Ray J Says He Feels Suicidal, Rants About 'Dirty Money' Following Incident at GloRilla's Party

4 days ago 3


2:57 PM PDT, July 1, 2024

Ray J took to his Instagram connected Monday to stock a lengthy message, successful which helium wrote that helium is "suicidal" aft an incidental astatine GloRilla's enactment connected Sunday.

In an Instagram Story, the 43-year-old R&B vocalist elaborate an incidental that occurred, alleging that idiosyncratic paid him off, but did not stock immoderate further details arsenic to who oregon what the alleged outgo was for. 

"The s**t that. Is happening is caput blowing - it's making maine suicidal and uncomfortable with the cognition of reality! - THEY PAID ME TO SHUT UP AND I DID! - I FEEL BAD AND I HATE MYSELF FOR IT! I DONT WANT ANYMORE OF YOUR DIRTY MONEY!!" Ray J wrote successful part. 

Alongside the garrulous caption, the vocalist reposted a photograph of himself connected the carpet astatine the BET Awards, wherever helium said everything was going large -- until it wasn't. Ray J added that the problems didn't halt there, either. 

"Then it each went bad! - First astatine #BET and past aboriginal connected too! - I'm truly astatine a breakin point! - To supply for my household and person generational wealthiness was ever the plan. - but wealth is evil and radical are atrocious and I can't instrumentality it anymore!" helium wrote. 

Ray J shares that helium feels 'suicidal' successful an Instagram Story - @RayJ connected Instagram

Ray J continued, "These concatenation of reactions are stemming from being locked successful a mendacious world / confused astir this full life! - The s**t that happened contiguous to maine astatine the awards contiguous was hurtful - I'm moving backstage and past I spell instrumentality a interruption successful the backmost and BET wouldn't fto maine backmost successful for immoderate crushed - I don't cognize who they didn't privation maine to spot - it was weird."

According to TMZ, aft the lawsuit ended, the TV property besides got into an altercation astatine GloRilla's after-party with a Zeus Network exec. At 1 point, Ray J allegedly threw a punch but did not deed anyone. 

Continuing connected societal media, Ray J further alarmed fans by sharing a connection straight to his sister, Brandy, and erstwhile again expressing acheronian and perchance suicidal ideations.

"[...] Right aft I dice .. I committedness you I volition beryllium feee [sic] of it each and the satellite tin determination connected with what is existent for me," helium wrote. "I'm atrocious to myself and I'm sister - atrocious Bran, I volition marque it right, I won't fto them get distant with it!" 

Ray J astatine the BET Awards 2024 connected Sunday, June 30 - Getty Images


ET reached retired to Ray J's reps for comment. 

If you oregon idiosyncratic you cognize is considering suicide, delight interaction the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline astatine 1-800-273-TALK (8255), substance "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line astatine 741-741 oregon spell to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

This communicative was updated connected July 1 astatine 3:49 p.m. PST. 


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