Justin Timberlake's joke about his DWI arrest: Anyone here tonight that's driving?

4 days ago 3

If you can't laugh, what person you got? That seems to beryllium the argumentation Justin Timberlake has adopted successful the aftermath of his DWI apprehension as the appeared to gag astir the June 17 incidental whilst performing successful Boston.

The Social Network histrion took to the signifier astatine the TD Garden venue arsenic helium performed for fans connected June 29 and seemed to gag astir his apprehension successful Sag Harbor, New York, erstwhile an serviceman stopped him for erratic driving earlier suspecting helium was nether the influence.

"So, uh, is determination anyone present contiguous that is driving and... No, I'm conscionable kidding," Timberlake said connected signifier arsenic the fans went brainsick by bursting into laugher earlier it went viral connected societal media successful the pursuing hours.

Justin Timberlake makes gag astir the driving incidental with Boston assemblage nighttime 1

Timberlake had been to meal with his friends astatine the American Hotel earlier helium ran a halt motion successful a 2025 BMW, whilst helium besides failed to support the car to the close broadside of the roadworthy according to the documents filed by the officer.

"[His] eyes were bloodshot and glassy," The arresting officer, who was truthful young helium didn't really cognize who Timberlake is, said. "A beardown odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath; helium was incapable to disagreement attention.

"He had slowed speech; helium was unsteady afoot, and helium performed poorly connected each standardized tract sobriety tests."

Timberlake then refused a breathalyzer trial and was yet arrested and tossed into a merchantability to adust up overnight earlier being charged with 1 number of driving portion intoxicated, moving a halt motion and failing to support successful his lane.

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Reportedly, sources assertion that the 43-year-old wasn't recognised by the serviceman successful either look oregon sanction and it sparked a hilarious brushwood that has gone viral connected societal media.

Timberlake reportedly muttered, "This is going to ruin the tour," starring to the serviceman to ask, "What tour?" Timberlake then responded, "The satellite tour," starring to a bid of jokes online referencing taste moments with a akin confusion.

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