Sebastian Yatra welcomed to Mallorca by close friend Rafael Nadal

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Sebastian Yatra spent immoderate of his abrogation days alongside his person and idol, Rafael Nadal. In an Instagram post, Yatra shared a look astatine his abrogation successful Mallorca, which included clip spent alongside his friends, and a stunning vessel thrust on the Spanish coast. 

Sebastian Yatra and Rafael Nadal© @sebastianyatra

Sebastian Yatra and Rafael Nadal

Yatra shared a station made up of assorted photos and videos, showing his followers a look astatine his summer. The station opened with a photograph of Yatra atop of a yacht, wearing a bathing suit and looking acceptable and tan. He's intelligibly enjoying himself with the backdrop of a stunning and sunny time connected the seashore of Mallorca, with the h2o looking heavy bluish and the seashore boasting the operation that the Spanish land is known for. 

More images showed Yatra and Nadal sitting connected immoderate steps together, with Yatra looking astatine Nadal and Nadal smiling astatine thing off-camera. Yatra besides included a selfie that shows their party, made up of Yatra, his woman Aitana, Nadal, his woman Mery Perello, and his sister Maribel Nadal. He besides showed a photograph of a repast that looked similar a benignant of atom with seafood, and the marks of a towel connected his back, indicating however agelong he'd spent lying down and enjoying the sun. 

He concluded the station with a video of himself going for a dive disconnected of the yacht. "I wasn't a nonrecreational tennis subordinate truthful I could springiness my friends the accidental to shine," helium wrote, referring to Nadal. "But I americium a nonrecreational diver. Check retired the video astatine the end." 

Sebastian Yatra and his friends© @sebastianyatra

Sebastian Yatra and his friends

Nadal and Yatra's friendship

Yatra and Nadal person a relationship that dates backmost years, with audiences having a archetypal grounds of it successful 2021 erstwhile Nadal and Yatra coincided astatine the Los 40 Music Awards successful Madrid. “This is crazy," said Yatra astatine the time. "I person Ed Sheeran successful beforehand of me, who's 1 of my favourite artists, and Rafa, who's an inspiration." 

Last year, up of Yatra's information successful The US Open opening ceremonial wherever helium played doubles with Carlos Alcaraz, Yatra took immoderate lessons with Nadal. They shared grounds of their enactment connected societal media, with Yatra posting a video of himself traveling to Spain to larn immoderate of Nadal's champion tennis tricks astatine the Rafa Nadal Academy. 

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