Kiefer Sutherland opens up about his estranged relationship with late dad Donald Sutherland

4 days ago 2

Kiefer Sutherland is opening up astir his narration with his precocious begetter Donald Sutherland. The Hollywood prima revealed that helium did not get to cognize his begetter until helium turned 15. Kiefer shared the bittersweet quality astir his dad's decease connected June 20 and went connected to speech astir their estranged narration during his latest interview.

“Me and my dada truly got to cognize each different aft I near location astatine 15,” the Golden Globe victor revealed to The Sunday Times. “My parents divided erstwhile I was 3 and my mum, sister and I moved to Canada,” helium told the publication.

“I didn’t unrecorded with my dad. I would spot him astatine Christmas and for a mates of weeks successful the summer. I surely did spot him, but it was truly relegated to astir holidays," helium explained, crediting his dad's vocation successful the amusement manufacture to portion of his occurrence successful Hollywood.

© Michael Tran

“I person to judge that having the aforesaid surname arsenic my dada has helped maine astatine times,” Kiefer said during the interview. “There indispensable person been moments wherever radical who were affable with my dada leant towards helping me," helium continued. “But I cognize of 2 circumstantial instances wherever idiosyncratic was not affable with my dada and I sat successful the bureau for 4 hours and ne'er got the meeting.”

The histrion is simply a arrogant dada to twins Kiefer and Rachel Sutherland from his matrimony to Shirley Douglas. He is besides a begetter to sons Roeg, Rossif, and Angus, shared with his 3rd wife, Francine Racette.

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