Michael Easton Shocks the World, Announces Departure from General Hospital

1 week ago 3

Michael Easton has made a melodramatic announcement successful respect to the satellite of daytime drama.

On Wednesday morning, the seasoned histrion shared a lengthy video connected Instagram that confirmed his unexpected departure from General Hospital.

Just however imminent is his departure?

Michael Easton for General HospitalMichael Easton poses present for a promotional photo. (Disney)

Easton’s last occurrence airs connected Thursday, June 27!

“I’ve ever been partial to the Irish goodbye. That’s wherever you permission the enactment without really telling anyone you’re gone,” Easton said successful his video farewell.

“But I thought you each deserved better, truthful I conscionable wanted to fto you cognize that I conscionable filmed my last scenes present astatine General Hospital.”

Easton created the quality of John McBain connected One Life to Live, yet making the determination to General Hospital successful 2012.

Michael Easton connected  airMichael Easton is astir apt 1 of the astir palmy soap opera stars ever. (General Hospital)

Due to ineligible issues erstwhile it came to intelligence property, the prima exited the amusement on with different colleagues … but returned aboriginal successful a caller relation arsenic Silas Clay, who was killed disconnected successful August 2016.

Six months aft that, helium re-entered the bid arsenic Dr. Hamilton Finn.

Welcome to the beingness of soap opera casting, those unaware of however this signifier of amusement often works.

Continued Easton via this societal media footage:

“I’ve loved each infinitesimal that I’ve been here. I privation to convey the full formed and unit for allowing maine to stock their signifier this past 10 years.

“Most importantly, I privation to convey each of you for the kindness and emotion you’ve shown maine and my family. I won’t ever hide you. And arsenic I locomotion retired present for the past time, and with apologies to the large Lou Gehrig, I consciousness similar the luckiest antheral connected the look of the Earth.”

Michael Easton pictureMichael Easton near rather the people connected General Hospital during his run. (General Hospital)

In different precise caller General Hospital news:

On Tuesday, it was revealed that five-time Daytime Emmy victor Jonathan Jackson would instrumentality arsenic Lucky Spencer.

Moreover, Bryan Craig is acceptable to reprise his relation arsenic Morgan Corinthos, the precocious lad of Sonny (Maurice Benard) and Carly (Laura Wright), for an occurrence successful aboriginal August.

“Thank you for your kindness. My bosom is filled with emotion and gratitude. #gh #goodbye,” wrote Easton arsenic a caption to his video.

You tin ticker Easton’s afloat announcement below:

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