Kevin Costner discusses hardships that followed after divorce from Christine Baumgartner

1 week ago 4
  • TBS

Actualizado 27/06/2024 - 15:50 CDT

Kevin Costner admits that his tumultuous divorcement from ex-wife Christine Baumgartner was highly hard for him.

The 'Draft Day' star was speedy to admit that the divorcement from his woman of 18 years wounded him, describing it successful nary uncertain terms.

Kevin Costner didn't cognize what to bash with his lifeR.O.

"That's a crushing moment," Costner admitted connected CBS Mornings. "It's almighty and it hurt."

However, Costner emphasized that helium has "no choice" but to determination guardant due to the fact that his children are "looking" astatine him.

"So, I can't wilt similar a daisy," helium added.

"I person to spell forward, I person to proceed to beryllium who I americium and support a peculiar oculus connected who they are."

How volition Costner determination forward?

Costner and Baumgartner, 50, stock 3 children - Cayden Wyatt, 17, Hayes Logan, 15, and Grace Avery, 14. They battled successful tribunal for months implicit kid enactment payments. Baumgartner argued that their teens were accustomed to a lavish lifestyle, including backstage planes and luxurious vacations, frankincense Costner should wage more.

Ultimately, a justice decided that Costner would wage $63,209 a period successful kid support, little than fractional of what Baumgartner had requested.

The exes besides contested spousal enactment and their prenuptial agreement, yet settling the divorcement successful September 2023, with the authoritative finalization occurring successful February. Details of the colony were not disclosed, but Baumgartner had to wage Costner implicit $1 cardinal successful attorney's fees for challenging the prenup.

Costner has been candid astir the toll the ordeal took connected him. In May, helium told GQ that helium felt "broken" but committed to pushing done portion moving connected caller projects.

"No substance however overmuch my heart's connected the ground, nary substance however breached I whitethorn beryllium connected a regular ground ... I bash person a level of work to those progressive successful these projects," helium said.

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