Pat Tillman Award Recipients Say Prince Harry Deserves the Honor

3 days ago 4

Prince Harry Deserves Pat Tillman Award ... Past Recipients Say

Prince Harry has cardinal figures successful his country amid the outrage implicit ESPN's determination to grant him with the Pat Tillman Award for Service -- astatine slightest 2 erstwhile winners accidental Harry is decidedly deserving.

Jake Wood, a U.S. Marine and erstwhile assemblage shot subordinate who won the grant successful 2018, tells TMZ … the Duke of Sussex is simply a earthy acceptable for the Tillman grant due to the fact that of Harry's subject work and his dedication to veterans.

Jake feels Prince Harry is simply a bully prime due to the fact that he's dedicated his beingness to serving and supporting the subject and veterans -- Harry served 2 tours successful Afghanistan -- and that should beryllium commended due to the fact that determination are hundreds of antithetic ways a British royal could unrecorded his life.

Remember, Pat's mom, Mary Tillman, acceptable disconnected the contention erstwhile she slammed ESPN for its program to springiness the grant named aft her lad to "a arguable and divisive individual" astatine this month's ESPY Awards ceremony.

Even ESPN property Pat McAfee is publically supporting Mary's viewpoint, claiming his web is purposely trying to make a contention ... allegedly for amended TV ratings.

Another erstwhile winner, U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro Jr., received the Tillman grant successful 2017, and wholly disagrees with McAfee and Mary Tillman.

He says Harry's enactment with wounded and injured veterans makes him a worthy recipient, and for what it's worthy ... he's looking guardant to watching Harry travel successful his footsteps.

That's ESPN's instrumentality too, arsenic it insists Harry was chosen specifically due to the fact that of his enactment arsenic the founder of The Invictus Games for wounded and injured vets. Harry's instauration is celebrating 10 years of service.

The conception ESPN selected Harry purely for publicity doesn't marque consciousness to Jake, who points retired ... the ESPYs and ESPN aren't hurting for celebs and the ceremonial is ever chock-full of celebrated athletes.

Of course, Harry's the archetypal celeb to triumph the Pat Tillman Award for Service -- successful the past, it's been reserved for unsung heroes, but Jake says Harry's subject inheritance makes him dissimilar astir celebs.

While Jake's defending Harry here, don't get it twisted ... helium says Pat's parent has each close to support her son's bequest nevertheless she sees fit, and, obviously, helium does not talk for the Tillman family.

Likewise, Israel has sympathy for Mary, but says the grant boils down to work ... and, for him astatine least, Prince Harry much than checks that box.

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