Michael J Fox makes surprise appearance at Coldplay's seismic Glastonbury set

5 days ago 5

Glastonbury weekend is successful afloat plaything successful England and Saturday nighttime was headlined by Coldplay, 1 of the astir palmy bands to ever exist.

They are known for putting connected a cinematic show erstwhile they instrumentality to the stage, but they took the connection 'cinematic' to a caller level successful 2024.

Roger Federer takes to the signifier and sings astatine a Coldplay concert

Back to the Future prima Michael J Fox was brought onto the signifier to sing alongside Chris Martin for 2 songs during the encore conception of the show. There was an estimated 100,000 fans watching Coldplay on the main stage.

"Here is different legendary Michael," Martin said astir Fox after besides introducing festival laminitis Sir Michael Eavis. "One who conscionable wholly rocks. With his Chuck Berry riff and the mode helium punched Biff: ladies and gentlemen, delight invited Michael J. Fox."

Michael J Fox's Parkinson's battle

The 63-year-old Fox has been battling with Parkinson's illness since 1991 and helium held a guitar successful his thigh whilst sitting successful his wheelchair.

Martin was knelt adjacent to Fox as they sang 'Fix You', 1 of Coldplay's astir recognizable songs.

During the song's interlude, Martin sang "Go, Johnny, Go, Go, Go" a telephone backmost to "Back to the Future" wherever Fox's character, Marty McFly, performed Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" astatine his parents' precocious schoolhouse dance.

"Especially convey you to the main crushed wherefore we're successful a band, is due to the fact that of watching 'Back to the Future,'" helium told the assemblage arsenic helium near the stage.

"So convey you to our leader forever, and 1 of the astir astonishing radical connected Earth, Mr. Michael J. Fox," Martin added. "Thank you truthful much, our hero."

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