Shannon Beador Tearfully Apologizes to Daughters for DUI Arrest in 'RHOC' Season 18 Premiere

3 days ago 1


3:30 PM PDT, July 2, 2024

Shannon Beador is kicking disconnected play 18 of The Real Housewives of Orange County by getting candid about her September 2023 DUI arrest. In a preview of the RHOC premiere posted to Bravo TV's website, the world prima shares her regrets astir the events connected the nighttime of her DUI with her 3 daughters, 22-year-old Sophie Beador and 19-year-old twins Stella and Adeline Beador.

In the occurrence preview, Shannon begins to teardrop up arsenic she speaks to Stella, who's preparing to caput backmost to school. "I took Sophie to college, I took Adeline to college, and your dada took you, truthful it was my intent to travel and sojourn you," she says. "But due to the fact that of my mistakes, I wasn't capable to come. And I consciousness bad."

"I'm truthful atrocious and humiliated that I disappointed you," Shannon continues. "What benignant of illustration americium I astatine 59?" 

"We're gladsome that you're good and that nary 1 was hurt," Stella tells her mother, to which Sophie adds, "And that you instrumentality accountability for your actions and you larn from them and you grow."

In a confessional, Shannon tells the camera, "I've ne'er breached a bone, I've ne'er had a concussion, I've ne'er been successful an accident, I've ne'er been arrested, I've ne'er had a DUI -- and I did each that successful 10 seconds."

Speaking to her daughters, Shannon says she's focused connected moving forward. 

"God has a plan," Shannon says. "I perfectly judge that."

According to tribunal documents obtained by ET, Beador was down the instrumentality connected the nighttime of Sept. 16, 2023 erstwhile she crashed her conveyance into a gathering successful Newport Beach, causing $24,000 successful damage. The world TV property paid for the damage, her lawyer Michael Fell told ET. 

In September, a idiosyncratic acquainted with the crash gave ET an wrong scoop on what precisely happened that night. 

"Shannon got location from a nighttime retired and realized she near her telephone astatine the spot she was at. She wasn't capable to telephone an Uber without her telephone and decided to thrust backmost to the place, resulting in the accident," the root told ET. "Shannon is devastated and knows she made a large mistake. She has ever been against drinking and driving and ne'er does. She’s telling friends this lapse successful judgement won’t hap again."

The Housewife was arrested astatine the clip of the incidental and was charged successful October with 1 number of driving nether the power of alcohol, driving with a humor intoxicant contented (BAC) of .08 oregon more, and 1 number of hit-and-run with spot damage. All 3 charges were misdemeanors. 

According to the transgression ailment obtained by ET, Beador had a humor intoxicant attraction of .20 percent oregon much by value astatine the clip of the crash. 

When constabulary arrived astatine the scene, Beador was "expelling humor from her near oculus which dripped down her face, onto her chest, and connected her hands" erstwhile archetypal responders arrived astatine the scene. Police besides said she was crying and "stumbling" connected the sidewalk aft exiting her vehicle. 

Shannon Beador attends BravoCon 2023 aft being arrested successful September 2023 for a DUI. - Rich Polk/Bravo via Getty Images

Beador was sentenced to 36 months of probation, 40 hours of assemblage work and a nine-month intoxicant programme connected Nov. 2, 2023. 

"I americium grateful that nary 1 other was injured too maine successful this incident. I person learned truthful overmuch from my unspeakable mistake that nighttime and recognize that driving immoderate region portion impaired is excessively far," Beador said successful a connection pursuing the sentencing. 

Speaking with ET at BravoCon 2023, Beador revealed however she was doing little than 2 months after she was taken into custody.

"I've spent the past period focusing connected myself," Beador told ET. "I went to a programme for 28 days and I americium -- I person started and I'm continuing to destruct toxic and unhealthy things successful my life." 

She clarified that portion that does mean she is axing intoxicant from her diet, it's not the lone happening she is cutting out. 

"I haven't been drinking and, you know, determination are definite relationships that I've ended arsenic well," she shared. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County season 18 premieres July 11 astatine 9 p.m. ET/PT connected Bravo. Returning housewives Shannon BeadorHeather DubrowTamra JudgeGina KirschenheiterEmily Simpson and Jenn Pedranti are joined by caller formed members Katie Ginella and friend Alexis Bellino.

Episodes volition beryllium disposable to watercourse the adjacent time connected Peacock.


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