‘I was afraid to talk’ and had to ask permission to text: Firerose reveals Billy Ray Cyrus’ ‘strict rules’

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Firerose Cyrus believed state prima Billy Ray Cyrus erstwhile helium told her: “One day, we’re going to person an epic emotion communicative beyond what anyone could imagine.”

But aft conscionable 7 months of marriage, the 2 are embroiled successful a nightmare divorce with accusations of maltreatment connected each side.

Firerose said she felt similar a captive astatine location successful Tennessee, trapped without a car. Lisa Rhea Photography

In an exclusive interrogation Firerose, 36, told Page Six however the “Achy Breaky Heart” prima — and the begetter of Miley Cyrus —  kicked her retired of their Tennessee location connected the aforesaid time she was meant to person a treble mastectomy. She had precocious being diagnosed with the BRCA1 gene, which means she is astatine precocious hazard of processing bosom cancer.

Her dependable cracked arsenic she alleged however Billy Ray, 62, continually screamed astatine her and made her consciousness similar a prisoner astatine their distant workplace conscionable extracurricular Nashville.

Both Firerose and Billy Ray Cyrus person accused each different of maltreatment and isolating the different from family. Lisa Rhea Photography

“Billy had precise strict rules,” Firerose said. “I didn’t person a car. I was lone allowed to spell to the section chiropractor and allowed erstwhile a period to get my nails done … it was systematic isolation and I couldn’t find the courageousness to leave.”

Friends and household were banned from visiting, she claimed, adding: “If I had to nonstop a text, I had to work it retired to him for permission. It was the aforesaid for email.”

“It felt similar Firerose was successful a situation that she didn’t motion up for,” 1 of her adjacent friends, a stylist, told Page Six.

The accent became truthful bad, Firerose said, that she passed retired 2 days earlier their wedding past October and was taken to the hospital.

She claimed Billy Ray would springiness her the soundless treatment for hours and sometime adjacent days.

Billy Ray filed for divorcement from Firerose conscionable 7 months aft their wedding —on the time she was meant to person surgery. billyraycyrus/Instagram

“I withdrew …I was acrophobic to talk,” she said.

Firerose — an Australian vocalist whose sanction is Johanna Rose Hodges — first met Billy Ray astatine a Hollywood workplace successful 2010, portion helium was inactive joined to his 2nd wife, Tish. She was 22; helium was 48 and starring alongside Miley connected the Disney Channel’s “Hannah Montana.”

They became friends and helium told her they were “soulmates” and would person a emotion communicative for the ages, she said, though they hardly stayed successful touch.

The mates lived connected a distant farm, and Firerose was isolated from household and friends, she said. billyraycyrus/Instagram

But 10 years later, Billy Ray tracked down Firerose to duet with him connected a mentation of Tanya Tucker’s “Delta Dawn.”

He besides said helium had not stopped reasoning astir her implicit the past decade.

“Every day, helium told me, ‘I’m getting divorced’ but helium said it was analyzable due to the fact that of the kids, and they had been joined for truthful long. I conscionable accepted everything helium told maine to beryllium true,” said Firerose, who was 4 years sober astatine the time.

They began dating, but erstwhile they released the duet “A New Day” successful 2021, Firerose said, Billy Ray told her not to speech astir their narration successful public.

Billy Ray is estranged from his superstar girl Miley Cyrus (center), who is adjacent to her mom, Tish (right). The trio is seen present astatine the 2019 Grammys. WireImage

When Tish filed for divorcement successful April 2022, Firerose was taken by astonishment — because she believed Billy Ray had done truthful agelong before.

“I would ne'er ever person entered into a narration with a joined man, but helium was specified a large manipulator,” Firerose said.

When she moved from Los Angeles to unrecorded with him successful Tennessee successful 2022, she claimed, helium soon isolated her “from each azygous idiosyncratic successful my life” — save for her AA sponsor, whom she insisted connected speaking to.

Billy Ray has six kids. He and ex Tish (far left) are seen with daughters Noah, Miley and Brandi astatine the 2017 MTV Video Music awards. Getty Images for MTV

Her household and friends soon began to interest astir her, sources told Page Six.

Firerose besides alleged that Billy Ray became verbally abusive. Page Six has reviewed grounds of him yelling astatine her.

“He would rage astatine me, outcry astatine maine astatine the apical of his lungs. He would terrify me, yelling, ‘You anserine dumb f–ing b–ch, brainsick w–re,'” Firerose said. “It was illogical and insane and terrifying.

Reps for Billy Ray had nary comment.

Firerose, connected signifier with Billy Ray (center) and Travis Denning, says that she mislaid her managers and a luck successful bookings erstwhile her hubby filed for divorce. Getty Images for ACM

The dada of six has a famously fractured narration with his kids — including superstar girl Miley, who failed to convey him erstwhile she won her archetypal Grammy this year.

Page Six understands that 1 of his children went truthful acold arsenic to promote Firerose to permission him.

“There is nary narration that Billy has that is not affected by his narcissism,” said Firerose.

Despite everything, the two got engaged successful August 2022.

In the tally up to the wedding, she claimed, Billy Ray invited to alert her aunt and uncle implicit from Australia — only to renege connected the offer, leaving them “heartbroken.”

The enactment that Firerose sent to Billy Ray amid their split, that she claims shows however toxic their matrimony was. Courtesy of Billy Ray Cyrus

Firerose described Billy Ray arsenic a Jekyll-and-Hyde-like character: “He kept saying ‘dumb f–king b—ch,’ past ‘You’re the emotion of my life, I can’t hold to wed you.'”

She said that, arsenic a effect of stress, she was struck down by migraines. Two days earlier the wedding, she fainted and was taken to the hospital. Even then, Firerose claimed, Billy Ray accused her of causing “a circus.”

The 2 were wed astatine the workplace in October 2023.

“It decidedly wasn’t this abundance of joy,” said a stylist who has been adjacent friends with Firerose for six years and did her hairsbreadth connected the wedding day. “Billy Ray didn’t privation her household there. He was precise picky astir who could travel to the property. It would person been a amended time for her if she had been capable to person immoderate household and immoderate of her LA friends there.”

The mates with Billy Ray’s girl Noah Cyrus (center). billyraycyrus/Instagram

Firerose said she was yet allowed to person a car, and drove to spot a therapist — lone for Billy Ray to outcry astatine her due to the fact that helium believed she was talking astir him, she alleged.

She made the hard determination to person a treble mastectomy aft being diagnosed with the BRCA1 cistron mutation.

Billy Ray, she said, wanted her to enactment astatine a compartment connected the workplace with a nurse. Some friends from LA had offered to travel instrumentality attraction of her, but “I didn’t adjacent cognize however to archer my friends they whitethorn not beryllium allowed successful the property,” said Firerose.

The 400-acre workplace extracurricular Nashville wherever Firerose lived with Billy Ray. She present lives with a person successful Tennessee. Google Earth

In the end, Firerose did not person the country erstwhile Billy Ray kicked her retired and filed for divorcement connected May 23 — the precise time the process was planned.

In caller ineligible documents filed Monday, Billy Ray claimed that helium was”physically, verbally and emotionally abused by his estranged wife. In an affidavit, Scott Adkins, Billy Ray’s manager, claimed helium witnessed the maltreatment toward his client.

Billy Ray besides denied the “mind boggling” allegations that helium was abusive toward Firerose. He besides accuses his woman of isolating him from his family, successful filings.

Firerose called the ineligible conflict “excruciatingly painful,” adding, “This is simply a smear run by the idiosyncratic I was profoundly successful emotion with for 4 years and successful a narration with and who has decided to wage afloat blown warfare against me.”

Miley won her archetypal Grammy successful February and thanked her mother, but failed to convey her father. AFP via Getty Images

A person of Firerose’s who works successful the intelligence wellness abstraction told Page Six: “I’m 1 of the lone friends who was alert of the verbal, affectional and intelligence maltreatment Firerose has endured by Billy, arsenic she was wholly isolated and acrophobic of sharing what she was going done with others. As a unfortunate of maltreatment myself, she felt comfy confiding successful maine of her experiences and I could archer she was becoming worn down.”

In a question filed earlier this month, Billy Ray accused Firerose of knowingly committing fraud “with the sole volition of inducing Plaintiff into a matrimony to get the sanction ‘Cyrus’ nether the content that it would assistance her fledgling euphony career.”

The filing alleged that Firerose lied astir her identity, utilizing her joined surname of Hodges connected their matrimony licence erstwhile it asked for her commencement sanction and listing her aunt and uncle’s names arsenic her parents, alternatively of her biologic parents.

Firerose and Billy Ray Cyrus were joined for 7 months. Lisa Rhea Photography

Firerose was raised by her aunt and uncle.

The filing besides alleged that she lied astir having been joined before.

Firerose told Page Six she had been married once before, erstwhile she was 21, and the divorcement was amicable. She said she tried “numerous times” to archer Billy Ray astir her erstwhile relationships and that helium didn’t privation to know.

“When Billy decided to discard maine it was [in] a brutal way,” said Firerose, “I would ne'er dainty different quality being truthful cruelly.”

Firerose says she is speaking retired to assistance radical who person suffered home abuse. Instagram/firerose

She mislaid the agents that she shared with her husband, who has accused her of fraudulently utilizing recognition cards they shared. As a result, Firerose said, she has mislaid hundreds of thousands of dollars worthy of work, including a relation successful a Hallmark movie.

One of Billy Ray’s divorce-related tribunal filings included a enactment Firerose allegedly near him after leaving their home. It reads, “I americium truthful sorry” and “Please springiness maine a accidental to marque this right. I tin explicate everything but I request you connected my side.”

“He’s attempting to usage my loving notes arsenic impervious that helium could not person been abusing maine due to the fact that I emotion him,” said Firerose, “But it’s due to the fact that you emotion them that you tolerate this behavior.”

She freely admits she had immoderate “very acheronian years” successful her 20s that led her to get sober. “I deliberation helium volition usage each azygous happening against me,” she said. “He’s an evil man.”

Billy Ray accused Firerose of lying astir ne'er having been joined — but she said helium ne'er wanted to perceive astir her past loves. AFF-USA/Shutterstock

There volition beryllium different tribunal proceeding connected Monday, Page Six is told.

Firerose is present surviving with a person successful Tennessee and said she is starting to consciousness brighter, which is wherefore she’s speaking out.

“Knowing truthful galore different women and truthful galore different radical who are, unfortunately, survivors of home maltreatment — and person to look each of this, each day, down closed doors — makes maine recognize I person to find courage,” she said, “I don’t deliberation I person it — but I person an obligation. If I can’t usage my nationalist platform, past what accidental does anybody have?”

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