Kelly Ripa Excitedly Gives Mark Consuelos' Hair Transformation a Hand

4 days ago 5

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos Reveal Their Romantic 28th Wedding Anniversary Plans (Exclusive)

Not surprisingly, Kelly Ripa is blistery for Mark Consuelos' summertime look.

Right connected clip arsenic the mercury rises, the 53-year-old was sporting a warm-weather-ready buzz chopped connected the couple's caller dreamy-looking vacation successful Switzerland. And though Ripa snapped galore pics during their getaway capturing his hairsbreadth from antithetic angles, she was blessed to enactment the style's TV debut erstwhile they returned to enactment July 1.

"Do not set your TV screens," Consuelos advised astatine the apical of Monday's occurrence of LIVE With Kelly and Mark. "Yes, I got my hairsbreadth cut."

"May I touch?" his wife of 28 years inquired arsenic she ran her manus implicit his not-at-all bristly head, some of them beaming.

"It's similar a chinchilla," helium offered, invoking the softest of squirrel-like rodents.

Added Ripa, "I've ne'er rubbed an existent chinchilla, but I fishy this is what it feels like? We should springiness everyone successful the assemblage an opportunity."

"Live With Kelly and Mark"/WABC

Consuelos agreed that he'd prime idiosyncratic out. "The precocious platform ne'er gets immoderate love," helium noted, pointing upward, "so maybe..." Ripa was, of course, onboard.

Scanning the higher tier of seats, helium quipped, "That man up determination wants to hitch my head."

As Ripa continued doing a afloat pat-down of her husband's close-cropped 'do, she added, "Look astatine however I instrumentality it all for granted, don't I? I conscionable instrumentality it each for granted."

"Live With Kelly and Mark"/WABC

Consuelos noted that he's nary alien to the buzz cut, that helium does it each fewer years, but this clip helium really broke retired the clippers for a TV aviator helium changeable aft being asked to spell "military"-short for the role. 

Not that he's playing idiosyncratic successful the military, helium rapidly added.

Trying and failing to get much astir the portion retired of him, Ripa told Consuelos, "This is, I think, wherefore we've been joined for truthful long: You're truthful cagey astir the details that, I americium not unconvinced that you are also, similar your parents, successful the CIA."

That marque of terseness, Consuelos countered, "is conscionable called being a man. You inquire me, I'm like, [grunting], 'Yeah.'"

Though she did articulation him successful Atlanta wherever they filmed, Ripa proudly-but-facetiously adding, "I was being a Hollywood wife."

Spoiler alert, the parents of 3 had a marvelous clip together. And portion you whitethorn not get a accidental to consciousness for yourself Conseulos' abbreviated but touchably brushed haircut, you tin bask his and Ripa's stunning abrogation photos:

Kelly Ripa/Instagram

Neutral Territory

Kelly and Mark bask the presumption successful Geneva, Switzerland.

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

A Winning Look

Oh, did Mark get a haircut...? We hadn't noticed...

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Smart Look

It's ever a stylish prime to support your look from the prima with a wide-brimmed hat.

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Mother-Daughter Summer

Lola Consuelos, 23, was on for the household fun.

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Look astatine the View

Mark's close-cropped hairsbreadth wasn't the lone prima of this Swiss Alps fume show.

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Full Speed Ahead

Mark and Kelly cuddle up connected a vessel connected Lake Geneva. 

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Behind the Wheel

Heading toward onshore is ever a bully bet.

Mark Consuelos/Instagram

Seeing the Sights

Oh, those summertime nights.

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