Hannah Brown Admits Wedding Planning Has Been ‘On the Back Burner’

2 weeks ago 7

Hannah Brown Admits Wedding Planning Has Been On the Back Burner

Santiago Felipe/Getty Images

Hannah Brown and fiancé Adam Woolard are booked and busy, but they’re looking guardant to making plans to locomotion down the aisle.

“Right present [I’m] trying to enactment connected wedding planning,” Brown, 29, told Us Weekly exclusively portion promoting her concern with Command™ Brand. “That has been connected the backmost burner for a portion conscionable due to the fact that there’s been a batch going on.”

Despite her engaged schedule, Brown went connected to accidental that she’s “really excited” to get started connected readying the large day.

The erstwhile Bachelorette prima archetypal hinted astatine her and Woolard’s narration successful January 2021 erstwhile she posted a photograph of their feet via Instagram. Fans were speedy to place Woolard earlier Brown confirmed his individuality the pursuing month. By May 2022, the duo had moved successful together. They initially began gathering their beingness successful California earlier relocating to Nashville successful March 2023.

Brown announced successful August 2023 that Woolard proposed aft much than 2 years together. The pursuing month, the erstwhile ABC prima shared exclusive details astir her engagement with Us.

She was “a small spot tense astir putting [the existent story] out,” Brown admitted astatine the time. Right earlier Woolard got down connected 1 knee, Brown’s therapist advised her not to marque immoderate “big decisions” for the clip being. Brown confessed connected her “Better Tomorrow” podcast successful September 2023 that she had a “panic attack” aft Woolard revealed his connection plans — truthful helium postponed the engagement.

“I’m conscionable truly thankful that Adam, honestly, is not conscionable truthful controlled by his ego and what different radical deliberation that helium was capable to honestly besides stock his broadside of the story,” she told Us past year. “I don’t deliberation either 1 of america planned for maine to beryllium the mode that I was during what’s expected to beryllium conscionable an breathtaking infinitesimal that goes disconnected without immoderate benignant of mishaps, but that was conscionable not the lawsuit and that’s conscionable not the lawsuit with astir things successful our life. So, it’s decidedly a comic communicative now.”

Hannah Brown Admits Wedding Planning Has Been On the Back Burner

Command Brand

Along with gearing up for wedding planning, Brown is teaming up with Command Brand for this upcoming Back to College play to assistance students make the dorm country of their dreams with the Delulu Design 101 introductory course.

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“This is simply a imagination concern for me. I person ever been a large instrumentality of Command Brand products, similar astir of us,” Brown told Us this month. “Living astatine location with my parents increasing up, my dada was specified a stickler astir putting immoderate caller holes successful the wall. So, the lone mode that I was capable to explicit immoderate of my property successful my country was due to the fact that of Command Brand products. It’s been a long-time coming manifesting this.”

With the Delulu Design 101 course, Brown was capable to springiness “some tips and tricks” to assemblage students. Command Brand and Brown are besides “hooking up 10 assemblage students with a $5,000 reward to beryllium capable to make the dorm country of their dreams” by sharing their temper committee connected societal media utilizing #CommandDeluluDesign, pursuing and tagging @Command.

“It’s truthful important that your assemblage abstraction feel[s] homey, and it continues to assistance you enactment inspired done the schoolhouse year,” Brown said, offering her champion plan tips to assemblage students. “It is truly important to usage the abstraction that you have. Usually, a dorm country is not the astir spacious, but it’s truly figuring retired however you tin customize and signifier your abstraction astatine the aforesaid clip to truly let the abstraction to enactment for you, enactment with you and amusement who you are.”

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