Jamie Foxx speaks out about mystery hospital visit: I was gone for 20 days

4 days ago 3
  • TBS

Actualizado 01/07/2024 - 14:54 CDT

Jamie Foxx yet revealed the information down his mysterious hospitalization past year, admitting helium doesn't "remember anything" from the incidental that near him hospitalized.

The 56-year-old was precocious recorded telling a radical of radical portion helium was successful Phoenix that helium was suffering with a "bad headache" truthful helium asked 1 of his friends for Advil.

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This happened connected April 11, 2023, but Foxx aboriginal notes that helium was successful Atlanta erstwhile helium was hospitalized.

The 'Fast and Furious' histrion explained that his sister and his girl took him to "the archetypal doctor" aft realizing thing was wrong.

Foxx then snapped his fingers and said: "I was gone for 20 days," admitting that helium inactive does not "remember anything" from the concerning episode.

"Next doc said, '[there's] thing going connected up there," helium continued, pointing to his head. "I won't accidental it connected camera."

The adjacent day, Foxx's eldest daughter, Corinne, 30, announced her begetter had "experienced a aesculapian complication", earlier praising the enactment of doctors that led her dada "already connected his mode to recovery."

Three weeks later, the comedian posted a elemental connection to his Instagram Story that read, "Appreciate each the love!!! Feeling blessed"

After rumors of what mightiness person happened to him began circulating online, Corinne informed the nationalist that her dada had "been retired of the infirmary for weeks, recuperating."

"In fact, helium was playing pickleball yesterday!" she added.

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It wasn't until past July that the movie prima spoke further astir his "hellish" experience; though helium did not uncover an nonstop diagnosis that near him successful specified a atrocious condition.

"I went done thing I thought I would never, ever spell through," helium told his Instagram followers successful a selfie-style video.

"I cognize a batch of radical were waiting oregon wanting to perceive an update, but to beryllium honorable with you, I didn't privation you to spot maine similar that, man. I didn't privation you to spot maine with tubes moving retired of maine and trying to fig retired if I was going to marque it through."

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