Jennifer Lopez breaks down and faces the harsh reality of her marriage to Ben Affleck

5 days ago 1

Fans and insiders are paying adjacent attraction to the latest developments successful the wobbling matrimony betwixt Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. The 2 heavyweight celebrities joined successful July 2022, but they present look headed for a divorcement arsenic Affleck has moved his idiosyncratic possessions from the Beverly Hills mansion that the mates is trying to sell.

Over the past mates months, aggregate reports person emerged detailing the troubled matrimony betwixt Lopez and Affleck, who has been leaning heavy connected ex-wife Jennifer Garner arsenic his existent matrimony disintegrates. Lopez's framework of caput has been of large involvement to fans too, and it does not look that "Jenny from the Block" is doing each that great, little than 2 years aft she tied the knot with Affleck successful Las Vegas.

Lopez's authorities of caput revealed

An insider with immoderate cognition of Lopez's contiguous mindset has revealed that the vocalist and histrion is not doing good contempt her caller Italian getaway -- which Affleck utilized arsenic pretext to stitchery his things from the mansion that the 2 person shared.

"The matrimony is wholly over, and Jennifer is heartbroken," a root adjacent to Lopez told FOX News Digital.

The dissolution of their tempestuous matrimony comes 2 decades aft Affleck and Lopez broke up for the archetypal time, successful 2004. Lopez besides described her archetypal divided from Affleck arsenic "heartbreaking," and reports person stated that if oregon erstwhile she splits from the actor/filmmaker again, Lopez volition apt relocate with her children to New York City -- the "Let's Get Loud" vocalist was calved and raised successful the Bronx, 1 of the city's 5 boroughs.

As for Affleck, the histrion seems to beryllium taking adjacent person Matt Damon's proposal amid the removal of his idiosyncratic belongings from the $60 cardinal mansion. A root told People that helium is trying to distract himself from the deterioration of his matrimony by involving himself much heavy successful his enactment portion the process with Lopez (and attorneys, presumably) plays out.

"He seems okay. He's been astatine his bureau each time and seems focused connected work," the insider said. "He's besides spending clip with his kids."

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