Taraji P. Henson Net Worth: How rich is the actress and BET Awards 2024 host?

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Actualizado 30/06/2024 - 12:19 CDT

Taraji P. Henson is 1 of the astir recognized actresses successful Hollywood, and not lone for her talent. In her much than 30-year career, Henson has stood retired arsenic 1 of the astir ardent advocates for wage equity successful movie and television. Her changeless conflict has not lone made her 1 of the astir influential radical successful the manufacture but besides 1 of the highest-paid arsenic well.

Henson began her vocation successful 1992 arsenic an other successful aggregate productions. Her archetypal recognition was successful the 1998 movie "Streetwise," and her archetypal large relation was arsenic Yvette successful the comedy-drama movie "Baby Boy," co-starring Tyrese Gibson.

Since then, Henson has amassed galore distinctions. The astir notable see the Golden Globe for Best Actress successful a TV Series - Drama for her relation successful "Empire" successful 2015 and the SAG Award for Best Supporting Actress for "Hidden Figures."

Despite the information that her wage is acold from those of Hollywood's starring men, the histrion has achieved important net passim her career. As a result, Taraji P. Henson's nett worthy successful 2024 is estimated to beryllium $12 million, according to specialized sites specified arsenic Celebrity Net Worth.

Henson's income

Although producers and artists are usually precise secretive astir their contracts, Henson has not hesitated to uncover immoderate of the salaries she has received for her performances.

In aggregate interviews, the histrion has disclosed that her wage for playing Queenie successful the critically acclaimed and commercially palmy movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was lone $150,000. In that aforesaid production, stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett pocketed betwixt $5-10 cardinal each.

Similarly, she revealed that her wage for the relation of Cookie Lyon successful "Empire" was $175,000 per episode. Her largest azygous cheque to day was the $500,000 she received for her relation arsenic Pam Evans successful "The Family That Preys" successful 2008.

Although the figures look high, Henson has clarified respective times that the existent magnitude reaching the artist's slope relationship is overmuch lower.

Taraji's activism

In statements to "The Real" aft her relation successful "Benjamin Button," Henson explained, "When you commencement making that benignant of money, Uncle Sam takes 50 percent, truthful let's bash the math. So that leaves maine with 75 [thousand], past I person to wage different 30 percent to my squad who did each the enactment to get maine that job. I don't wage them 30 percent of the 75 [thousand], no, no, no, I wage them 30 percent of the 150 [thousand]. So what does that compute to?"

In an interrogation with Gayle King, Henson reiterated the figures and lamented, "Every clip I bash thing and interruption different solid ceiling, erstwhile it's clip to renegotiate, I'm astatine the bottommost again, similar I ne'er did what I conscionable did, and I'm tired."

Henson's endowment and combat to adjacent the wage spread successful the film manufacture person earned her respect not lone from the nationalist but besides from the media. In 2016, Time named her 1 of the 100 astir influential radical successful the world, a wide designation of her tireless combat for equality.

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