Vanessa Bryant and her daughters support Brazilian soccer star Marta

4 days ago 3

Vanessa Bryant and her daughters spent their Sunday watching a large shot match. The radical shared assorted photos astatine the astir caller Orlando Pride match, wherever they defeated Angel City 3 - 0. Bryant and her daughters Natalia, 21, Bianka, 7, and Capri, 4, shared their excitement implicit getting to ticker Marta play, and immoderate words of support.

Marta's Instagram story© @martavsilva10

Marta's Instagram story

Marta shared Bryant's station connected her Instagram stories, sharing her gratitude for Bryant's committedness to women's sports. The photograph shows Marta successful her Orlando Pride jersey, arsenic she stands with the Bryant household connected the shot pitch. Natalia wore immoderate acheronian jeans, a achromatic top, and a sweater tied astir her shoulders. Her parent wore a achromatic sweater with achromatic patterns and immoderate ample sunglasses. The youngest, Bianka and Capri, wore pinkish and achromatic respectively. "So bully to spot you!" wrote Marta. "Beijos and convey you for ever supporting women's soccer." 

In her Instagram, Bryant shared her excitement implicit spending clip with Marta and watching her triumph the match. She shared a photograph of herself hugging a amazed Marta and different 1 wherever Marta is seen posing alongside her youngest girls. " ICON," wrote Bryant. "Obrigada @martavsilva10 🙏🏽❤️ So bully to spot you again! Beijos !" 

Marta astatine  the 2023 FIFA World Cup© Justin Setterfield - FIFA

Marta astatine the 2023 FIFA World Cup

Marta is 1 of the biggest icons successful women's soccer

Marta has a agelong and storied vocation successful soccer. Born Marta Vieira da Silva, her vocation took disconnected young, becoming the jock to people the astir goals successful a FIFA World Cup erstwhile she was 17. She's besides Brazil's apical scorer, having 112 goals nether her name. For notation purposes, Neymar and Pele person scored 79 and 77 goals each.

Last year, astatine the property of 38, Marta decided to discontinue from planetary football. "There volition beryllium nary much Marta from 2025 successful the nationalist squad arsenic an athlete," she said successful a property conference. While the connection was an affectional one, Marta seemed calm and reassured astir the aboriginal of the Brazilian women's shot team. "I americium precise calm astir this, due to the fact that I spot with large optimism this improvement that we are having successful narration to young athletes," she concluded. 

Her vocation continues with Orlando Pride, wherever she's presently the person successful all-time goals and all-time appearances.

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