astir South Africa's Elon Musk, and different memoir released conscionable a fewer weeks agone - penned by a overmuch little influential Liz Cheney, girl of precocious VP Dick.

Titled Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning, the publication was released connected December 5 - astir a afloat period removed from that of Streisand's.

Still, wrong that span, the erstwhile Wyoming rep's archetypal effort astatine a tell-all surpassed My Name is Barbra successful income by much than 50,000, unloading 269,794 successful conscionable 4 weeks.

In presumption of play sales, the publication from the 57-year-old who represented Wyoming's at-large legislature territory successful the House of Representatives from 2017 to 2023 is besides beating backmost Streisand's, numbered at 23,826 compared to the singer's 7,201.

The quality betwixt the 2 is astir four-fold. Meanwhile, a publication released by outspoken progressive Rachel Maddow successful October is inactive securing much than 9,500 income per week, statistic show.

While not successful the mode she intended, Streisand's prophecy has seemingly travel to fruition, with the caller book's income falling good abbreviated of landmarks acceptable memoirs similar Britney Spears ' The Woman successful Me, which came successful October and has sold astir 5 times arsenic overmuch arsenic Streisand's

Also beating My Name is Barba successful presumption of income past week is simply a September biography about  Elon Musk, and different memoir penned by a overmuch little influential fig successful Liz Cheney, girl of precocious VP Dick Cheney

Putting an accent connected this mediocrity is that each of the books are being bested by a elemental navigator publication - titled Dinner Tonight: 100 Simple, Healthy Recipes for Every Night of the Week

In the book, the acting icon - (seen her successful 1968's Funny Girl) -revealed wherefore she ne'er underwent a chemoreceptor job, aft receiving cruel comments astir her looks during her aboriginal career 

Streisand is seen giving 1 of her past performances onstage astatine Chicago's United Center successful August 2019. She has since retired - a determination she had aired portion promoting her caller book

The determination comes aft much than a twelve iconic acting performances from the star, including her 1976 effort other Kris Kristofferson successful A Star Is Born, a critically acclaimed remake of the 1937 original

Her long-awaited memoir is meant to connection a funny, frank look astatine her career, six decades in

Putting an accent connected this mediocrity is that each of the books are being bested by a specified navigator publication - 1 released successful the waning weeks of 2023.

Titled Dinner Tonight: 100 Simple, Healthy Recipes for Every Night of the Week, the publication - portion not containing thing groundbreaking - is presently selling astir 35,700 a week, per Publishers Weekly.

To enactment happening into perspective, Royal biographer Omid Scobie's Endgame - besides deemed a bust - sold conscionable 8,923 copies successful the US during its inaugural week of income this past month.  

Today, the publication - billed arsenic an 'explosive, penetrating' probe into the existent authorities of the British Monarchy - remains ranked beneath kid's books specified arsenic Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Stick Man, arsenic good arsenic bios from Spears and the precocious Matthew Perry.

Both books, meantime have failed to lucifer the grounds magnitude of income achieved by Prince Harry's ain memoir, Spare, since its merchandise January 2023.   

The autobiography - which excessively had been highly anticipated - sold a whopping 467,183 copies successful its archetypal week successful the US alone, and much than 2.7 cardinal copies crossed the remainder of the globe.   

Plans: Despite the glitz and glamour of fame and winning 10 Grammys, Barbra (pictured successful 2013) admitted she hasn't had 'much fun' successful her beingness and wants to person much going forwards

Long and dishy, it clocks successful astatine 992 pages, and '[is] not a publication you inhale,” Times professional astatine ample Wesley Morris precocious wrote. 'The bigness of it makes literal the vocation it contains,' helium added of the book, which is struggling successful presumption of sales. 'Streisand is poring over, pouring out, her life'

Walter Matthau and Streisand are seen starring successful 1968's Hello, Dolly!, 1 of her astir well-known works

Queen Elizabeth II greets the iconic vocalist and histrion astatine the movie premiere of 'Funny Lady', the 1975

The fig was reported aft it was rumored the 39-year-old ex Royal had received a $20 cardinal beforehand for the venture, aft forfeiting his regal presumption and moving to the US with his wife, Suits prima Megan Markle. 

As of Tuesday, it is chartless whether Streisand - who famously starred other state crooner Kris Kristofferson successful 1978's A Star Is Born - received a akin sign-on bonus, though it is usually the lawsuit with specified high-profile deals.

Meanwhile, the publication - presently being billed arsenic a occurrence - is the songstress's archetypal memoir, and is meant to connection a funny, frank look astatine her awesome career, much than six decades in. Streisand - famed for her diva behaviour - refused to fto publishers see an scale successful a bid to halt readers going consecutive for the much salacious details the monster memoir containts. 

In it, she details her love-life with several of her celebrated exes - including Miami Vice's Don Johnson, personage hairstylist–turned–superstar shaper Jon Peters and erstwhile Canadian premier curate Pierre Trudeau - though successful interviews, she precocious revealed she'd person alternatively near those accounts out.

'Listen, I didn't privation to constitute astir immoderate of them!' she told CBS Sunday Morning's Gayle King successful November, responding emphatically aft King listed immoderate of the star's biggest conquests. 

'But you did!' Gayle retorted - citing the Hello Dolly Star's different good known relationships, including the ill-fated 1 with ex-husband Elliott Gould, and 1 that remains ongoing with her longtime 2nd spouse, James Brolin.

Streisand, caller disconnected a spot promoting the publication connected Stephen Colbert's Late Show, alternatively placed blasted for the book's much salacious worldly connected her editor, recounting: 'My exertion said, "You person to permission immoderate humor connected the page".'

Streisand precocious talked up her publication connected a November occurrence of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, wherever she teased immoderate of its contents

To authorities the obvious, Barbra's publication has failed to lucifer the grounds magnitude of income achieved by Prince Harry's ain memoir, Spare, which released January 2023. The autobiography has since sold 467,183 copies successful its archetypal week successful the US alone, and 2.7 cardinal crossed the remainder of the globe

The income numbers apt travel arsenic a disappointment, considering the impressive, six-decade vocation that predated it.

In an excerpt obtained by People, she wrote astir how, aboriginal connected successful her vocation she was urged to acquisition country to marque her celebrated chemoreceptor much modest, arsenic good arsenic a dental process to 'cap her teeth'.

The instrumentalist recalled of the proposition offered sometime successful the aboriginal 60s: 'I thought, Isn’t my endowment enough? A chemoreceptor occupation would wounded and beryllium expensive. Besides, however could I spot anyone to bash precisely what I wanted and nary more?'

Streisand besides revealed why she ne'er underwent the recommended chemoreceptor job - penning that 'always liked' the signifier of her nose, and publically pondering 'who knew what [the surgery] mightiness bash to my voice?' 

The histrion besides wrote however gambling connected the banal marketplace provided her with a preciously unknown thrill, and however 'From astir 1998 to 2000, [she] was trading Monday done Friday, from 6.30am to 1pm. 

'At 6.25am my eyes would unfastened wide, without an alarm,' 1 information reads.

'I'd get up, propulsion connected my bathrobe, beryllium down astatine my caller table with a cupful of blistery chocolate, and commencement trading. That was a full caller learning experience. I similar gambling. Whenever I sang successful Las Vegas, I would play blackjack,' she said.

The New York autochthonal - who won 8 Grammy awards implicit her 60-year vocation - went connected to rake in $1.8m successful 5 months, but yet gave the hobby up erstwhile it became excessively stressful. 

'I'm nary longer playing with specified large sums,' she writes, aft losing large during the mid-2000s recession.

'After being burned respective times (I mislaid my shirt, my dress, and my nervus successful the 2008 fiscal meltdown), I decided to instrumentality to bonds.'

The publication besides covers the years that ensued, and however the aging A-lister precocious decided to to permission showbusiness for good, owed to her existent tendency to conscionable 'live life'.

She spoke astir this determination - made successful conjunction with the merchandise of her memoir - successful an affectional interrogation with BBC the week of the book's release, stating however the tome delves into not lone her afloat idiosyncratic life, but those of her celebrated boyfriends. 

'I privation to unrecorded life,' she expressed, touting I americium Barbra as her last offering earlier stepping distant from the limelight.

'I privation to get successful my husband's motortruck and conscionable wander, hopefully with the children determination adjacent us,' she continued of her brood, which includes stepson Josh Brolin, grandson Trevor Brolin and lad Jason Gould, whom she shares with her archetypal husband.

'Life is amusive for maine erstwhile they travel over,' Streisand - who lives with her 2nd hubby successful a sprawling location connected the California seashore - added.

'They emotion playing with the dogs, and we person fun. I haven't had overmuch amusive successful my life, to archer you the truth. And I privation to person much fun.'

As statistic amusement her publication flaming out, fans person been near to respect the bequest she's near down - arsenic good arsenic the unthinkable endowment that the memoir possibly fails to encapsulate.

Long and dishy, it clocks successful astatine 992 pages, and '[is] not a publication you inhale,' Times professional astatine ample Wesley Morris precocious wrote. 

'The bigness of it makes literal the vocation it contains,' helium added. 'Streisand is poring over, pouring out, her life'.

Other characteristics to beryllium cherished arsenic the star's vocation comes to a unceremonious adjacent is her resilience and authenticity - traits the book, done its galore passages, does negociate to convey.

Still, the income numbers apt travel arsenic a disappointment, considering the impressive, vocation that predated it. 

DailyMail.com has reached retired to Streisand's squad for comment.

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