Travis Kelce reveals his original idea to appear at Eras Tour London but Taylor Swift changed his plans

2 days ago 3

Some Taylor Swift fans were treated to a show from Kansas City Chiefs choky end Travis Kelce during 1 of her Eras Tour shows astatine Wembley.

The NFL prima was a astonishment impermanent connected signifier and present that the particulate has settled and Kelce is backmost successful the United States of America, helium has shared immoderate amusing details astir his foray into the amusement world.

Julia Roberts gets handsy with Travis Kelce astatine Taylor Swift Eras Tour concertParker Johnson

Kelce spoke astir the acquisition connected the latest occurrence of the New Heights podcast that helium does with his member Jason, the erstwhile Philadelphia Eagles player.

He gushed: "I was up determination with 3 professionals. You tin bash nary incorrect with Taylor connected stage. [I kept telling myself], 'Do not driblet the baby. Hold onto the baby.'

The brains down the moment

He besides talked astir however the concern came about, with Taylor working retired the champion mode to incorporated him without taking it excessively far.

"I was like, 'How amusive would it beryllium if I conscionable rolled retired connected 1 of the bikes during the "1989" era?'" helium recalled. "She started laughing and was similar 'Would you earnestly beryllium up for doing thing similar that?'

"I was like, 'What? I would emotion to bash that. Are you kidding me? I've seen the amusement enough. Might arsenic good enactment maine to enactment here,'" Travis continued. "She recovered the cleanable portion of the amusement to enactment maine in. ... It was, like, the safest option.

"It was awesome and I didn't disappoint Taylor so that's each that truly matters. that was my fig 1 goal, bash not fuck this up and bash not driblet Taylor."

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