Who's Antonio Brown? The 'Hawk Tuah Girl' has no clue, and it's hilarious

3 days ago 2

Hailey Welch, affectionately dubbed the "Hawk Tuah Girl," has taken the net by storm. It's a whirlwind travel that's arsenic bizarre arsenic it is fascinating. .

Picture this: Hailey Welch, the look down the viral "Hawk Tuah" meme, precocious landed herself connected Brianna Lapaglia's "Plan Bri Uncut" podcast. It's 1 of those moments weirdness.

The speech turned to a crippled of "who would you Hawk Tuah?" Brianna had her database ready, and among the names was erstwhile NFL prima Antonio Brown. Now, you'd deliberation anyone with a pulse connected popular civilization would admit AB, but Hailey? Not a chance. She blinked and asked, "Who's that?"

The look connected Brianna's look was axenic gold, a premix of daze and disbelief. "Ah! I thought you were going to cognize who helium was," she managed to stammer out. Hailey's friend, trying to help, asked if Brown was a shot player. Brianna nodded, but Hailey wasn't having immoderate of it. She admitted she had nary hint what Antonio Brown adjacent looked like, past deadpanned, "I'mma person to accidental nary to that."

Brianna, hoping for a viral reaction, got much than she bargained for. But here's the kicker-Antonio Brown himself retweeted the video! His tweet was classical AB: "I'll station anyhow @BChickenfry. She celebrated famous it cool. Love maine immoderate Hawk Tua #CTESPN." If there's 1 happening we cognize astir Antonio Brown, it's that helium won't fto a meme walk him by without getting successful connected the action.

Hawk Tuah Girl grabs mic astatine Zach Bryan performance - VIDEOParker Johnson

When fame gets weird: Hawk Tuah Girl's $600 spit jar offer

But let's dive deeper. Hailey's viral fame didn't conscionable bring retweets from NFL stars. She's been bombarded with bizarre offers, the astir outlandish being $600 to "Hawk Tuah" into a jar. Yes, you work that right-$600 for a jar of spit. This isn't conscionable instrumentality dedication; this is fandom gone mode excessively far.

On the podcast, Hailey recounted this chaotic offer, laughing arsenic she said, "The feline that sells my hats, helium got offered $600, similar 3 days ago, for maine to spit successful a jar and merchantability it - that is revolting!" And arsenic immoderate self-respecting viral prima would ponder, she asked herself, "Should I bash it?" earlier deciding, "Nah, don't bash that."

Her emergence to net stardom is simply a communicative for the ages. From a fun, liquor-fueled interrogation with friends to becoming an overnight sensation, Hailey Welch is navigating the chaotic satellite of viral fame with a premix of wit and bewilderment. Her head's inactive spinning from the attention, and who tin blasted her? One time you're a regular person, the next, you're the Hawk Tuah Girl dealing with fans wanting to bargain your spit successful a jar.

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