Kate Winslet Reunited with 'The Reader' Co-Star David Kross as She Was Honored at Munich Film Festival 2024

2 days ago 1

Kate Winslet Reunited with 'The Reader' Co-Star David Kross arsenic  She Was Honored astatine  Munich Film Festival 2024

Kate Winslet is being honored!

The 48-year-old Oscar, Emmy, and Grammy victor posed for photos astatine the 2024 Munich International Film Festival connected Tuesday (July 2) held astatine the Deutsches Theater successful Munich, Germany.

Kate, who looked stylish successful a achromatic suit, was honored with CineMerit award, besides known arsenic the beingness accomplishment award, by her The Reader co-star David Kross.

Keep speechmaking to find retired more…As helium honored Kate, David, 33, praised his co-star for efficaciously being his intimacy coordinator connected acceptable of the 2008 film, which they filmed erstwhile helium was 17-18-years-old.

“I’m inactive precise thankful for the mode you made maine consciousness astatine easiness erstwhile moving connected those precise intimate scenes, you created a harmless abstraction and helped maine recognize the process, patiently, empathetically, and astir of each with a batch of humor,” David said, according to Deadline.

In a caller interview, Kate explained wherefore her iconic buss with Leonardo DiCaprio successful Titanic was really a “nightmare” to film!

Click done the assemblage for 15+ pictures of Kate Winslet astatine the movie festival…

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