'One Tree Hill' Star Shantel VanSanten and Victor Webster Finalize Divorce

4 days ago 1

Shantel VanSanten & Victor Webster Finalize Divorce Over a Year After Splitting

Shantel VanSanten's matrimony to Victor Webster has officially travel to a adjacent ... arsenic the erstwhile mates has finalized their divorcement a twelvemonth and a fractional aft splitting.

In caller tribunal documents obtained by TMZ ... the "One Tree Hill" histrion and the soap prima confirmed they negotiated a colony successful mediation ... agreeing to however their assets volition beryllium divided, arsenic good arsenic specifics surrounding favored custody and more.

It apt helped that the brace had a prenup heading into the divorcement ... which the exes chose to incorporated into the presumption of the settlement.

The cardinal takeaways from the divorcement colony are arsenic follows ... Victor volition get custody of their canine Nova, but Shantel volition get visitation with the pup for tenable periods of time.
However, Shantel is required to stock updates with Victor astir Nova's whereabouts. If Shantel fails to driblet Nova disconnected for a play longer than 3 weeks, she'll person to wage her ex $10K/per time the canine is missing. Woof, indeed.

As for their cats, Finnegan and Phillippa, they're present successful the custody of Victor's brother, Vince.

Victor and Shantel besides reached a 50/50 divided statement regarding the wealth made connected the merchantability of their L.A.-area home. Per the docs, they've already received their respective chunks of alteration from that deal. The erstwhile mates has a akin 50/50 divided statement for different fiscal investments, though she besides agreed to fork implicit an further $25K to equalize the divided of assets. Neither volition get immoderate spousal enactment nether the settlement.

Looks similar these 2 tied up everything beauteous neatly.

This update comes implicit a twelvemonth aft Victor filed for divorce aft celebrating his and Shantel's nuptials successful 3 antithetic weddings successful 2021.

Per the docs, they officially became azygous again connected December 31, 2023 ... bringing this section officially to an end.

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