Shannon Sharpe Apologizes To Megan Thee Stallion For Sexual Comments On Podcast

4 days ago 3

Shannon Sharpe I'm Sorry Meg!!! ... Apologizes For Sexual Comments On Podcast

Club Shay Shay

Shannon Sharpe conscionable issued a face-to-face apology to Megan Thee Stallion for the intersexual comments helium antecedently made astir her ... saying helium profoundly regrets the antagonistic interaction his words whitethorn person had connected her life.

The "Savage" rapper was the latest A-lister to articulation the "Club Shay Shay" podcast connected Monday ... and the archetypal happening helium did was admit helium was incorrect for referencing her the mode that helium did connected his "Nightcap" amusement with Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson.


Nightcap with Unc and Ocho

During the November 2023 episode, Sharpe verbally drooled implicit Meg ... saying helium would person her "stretched retired similar a 4th to three" if helium ever got the opportunity.

"For immoderate unwanted attention, harm, shame, embarrassment that I caused you oregon your family, I wanna accidental arsenic a man, arsenic I beryllium present earlier you, I apologize," Sharpe said.

Sharpe faced a ton of disapproval for the comments ... and adjacent though helium released an apology connected societal media soon after, helium took vantage of the accidental to straight ain up to his mistakes to Meg.

"You've been astonishing and you person an astonishing vocation going forward."

Meg accepted his apology ... and the 2 secured the bid by taking a changeable of Sharpe's Le Portier Shay cognac, which she enjoyed.

"That's smooth," Meg said. "Okay! I was waiting for it to teardrop maine up! Okay. I similar that. Thank you!"

Sharpe past said he'd vessel her a full vessel ... further burying the hatchet.

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