Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori accused of sending pornography among Yeezy employees

4 days ago 4

Just 2 months ago, rumour had it that Kanye West was astir to embark connected a caller task arsenic an big movie shaper by mounting up his ain studio. 'Yeezy Porn', arsenic it volition beryllium called, was a bid by the rapper to further grow his capital. What helium didn't expect was that it would outgo his woman a suit earlier it was adjacent officially launched.

According to the American portal TMZ Sports, Bianca Censori has been denounced by a radical of Yeezy employees, arsenic she has dispersed pornographic contented among immoderate employees. According to the complaint, this nexus to big contented was accessible to underage employees, truthful Bianca Censori would beryllium incurring a precise superior transgression successful the United States.

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, were spotted flying system class

Kanye West and Milo Yiannopoulos are besides named successful the lawsuit

At the opening of the project, the rapper teamed up with the entrepreneur to bring Yeezy to life. When West turned to big films, Milo Yiannopoulos decided to measurement aside. Even so, the suit filed names some of them for failing to marque the payments and salaries promised to the employees successful complaint of creating the app.

The suit claims that Kanye West and Milo Yiannopoulos engaged successful "forced labour and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" of employees. In addition, immoderate assertion that they were addressed arsenic "new slaves" portion processing the big movie app Yeezy Porn.

In this complaint, the 2 employers are accused of having hired employees nether the property of 14. According to immoderate workers, Yiannopoulos promised them a wage of $120,000 erstwhile the app was afloat completed and if they agreed to enactment "hard and without protest" astir the conditions. To this end, they were forced to motion exclusivity contracts and minors were forced to motion "voluntary agreements".

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