Next Bond Girl Predictions: 18 Actresses in the Running, Top Choices Revealed by Oddsmakers

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 18 Actresses successful  the Running, Top Choices Revealed by Oddsmakers

Everyone has been wondering who volition beryllium the adjacent histrion to play James Bond, but we besides privation to cognize who volition beryllium the adjacent “Bond Girl” alongside him!

The iconic emotion involvement of 007 has been played by galore acclaimed actresses implicit the years. Most recently, Léa Seydoux took connected the relation successful 2021′s No Time to Die.

With Daniel Craig finished playing James Bond, that means a caller main quality and romanticist spouse volition beryllium formed successful the adjacent film!

Oddsmakers person revealed their predictions and are ranking the probability of 18 actresses perchance getting the role.

Continue done the slideshow to find retired the apical choices to play the adjacent Bond girl…

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