Prince Harry's The Perfect Fit For Pat Tillman Award, Past Recipient Says

3 days ago 2


Prince Harry's a humble, stand-up feline who blends successful arsenic conscionable different chap veteran, making him deserving of the Pat Tillman Award for Service ... a erstwhile recipient tells america amid the outrage implicit ESPN's determination to grant the royal.

U.S. Marine Jake Wood, who won the grant successful 2018, tells TMZ veterans who've interacted with Prince Harry done his Invictus Games efforts accidental he's arsenic existent arsenic it gets. There's nary aerial of superiority ... helium conscionable wants to sit, swap warfare stories, and guarantee everyone's taken attraction of, helium says.

No uncertainty successful Jake's eyes, Harry's down-to-earth nature, connected apical of him devoting a ample chunk of his post-military beingness to veterans, solidifies his worthiness for the award.

Jake besides points retired Harry, being a royal, could've chosen a 100 different paths successful beingness but opted to service his state with 2 tours successful Afghanistan -- that choice, helium says, speaks volumes.

Bottom line, Jake says radical should abstracted Harry's arguable presumption from his genuine work to his state and his enactment for subject veterans worldwide ... 'cause who amended to grant than idiosyncratic who's walked the walk?

But, not everyone shares Jake's sentiment. Remember Pat's mom, Mary Tillman, kickstarted the play by slamming ESPN for deciding to grant "a arguable and divisive individual" astatine this month's ESPY Awards ceremony.

Looks similar the full thing's stirring up a divided crossed the committee -- ESPN's ain Pat McAfee is siding with Mary ... portion Tillman victor U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro Jr. is each successful for Harry grabbing the honor.

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