Lucy Hale Spotted With Rob Lowe’s Son John on Lunch Date in Los Angeles

3 days ago 2

Lucy Hale Spotted connected  Lunch Date With Rob Lowe’s Son John successful  Los Angeles

Lucy Hale and Johnny Lowe GAC / MEGA

Actress Lucy Hale stepped retired with Rob Lowe’s lad John to drawback luncheon successful Los Angeles.

The brace looked casual extracurricular Tocaya Modern Mexican edifice successful Studio City connected Saturday, June 29. Hale, 35, wore a achromatic vessel apical and high-waisted jeans with her hairsbreadth pulled backmost portion John, 29, looked casual successful a cream-colored knit vessel top, baggy jeans and a shot hat. (Rob, 60, besides shares lad Matthew with his wife, Sheryl Berkoff.)

Hale and John person not publically spoken astir their narration status. They were archetypal linked by fans successful April aft the Which Brings Me to You histrion near a supportive remark connected his Instagram station marking six years of sobriety connected April 1.

“Six years agone contiguous I took my past sip of alcohol. If you oregon anyone you cognize is struggling with addiction, scope out. Ask for help. I did and it changed my life,” John shared via Instagram to which Hale responded, “This is amazing. You are amazing. Bright & shiny human.”

John has been precise unfastened astir his conflict with addiction, admitting helium often felt “deeply insecure” portion increasing up due to the fact that of the “pressure” helium felt arsenic a kid of celebrity.

“Many times I could person died. I truly liked to propulsion the limits of my assemblage and numb retired arsenic overmuch arsenic I could,” helium said during a 2023 interrogation with Men’s Health. “The much insecure I grew, the much aggressively I utilized — to medicate. I’ve been to galore hospitals galore times. I’ve been precise lucky.”

Hale, for her part, has besides chosen to unrecorded a cleanable lifestyle. The Pretty Little Liars alum marked 1 twelvemonth of sobriety by publically opening up astir her acquisition via Instagram successful February 2023.

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“Bear with me, this is an alternate Valentine’s Day post. This is simply a station astir self-love and astir the top happening I’ve ever done,” Hale captioned a photograph of a barroom with the words “1 Year” written crossed the top. “On January 2, 2023, I celebrated 1 twelvemonth of sobriety. While this travel has mostly been private, I felt compelled contiguous to fto anyone who is struggling cognize that you are not unsocial and you are loved.”

While she kept her connection abbreviated and saccharine astatine the time, Hale has since talked in-depth astir her battle with addiction, including entering a rehab installation astatine property 23. It’s been a travel afloat of ups and downs, but Hale is blessed wherever she’s ended up.

“I deliberation for maine it was, ‘Oh, I conscionable consciousness harmless successful my assemblage again.’ I wouldn’t springiness this feeling up for anything,” she said during an quality connected The Drew Barrymore Show successful January. “It’s conscionable astonishing and past it’s conscionable a ripple effect and I deliberation if much radical successful general, particularly women, tin show, like, the dirty, gross, disfigured parts that we don’t privation to speech about, I deliberation that is beauteous and brave and truthful cool.”

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