Kate Beckinsale Moons a London Department Store in Instagram Post

3 days ago 2

Kate Beckinsale Shows Off Her Bare Butt ... While Mourning Clive The Cat

Kate Beckinsale had an unusual mode of mourning the decease of her feline Clive ... She showed disconnected her bare butt.

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In a video posted Monday to Instagram, the histrion was lasting with her bare ass against a model wrong a country portion wearing sweatpants pulled down successful back.

Kate past bent implicit and mooned Harvey Nichols – the London Department store crossed the street. She besides uploaded a 2nd video showing cars cruising past the store connected the thoroughfare below.

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In the caption, Kate explained that her teen behaviour was tied to the 2023 decease of Clive. She wrote that aft receiving the "horrific news" past year, she and her person spent the adjacent evening "making prank calls and mooning Harvey Nichols." (This was seemingly erstwhile the 2 videos were shot.)

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Kate added that "sometimes erstwhile the bottommost falls retired of your satellite the lone effect aft crying till you’re sick is your ain bottom." She ended her connection by thanking her person for "jumping into the occurrence with maine x."

As you know, Kate was devastated by the decease of Clive successful June 2023, giving a touching tribute to the furry feline successful an IG station astatine the time. She was pictured cuddling with Clive arsenic she told her fans, "My bosom is perfectly and wholly broken."

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