Justin Timberlake’s mugshot turned into art at Sag Harbor gallery after Hamptons DWI bust

3 days ago 4

Justin Timberlake’s mugshot has been turned into creation successful the Hamptons.

An representation of the vocalist aft his caller apprehension is featured successful a portion astatine the section Romany Kramoris Gallery, and we’re told determination person been nonstop lines and pedestrians snapping photos of the work.

Artist Godfrey Lohman created constricted editions of “Tuesday Night Out Featuring Justin Timberlake.” courtesy of Romany Kramoris Gallery

Artist Godfrey Lohman made the constricted variation piece, and erstwhile helium brought them to the gallery, “My absorption was, ‘Oh my God!’ That’s great! It’s conscionable great!” proprietor Romany Kramoris, told Page Six.

Kramoris is fondly known astir municipality arsenic the “Queen of Sag Harbor” aft operating her assemblage for 44 years.

The gallery’s Leslie Raff quipped, “[Timberlake’s caller mugshot] is our astir modern piece! It’s au courant.”

The representation is disposable successful respective colors including, pink, greenish and blue. courtesy of Romany Kramoris Gallery

At $520, the assemblage has sold “two oregon three” of the works truthful far, and, “a batch of radical are coming back,” Kramoris said.

The assemblage plans to transportation the pieces passim the summer. “The greenish 1 is not my favorite. He looks a small sickly, too galore martinis connected the greenish one,” Kramoris said.

Timberlake was arrested successful Sag Harbor connected June 18.

A bartender astatine the American Hotel, 2 doors down from Kramoris’ gallery, said the vocalist had lone 1 martini astatine the bar determination earlier his arrest. “If helium was drinking more, it wasn’t here,” an worker astatine the edifice told People magazine.

Romany Kramoris Gallery is 2 doors down from the American Hotel, wherever Timberlake was drinking earlier his DWI. Romany Kramoris Gallery/Facebook

We broke the quality that the arresting serviceman who pulled the prima implicit was truthful young he didn’t adjacent cognize who Timberlake was.

“He didn’t admit him oregon his name,” an insider told Page Six aft the arrest.

Police described Timberlake arsenic having glassy and bloodshot eyes successful his mugshot. Sag Harbor PD/MEGA

Some Sag Harbor locals aren’t fans of the Timberlake-inspired art.

Kramoris told us, “Some [in the community] raised their eyebrows, and say, ‘Oh, you’ve got that,’ erstwhile they spot the representation successful the gallery.”

But, “Others are truthful excited, the young ones especially… it’s happy! I surely admit it successful my store. The information that I person the representation is happy. The incidental wasn’t truthful much,” she said.

Timberlake is presently connected his “Forget Tomorrow” satellite tour. Getty Images for Live Nation

The Warhol-esque portion is titled “Tuesday Night Out featuring Justin Timberlake,” (which is technically inaccurate since the apprehension occurred aboriginal Tuesday morning). But, creator licence and all!

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