Murray the Magician Resigns From Academy of Magical Arts, Exposed Tricks

3 days ago 3

MURRAY THE MAGICIAN Presto!!! Out of ACADEMY OF MAGICAL ARTS ... Resigns for Exposing Tricks

Murray The Magician is pulling a disappearing enactment connected the Academy of Magical Arts -- this aft having his capable of what helium deems arsenic the org's inconsistent values.

TMZ has obtained Murray's resignation missive -- and helium makes it wide the caller probe into his viral online reveals of magic tricks near him feeling similar it was clip to marque his expansive exit.

In the letter, Murray pulls backmost the curtain connected what helium sees arsenic the AMA's outdated rules ... pointing retired portion they've been astir since 1962, they're struggling to support up successful the epoch of societal media wherever magicians are spilling secrets left, right, and center.

He besides notes the irony successful the org demanding helium region the vids from his idiosyncratic leafage oregon look expulsion. Murray says, "This ultimatum coincides with the Academy's caller honoring of different celebrated performers with a Performing Fellowship Award. While I respect their work, it's undeniable that their unsocial benignant involves revealing cardinal magical principles."

Murray says it's that inconsistent stance connected exposing tricks, and his content successful state of look that made him earnestly question his spot successful the AMA, to the constituent wherever helium feels its values nary longer align with his.

March 2024

Despite each that, Murray claims there's nary atrocious blood, and he's adjacent extending an invitation to anyone from the org to drawback his Vegas oregon circuit shows anytime.

You'll callback ... Murray was infamously suspended from AMA-owned Magic Castle, aft helium shared a video wherever his woman Dani exposed however helium did each his magic tricks.

March 2024

While the AMA launched an investigation, it seems Murray has decided to instrumentality matters into his ain hands and marque his exit earlier they could present their verdict.

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