Kaley Cuoco Takes 15-Month-Old Daughter Matilda Swimming: 'We Have a Water Baby'

3 days ago 5


7:58 AM PDT, July 2, 2024

Kaley Cuoco's girl loves the pool!

The 38-year-old histrion precocious shared a heartwarming glimpse into her household life, posting a bid of videos and photos connected Instagram featuring her 15-month-old daughter, Matilda, enjoying a fun-filled time by the pool.

The Big Bang Theory star took to her Instagram Stories connected Monday to showcase Matilda's aquatic adventures. In 1 video, the toddler is beaming joyfully arsenic her parent holds her successful a friend's swimming pool.

Kaley Cuoco's daughter, Matilda. - Instagram

Cuoco captioned the clip,"The swimming continued @amy_davidson pool! She was hopeless for maine to fto go. Time for swimming @ lessons lol."

The arrogant ma added, "Is that what you wanted? You privation to beryllium a large girl."

Kaley Cuoco's Daughter Matilda - Instagram

Cuoco's posts besides captured Matilda's enthusiasm for different water-based activities. One video shows the small 1 gleefully jogging astir a h2o fountain, prompting Cuoco to declare, "We person a h2o baby."

The histrion playfully added, "Also erstwhile she spots maine @tommypelphrey," referencing her spouse and Matilda's father, Tom Pelphrey.

Kaley Cuoco's daughter, Matilda. - Instagram

The Instagram Stories didn't halt astatine excavation time. Cuoco shared further snapshots of Matilda's summertime day, including a saccharine infinitesimal wherever the toddler offered her sippy cupful to a canine and different wherever she posed with her parent portion holding onto a cornhole set.

Kaley Cuoco's daughter, Matilda. - Instagram

It wasn't that agelong agone erstwhile Cuoco shared with ET stories from the "exciting" and "insane" archetypal fewer months of motherhood. She opened up successful May 2023 astir embracing motherhood and enjoying beingness and going with the travel erstwhile it comes to parenting.

"Everyone's happy, everyone's good... She's thriving, she's the best!" Cuoco said, beaming. 

Cuoco also said that portion she enjoys the accidental to spell retired with Pelphrey truthful they tin walk clip unsocial together, she besides has superior FOMO due to the fact that she's conscionable truthful obsessed with Matilda.

"I've go that ma who posts each freaking thing," the Flight Attendant star gushed. "She does something, and I'm like, 'I person to station that!'"

Cuoco besides shared with ET astir not speechmaking up connected books up of welcoming Matilda. In fact, she took it a measurement further.

"From the infinitesimal I adjacent knew I was pregnant, I'm like, 'We're doing this our way,'" Cuoco admitted to ET successful January. "I consciousness similar if I've learned anything, it's really, your kid is your kid and it's not similar the adjacent kid. And you, arsenic a parent, are not similar that parent, and what that kid needs is not what my kid needs."


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