Maluma is on full daddy duties as he, Paris, and Susana Gomez arrive in Italy

3 days ago 1

Maluma precocious demonstrated that his talents widen acold beyond music. On his accomplishment successful Cagliari for the Dolce & Gabbana event, Maluma was seen afloat embracing his caller relation arsenic a father. Accompanied by his partner, Susana Gomez, and their adorable babe girl, Paris, the vocalist showcased a tender broadside that fans seldom see.

The Colombian rapper and vocalist  Maluma, with his spouse  Susana Gomez, cradles his baby, arriving successful  Cagliari for the Dolce & Gabbana event.© The Grosby Group

The Colombian rapper and vocalist Maluma, with his spouse Susana Gomez, cradles his baby, arriving successful Cagliari for the Dolce & Gabbana event.

A Star's New Role

The Colombian heartthrob, calved Juan Luis Londoño Arias, has captivated audiences worldwide with his reggaeton rhythms and creaseless vocals. Yet, connected this occasion, his dedication to his household took halfway stage. Holding babe Paris successful his arms, Maluma exuded a calm and contented demeanor, a stark opposition to the high-energy performances that person defined his career. 

Susana Gomez: The Supportive Partner

Maluma's partner, Susana Gomez, played an arsenic important relation successful this heartwarming scene. Known for her discretion and penchant for staying retired of the limelight, Gomez appeared radiant and astatine easiness arsenic she walked beside Maluma, reinforcing their beardown household bond. 

The Colombian rapper and vocalist  Maluma, with his spouse  Susana Gomez, cradles his baby, arriving successful  Cagliari for the Dolce & Gabbana event.© The Grosby Group

The Colombian rapper and vocalist Maluma, with his spouse Susana Gomez, cradles his baby, arriving successful Cagliari for the Dolce & Gabbana event.

Baby Paris: The Newest Star

Little Paris, cradled securely successful her father's arms, was the item of the moment. Maluma and Susana welcomed their archetypal girl astatine the opening of March. “On March 9th, astatine 8:23 AM, the emotion of our lives was born, Paris Londoño Gómez,” the creator expressed successful a station connected his societal networks a time aft the accomplishment of his small one, an juncture connected which helium showed himself highly excited and moved.

On March 9th, Maluma besides dedicated immoderate heartfelt words to his daughter's mother, thanking her for making this large imagination travel true. “Susana, my love: Thank you for granting maine the top imagination of being a father. I volition ne'er hide that moment. I emotion you,” helium concluded.

Becoming a dada has been a monumental milestone for Maluma, fulfilling 1 of his top dreams. In a societal media post, helium expressed his excitement for these archetypal weeks of fatherhood, relishing each infinitesimal spent afloat immersed successful the joyousness of having Paris successful his life. “My archetypal 15 days arsenic a dad, this is the champion happening I person experienced successful my life.”

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