King Charles III Bestows Scotland’s Highest Honor Upon Wife Queen Camilla

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King Charles III Bestows Scotland Highest Honor Upon Wife Queen Camilla

King Charles III and Queen Camilla Chris Jackson/Getty Images

King Charles III bestowed woman Queen Camilla with Scotland’s highest grant during Royal Week.

Charles, 75, was joined by lad Prince William during the Thistle Service astatine St. Giles’ Cathedral successful Edinburgh connected Wednesday, July 3. During the ceremony, Charles officially welcomed woman Camilla, 76, and member Prince Edward into the Order of the Thistle — which is the country’s highest grant of chivalry.

The Order of the Thistle is simply a longstanding contented successful which 16 knights and ladies, including men and women who clasp nationalist bureau oregon person offered a publication to nationalist life, are recognized by the reigning monarch.

It was announced successful June 2023 that Camilla would articulation the Order. “The King has been graciously pleased to name the Queen to the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle,” Buckingham Palace announced astatine the time. News of Edward’s assignment into the Order came this past March.

Duchess Sophie was besides successful attendance astatine the lawsuit connected Wednesday to enactment her husband, Edward, 60. Photos showed the mates arriving astatine St Giles’ Cathedral together. Edward sat alongside Camilla, Charles and William during the ceremony.

King Charles III Bestows Scotland Highest Honor Upon Wife Queen Camilla 2

Queen Camilla Jane Barlow - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Wednesday’s lawsuit marks the 2nd time of this year’s Royal Week successful Scotland, which is besides referred to arsenic Holyrood Week. Charles kicked disconnected his yearly travel connected Tuesday, July 2, during the Ceremony of the Keys, taking spot successful the gardens astatine the Palace of Holyroodhouse. This officially welcomed the king to Edinburgh by giving him the keys to the city.

This year’s Royal Week is simply a large feat for Charles, who is presently undergoing attraction for an undisclosed benignant of cancer. The palace announced the king’s illness successful February aft helium underwent a process for benign prostate enlargement. Initially, Charles took a insignificant measurement backmost from appearances, with different members of the royal household stepping up. However, helium has returned to nationalist duty.

Charles took his archetypal overseas trip pursuing his crab diagnosis past month. On June 6, helium was joined by Camilla successful France to people the 80th day of D-Day successful Normandy.

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King Charles III Bestows Scotland Highest Honor Upon Wife Queen Camilla 3

King Charles III Chris Jackson/Getty Images

“How fortunate we were, and the full escaped world, that a procreation of men and women successful the United Kingdom and different Allied nations did not flinch erstwhile the infinitesimal came to look that test,” Charles said, addressing a assemblage of veterans. “On the beaches of Normandy, connected the seas beyond, and successful the skies overhead, our equipped forces carried retired their work with a humbling consciousness of resoluteness and determination.”

Days later, Camilla offered an update connected Charles’ wellbeing, joking that her hubby hasn’t been taking things easy portion undergoing treatment.

“[He] won’t dilatory down and won’t bash what he’s told,” she quipped.

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