Savannah Chrisley Gives Update on Mom Julie's Prison Release

3 days ago 1


3:43 PM PDT, July 2, 2024

Savannah Chrisley is cautiously optimistic astir erstwhile her mom, Julie Chrisley, volition beryllium released from prison.

In the latest occurrence of her Unlocked podcast, the 26-year-old world TV prima said she hopes determination volition beryllium much quality to stock wrong the adjacent 90 days. And, if each goes well, Savannah says she hopes her ma volition beryllium released from situation by Thanksgiving Day.

"So, present we beryllium and wait. Hopefully nary much than 90 days to spell for that proceeding and hopefully she comes home," Savannah said.

She aboriginal added, "I'm making it my extremity that by Thanksgiving she's home."

The proceeding Savannah's referring to is successful notation to Julie's re-sentencing hearing, aft national appeals judges ordered the little courts to throw retired her sentence pursuing her 2022 conviction connected national taxation evasion and slope fraud.

In tribunal documents obtained by ET, a ineligible mistake was recovered successful however the proceedings justice calculated Julie's sentencing arsenic it held her accountable for the full slope fraud scheme. The appellate sheet has sent her lawsuit backmost to the little tribunal for a resentencing. 

Julie, who reported to prison successful January 2023, is presently serving a reduced five-year condemnation successful Lexington, Kentucky.

"I'm successful this spot of wanting to rejoice but astatine the aforesaid time, I don't privation to get my hopes up, and I thin to bash that a lot," Savannah added.

If Julie's released, Savannah says that'll escaped her up to absorption on her father, Todd Chrisley, who is serving his reduced 10-year situation condemnation successful Pensacola, Florida. Federal appeals judges upheld his situation sentence.

In the meantime, Savannah's already readying connected however she'll assistance her ma re-acclimate if she's released from situation sooner alternatively than later.

"It is gonna beryllium challenging for her to travel location and there's going to beryllium tons of therapy progressive ... thing I tin bash to assistance her get successful the champion abstraction she could perchance ever beryllium that's what I'm gonna bash ... conscionable getting her connected the close way due to the fact that I tin lone ideate however she's gonna consciousness coming home, and it's going to beryllium overwhelming," said Savannah, who besides envisioned however she'll interruption the quality astir Julie's situation merchandise to her 18-year-old brother, Grayson, and 11-year-old sister, Chloe. "And erstwhile I get the telephone that she tin travel location I honestly don't deliberation I'm gonna archer anyone. I'm astir apt conscionable going to spell and get her, bring her home, fto her get settled and past fto Chloe and Grayson locomotion into the country and not cognize that she's there."


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