Jake Paul called the 'worst boyfriend on the f**king planet' after playing prank on Jutta Leerdam

4 days ago 3

Jake Paul's narration with the Olympian, Jutta Leerdam, has had its ups and downs and gone done the pugnacious moments and 1 specified illustration near the pro boxer reeling successful guilt aft a prank connected her seems to person gone excessively far.

The 27-year-old conscionable launched his latest concern task arsenic helium looks to supply a marketplace alternate to assemblage deodorant for men and helium saw the accidental to play a prank connected his miss arsenic portion of a selling stunt.

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In a video, Paul approaches Leerdam and says, "I got you a acquisition babe," and arsenic she eagerly opens the wrapping to find a handbag she is stunned erstwhile a vessel of Paul's "W" marque is recovered inside, leaving the Dutch speedskater sunned.

It's similar [a] ace ergonomic," Paul said, trying to support the gag live by blurring the lines betwixt the handbag and the deodorant. "Which means it's similar a lightweight and versatile... Because they wanted it to beryllium similar an mundane entree benignant of thing."

Leerdam, however, took it successful her stride and played on arsenic she deed backmost with, "This makes maine blessed babe, I'm earnestly going to deterioration this. It's the champion acquisition ever."

The brushwood near Paul feeling blameworthy for pranking her arsenic helium called her the "sweetest idiosyncratic successful the world" earlier admitting her can't prank her and consciousness bully astir it after. It seems Leerdam actually had the past laughter excessively arsenic she bought him Louis Vuitton decorator shorts and a short.

It led to Paul's co-host connected his podcast to suggest the video should beryllium titled, "'I'm the worst fellow connected the fucking planet'", arsenic Paul reacted enthusiastically to his girlfriend's acquisition to him.

Who is Jutta Leerdam?

Jutta Leerdam is a Dutch velocity skater specializing successful sprint distances. Born connected December 30, 1998, successful 's-Gravenzande, Netherlands, she has established herself arsenic 1 of the salient figures successful velocity skating. Leerdam competes successful events specified arsenic the 500m, 1000m, and 1500m distances and has garnered respective accolades passim her career.

Leerdam is known for her almighty skating style, speed, and method proficiency connected the ice. Off the ice, she has a important beingness connected societal media, wherever she shares aspects of her training, competitions, and idiosyncratic life, contributing to her popularity some wrong and extracurricular the velocity skating community.

The 25-year-old has won contests astatine the World Championships, European Championships, World Cup and metallic medal astatine the 2022 Winter Olympics successful Beijing, China.

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