The Bachelor Season 29: Are We in For a Shocker?

3 days ago 3

We are conscionable days distant from past being made.

On July 8, Jenn Tran volition debut as the first-ever Bachelorette of Asian-American descent.

And portion we’re precise excited for Tran to statesman her journey, choosing from a number of handsome and disposable men, galore ABC viewers are already reasoning acold ahead.

These minds are connected the upcoming play of The Bachelor.

Jesse Palmer smilesJesse Palmer is each smiles portion connected the acceptable of The Bachelor. (ABC)

Back successful May, the web renewed this franchise for different go-around, astonishing perfectly nary 1 erstwhile you see the debased costs associated with the production… on with the occurrence of Joey Graziadei successful the pb relation earlier this year.


No premiere day has been announced for Season 29.

And, astir notably, nary 1 has been formed arsenic the existent Bachelor.

Joey Graziadei and Daisy Kent accidental    goodbye connected  The Bachelor.Joey Graziadei and Daisy Kent accidental goodbye connected The Bachelor. (ABC)

This is not unusual. Odds are that the adjacent bid anchor volition travel from Tran’s season; that producers volition prime 1 of the finalists sent location earlier the last roseate is handed out.

But this hasn’t always been the case.

Moreover, a definite fashionable erstwhile Bachelorette suitor has made it wide that helium would inactive see taking his changeable astatine emotion arsenic the main Bachelor.

Isn’t that right, Tyler Cameron?

Tyler Cameron connected  the FinaleTyler Cameron is conscionable truthful precise bully looking. That’s truly each we person to accidental astatine the moment. (ABC)

“I would ne'er regularisation it out,” Cameron antecedently said of taking connected this amusive challenge.

“I deliberation to beryllium the Bachelor is simply a chill honor. I’m a large believer that life’s astir the top communicative you tin tell. One time I privation to archer my grandkids, ‘I did this.’

“And possibly if I bash The Bachelor, it’s like, ‘Yeah, I met your ma connected this amusement and determination was 30 different women, but she was the one, son.’

“I don’t know. I deliberation it’d beryllium chill 1 day, maybe. It’s not close present successful my cards, but possibly 1 day.”

Tyler Cameron connected  the airTyler Cameron visits SiriusXM astatine SiriusXM Studios connected April 16, 2024 successful New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images)

Cameron was a contestant backmost erstwhile Hannah Brown was The Bachelorette.

After the second ended her engagement to her season’s winner, Jed Wyatt, Brown and Cameron concisely rekindled their romance earlier helium got into a months-long narration with Gigi Hadid.

As acold arsenic we cognize close now, though, Cameron is single.

He inactive watches and keeps up with the franchise, too, having precocious commented connected the Golden Bachelor divorce betwixt Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist.

He’s inactive precise bully looking, too.

Tyler Cameron attends the Planet Omega Exhibition Opening Party connected November 9, 2023 successful New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

Does this mean Cameron volition decidedly go The Bachelor for Season 29?

No. It’s unlikely, successful fact.

But an announcement volition apt beryllium made astatine immoderate constituent successful the adjacent mates months and caller episodes volition apt aerial archetypal happening successful 2025.

So we don’t request to hold too agelong to find out.

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