Whitney Way Thore Admits She's Still in Love With Her Ex, Shares Why She Won't Be a Single Mom (Exclusive)

4 days ago 2


3:19 PM PDT, July 1, 2024

Whitney Way Thore is getting candid astir her split. In an interrogation with ET's Deidre Behar, the prima of My Big Fat Fabulous Life admitted that she's inactive successful emotion with her ex-boyfriend, who viewers lone cognize arsenic the Frenchman.

"I'm inactive successful emotion with him. We really broke up successful April a twelvemonth ago," she said of the enigma man. "... He's the best. He's the champion antheral I've ever known."

As for wherefore they couldn't marque it work, Thore explained, "Unfortunately, this is 1 of these things that comes with world TV, which is, I'd say, 1 of the negatives. He does not privation a nationalist beingness astatine all."

"That's the biggest [reason we split] for sure... He's not funny [in world TV]," she said. "What happened aft the speculation and the this and the that [is] helium saw however brainsick radical connected the net were [and] that was it. He was done."

Now, Thore is putting herself backmost into the dating world, though she's not precisely jumping successful with some feet.

"I haven't been retired and astir much... I haven't been approached by a azygous antheral successful immoderate way. The dating sites are beauteous abysmal successful Greensboro... There's conscionable not a batch to to prime through," she said of her North Carolina hometown. "Especially erstwhile you person this different person, this different narration that you emotion truthful much, it's truly hard to get excited astir dating. But I bash not privation to beryllium unsocial forever, [so I'm] trying to enactment successful the enactment to conscionable a man."

At the extremity of the day, Thore said she's "trying to determination on" from the Frenchman.

"If idiosyncratic astonishing showed up connected my doorstep I would beryllium each for it, but you cognize however it is erstwhile you emotion somebody. It sets a precocious standard," she said. "I gag astir being desperate, but the information is I privation I were. If I were genuinely desperate, I could person somebody. But I'm not. I cognize what I want. I cognize what I deserve. I don't adjacent deliberation that my standards are excessively precocious oregon anything. I deliberation they're conscionable benignant of the bare minimum. I'm inactive dealing with that, but I'm besides surely unfastened to dating."

Whitney Way Thore speaks astatine a 2017 event. - Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Curvy Events, LLC

Thore's narration presumption is 1 crushed she feels that she's "in the throes of a midlife crisis" since her 40th day successful April.

"I turned 40 and I cared a lot. It deed maine similar a ton of bricks, actually," she said. "... Part of it is not adjacent needfully however I consciousness astir being 40. I deliberation that, careless of however I consciousness astir it, nine has definite expectations of a 40-year-old pistillate and what her beingness is like. I consciousness similar it's not that antithetic than being fat. I tin beryllium assured successful myself each time long, but radical volition inactive comprehend maine with their ain judgments."

Another origin of her discontent is that she's "examining my fertility."

"[I'm asking myself if I] americium gonna get to person kids and mourning the information that that truly whitethorn not happen," she said. "... That's a existent happening that I person to benignant of travel to presumption with. I've been struggling for sure. I'm not acceptable to get different feline astatine this point."

While galore women person decided to prosecute motherhood connected their own, Thore told ET that she doesn't consciousness it's an enactment for her.

"If I don't person a partner, past I don't privation a child. People accidental you tin adopt, you tin bash it yourself. Absolutely you can. I deliberation that's fantastic for women who privation to instrumentality that on. It's not thing that I want," she said. "I know, nary substance however overmuch you plan, you could ever extremity up being a azygous mom... but I'm [not] gonna bash it intentionally. It's not thing that I consciousness assured capable in."

"I've thought a batch astir it and I could ideate my beingness without children if I had a partner, but I cannot ideate the remainder of my beingness without a partner," Thore added. "I'm inactive dealing with that... It's conscionable not thing that I'm utilized to the thought of it. It's conscionable thing I've ever assumed would happen, and truthful coming to presumption with it not happening feels similar a loss... It feels similar thing that I'm grieving, honestly."

Looking up to the adjacent fewer years, Thore said her priorities are threefold: a relationship, her household and a zest for life.

"I privation a partner. That is true. I'm not ashamed, embarrassed, to accidental it astatine all. I deliberation I could travel to presumption with not having children. It would beryllium precise hard for maine to travel to presumption with different 5 oregon 10 years without a partner," she said. "That does not dependable amusive to me. It's hard present with dating, due to the fact that you find a batch of men are not looking for a 40-year-old woman."

As for her family, Thore, whose mom, Barbara "Babs" Thore, died successful December 2022, said, "My dad's astir 80 years old, my member is successful a relationship... I've ever been highly adjacent with my parents. Once you've mislaid a parent, it each conscionable becomes a small spot much existent astir [potentially] losing different one. I wanna marque definite that I'm surviving the champion beingness I tin with my dad, having experiences with him, conscionable not taking thing for granted, and enjoying the remainder of my family."

When it comes to the 3rd point, Thore noted, "I started this play truly conscionable trying to get backmost successful interaction with things that springiness maine joyousness similar taking creation classes."

"I cognize we're 4 years retired from the pandemic, but I inactive consciousness similar I'm successful that structure successful place, isolation mode. I ne'er came retired of it, really, and it's not been great," she said. "I conscionable privation to proceed to get backmost to my roots, get backmost retired into the world, and conscionable effort to find joyousness and the small moments successful life."

My Big Fat Fabulous Life returns July 9 connected TLC. Subsequent episodes with aerial Tuesdays connected TLC.

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