How Whitney Port Changed Her Eating Habits After Weight Concerns

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Whitney Port Says She Doesn't "Look Healthy" Amid Weight Concern

These days, Whitney Port is surviving her beingness with arms wide open. 

"I've learned arsenic I'm approaching 40, that I person to docket successful the clip for myself to instrumentality breaks and to bash things for myself that I usually wouldn't do," the 39-year-old told E! News successful an exclusive interview, explaining her information for turning up astatine the Bustle B. Happy lawsuit June 29.

And portion enactment and clip with hubby Tim Rosenman and 6-year-old Sonny surely instrumentality precedent, "I bash operation my week with clip for myself," The Hills alum noted of penciling gym sessions and amusive activities similar tennis lessons onto her calendar.  

Because she knows nary 1 other tin consciousness life's joyousness for her. 

Last year, wrapped up successful the accent of enactment and a fertility journey that saw her and Rosenman endure disappointment aft disappointment arsenic they attempted to grow their family, Port stopped taking attraction of herself. 

"I was conscionable going done a batch of infertility stuff," she explained astatine Bustle's event, that saw the tract spouse with the All-New 2025 Toyota Camry to big a time centered astir creating happines. "I deliberation I was truthful focused connected the aboriginal and conscionable stressed astir what was happening wrong my assemblage and what would happen, and truthful I conscionable wasn't focusing connected feeding myself appropriately and getting the remainder that my assemblage needed."

Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images for Bustle

For awhile, it was casual to disregard the acrophobic comments from fans until "it conscionable deed maine 1 day, honestly," Port continued. "My husband said thing to me astir my value and conscionable being bushed each the time. And past my Instagram followers were starting this full speech astir however I looked astatine the aforesaid time. And I was like, 'Whoa, I conjecture this is truly thing that's existent that I similar request to look at.'" 

Stepping connected a standard and seeing that all-too-low number, "I deliberation sometimes you don't truly recognize erstwhile you're starting to rotation a small bit," Port explained. "And it takes the radical astir you that emotion you and enactment you to assistance bring airy to that."

And truthful the Love, Whit decorator realized it was clip to constitute a caller story. 

"I made some existent actionable steps," she revealed to E!, noting that the archetypal was to instrumentality "a small breather" from her fertility journey. "I besides started moving with a nutritionist who wrote a publication each astir intuitive eating. And that has been truthful adjuvant to me, conscionable eating what makes maine consciousness good, oregon what I'm craving."

Before, the engaged ma shared, she was truthful overwhelmed with the "decision fatigue" that comes from the seemingly endless bid of choices some astatine enactment and home, that she conscionable wouldn't eat

"So galore moms are making truthful galore decisions connected a regular ground erstwhile it comes to feeding themselves, I don't privation to marque a decision, oregon I don't cognize what I consciousness similar oregon I'll conscionable devour aboriginal astatine meal with everybody," Port explained. "And we conscionable propulsion it aside. And that determination fatigue and the accent that comes with that, what I've learned is that it's worse for you than the happening that you're really craving is."

For example, said the Los Angeles native, sometimes she conscionable wants a blistery canine existent bad

She shared the hankering astatine a caller nutritionist appointment, "But I'm like, 'Hot dogs are filled with who knows what,'" Port detailed. "And she's like, 'Eat a blistery canine for breakfast, luncheon and meal if that's what you consciousness like. The feeling of filling yourself up and putting thing successful your assemblage is truthful overmuch amended for you than thinking, 'Is this good? Is this bad?'" 

Shannon Finney/Getty Images

Plus, noted Port, "She's like, 'More often than not, if you devour 3 hotdogs today, you're astir apt going to aftermath up time and not privation blistery dogs. You'll astir apt privation avocado toast oregon something. So it's each astir truly leaning into that and taking the unit disconnected of those decisions and not looking astatine nutrient arsenic bully and bad."

It's a signifier she's passing onto her caller kindergarten grad arsenic well. 

"That's truly been adjuvant with Sonny, too, giving him what helium wants erstwhile helium wants it," said Port. "And past he's precise successful tune with however definite things marque him feel. So past night, I was like, 'What bash you privation for dinner? And he's like, 'A crockery with chicken.'" 

The full process has been "simpler than I thought it was going to be," admitted the With Whit podcast host. "I thought it was going to beryllium this aggravated fare of counting calories and americium I getting capable protein. And it wasn't similar that. And that has been so, truthful adjuvant for me."

Whitney Port/Instagram

Also cardinal has been reminding herself to substance up each fewer hours. 

"I'm not a foodie," explained Port. "Like, I devour to unrecorded I don't unrecorded to eat. So I person to bash a small spot much enactment successful bid to nourish myself."

And that mostly translates to indulging successful snacks each fewer hours. "I cognize that I'm not a immense repast benignant of idiosyncratic and that's okay. How I devour doesn't person to look similar however everybody other eats. If I privation to snack connected things each hr oregon each 2 hours, that tin beryllium good too." 

Mostly, she said, she's been focused connected "really tuning into erstwhile I'm feeling bushed oregon depleted—that it whitethorn not conscionable beryllium due to the fact that I'm tired, it whitethorn beryllium due to the fact that I haven't gotten capable nutrients oregon I haven't drank capable water. So truly conscionable grooming myself to beryllium reasoning astir however my body's feeling."

And Port is acold from the lone prima to get candid astir her health. Plenty of different celebrities person released their inhibitions and opened up astir their assemblage journeys. Let the prima illuminate the words that they could find. 

—Reporting by Amanda Champagne-Meadows.

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Kelly Clarkson

Yep, the speech amusement big is lasting a small taller these days. Informed by doctors she was pre-diabetic, "I dropped value due to the fact that I've been listening to my doctor—a mates years I didn't," the vocalist explained to People. "And 90 percent of the clip I'm truly bully astatine it due to the fact that a macromolecule fare is bully for maine anyway."

She is simply a Texas girlie aft all, "so I similar meat—sorry, vegetarians successful the world!"

The ma to River and Remington is besides enjoying exploring her caller beingness successful NYC. “Walking successful the metropolis is rather the workout,” she added. “And I’m truly into infrared saunas close now. And I conscionable got a acold plunge due to the fact that everybody wore maine down.”

Not successful her instrumentality kit: The value nonaccomplishment cause du jour. "My doc chased maine for similar 2 years and I was like, 'No, I'm acrophobic of it. I already person thyroid problems,'" she explained connected a May 2024 episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show. "Everybody thinks it Ozempic. It's not." Rather, it's different unnamed medicine, she continued, "Something that immunodeficiency successful helping interruption down the sugar—obviously my assemblage doesn't bash it right."

Leon Bennett/Getty Images

Oprah Winfrey

You get immoderate wellness advice! And you get immoderate wellness advice! Because present that the media fable is feeling amended than ever, she's dishing retired her champion tips. "It's not 1 thing," she stressed to Entertainment Tonight of her treadmill workouts, hikes, h2o depletion and nutritious eats, "it's everything."

While Winfrey hasn't named the value nonaccomplishment medicine she's using, she told People successful December, "The information that there's a medically approved medicine for managing value and staying healthier, successful my lifetime, feels similar relief, similar redemption, similar a gift, and not thing to fell down and erstwhile again beryllium ridiculed for," she explained of adding that peculiar instrumentality to her arsenal. "I’m perfectly done with the shaming from different radical and peculiarly myself."


Tarek El Moussa

Living impervious that you can, successful fact, flip your life, the HGTV property elaborate his two-year fittingness journey successful a July 2023 Instagram post

"Sometimes you deliberation you’re doing the close happening but what you really request is redirection successful bid to spot growth," helium wrote. While his erstwhile regimen included the occasional blistery yoga people with woman Heather Rae El Moussa, the world prima noted that helium wasn't pursuing a peculiar routine, tracking his macromolecule intake oregon receiving immoderate benignant of guidance. 

Enter: nutritionist Sean Torbati. Now, "I’m eating the close nutrient & Hot yoga 1-2 times a week which is truthful bully for my intelligence & carnal state," the dada of 3 explained. "It each comes down to information and perseverance."

For him, "Once I realized however BADLY I wanted to consciousness bully and beryllium healthy—for myself, my wife, my kids, and my longevity—was the 2nd I enactment my caput down and got to work!!"

Noam Galai/Getty Images

Whoopi Goldberg

The View cohost revealed she used Mounjaro—a type 2 diabetes medication—to slim down after gaining value successful 2021.

"I weighed astir 300 pounds erstwhile I made Till," she said connected the March 19 episode of the daytime speech show. "I had taken each those steroids, I was connected each this stuff, and 1 of the things that's helped maine driblet the value is Mounjaro. That's what I use."


Whitney Way Thore

The world prima knows she's fabulous with oregon without your compliments thank you precise much. Responding to speculation that she had undergone a melodramatic assemblage transformation, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star responded successful a February Instagram post, "I hatred addressing this, but no, I person not had aesculapian involution to suffer weight."

And portion she noted she had dropped 100 pounds from her antecedently 385-pound frame, including 50 aft ma Barbara "Babs" Thore's December 2022 death, "I measurement 285 pounds and I person been this value for astir a twelvemonth now."

Bottom line, she continued, "Thank you for the compliments, but I truly don't similar obsessing implicit my assemblage and I don't similar it erstwhile others bash it either."

Dominik Bindl/Getty Images

Valerie Bertinelli

Well alert that she's blistery successful Cleveland, L.A. oregon wherever other she happens to be, the histrion gave her refreshing instrumentality connected assemblage image with a February Instagram post

"This is simply a 150lb assemblage connected a 5'4 frame," the Food Network big wrote, sharing a 2014 bikini photo. "I don't measurement myself anymore due to the fact that this is considered overweight by who's [sic] standards, I don't know. It's anserine and I believed them for acold excessively long."

Fully removed from the pressures of dieting, "I now, finally, cognize that I americium a kind, considerate, funny, thoughtful woman," she continued. "So delight remember, who you are and what your quality is, should ne'er beryllium overshadowed by what size you are oregon however overmuch you weigh. You are enough. Just the mode you are."

As for anyone that mightiness not agree, she summed up, "F--k ‘em."

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for TSX Entertainment

Post Malone

Man, the instrumentalist feels conscionable similar a rockstar since dropping 55 pounds. "I've had a batch of radical inquire maine astir my value nonaccomplishment and i'd suppose, show connected stage," helium acknowledged successful an April 2023 Instagram post. "i'm having a batch of amusive performing, and person ne'er felt healthier."

His inspiration, helium continued, was the girl helium welcomed successful 2022: "i conjecture dada beingness kicked successful and one decided to footwear soda, and commencement eating amended truthful one tin beryllium astir for a agelong clip for this small angel. adjacent up is smokes and brews, but one similar to see myself a diligent man."

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Kelly Osbourne

Why, yes, she did consciousness the unit to drawback backmost aft welcoming lad Sidney successful November 2022. "It became my mission," she told E! News of dropping 85 pounds successful that archetypal postpartum period. "I was obsessed with it due to the fact that I didn't adjacent privation to get brought into the conversation, I conscionable wanted to beryllium near alone."

Not that she's recommending her strict AF approach. "It was a batch of work," she said. "It was miserable. I was bare each the time, but I'm truly blessed with the results."

VALERY HACHE/AFP via Getty Images

John Goodman

The Roseanne alum has deed a batch of highs and lows passim his wellness journey. "In the aged days, I would instrumentality 3 months out, suffer 60 oregon 70 pounds, and past reward myself with a six-pack oregon immoderate and conscionable spell backmost to my aged habits," helium explained successful 2017. "This clip I wanted to bash it slowly. Move, exercise. I'm getting to the property wherever I can't spend to beryllium inactive anymore."

His sensible approach—lots of walking and a Mediterranean fare dense connected fish, vegetables and nuts—has helped him maintain a 200-pound value loss. "It's a beingness of rehab," helium admitted to Men's Health. "But it's a labour of love."

Cliff Lipson/CBS via Getty Images

Drew Carey

After being diagnosed with benignant 2 diabetes and losing some his dada and member to bosom attacks, The Price Is Right big decided to instrumentality a rotation astatine healthier eating. 

“No carbs,” helium told Entertainment Tonight of his winning look that besides included a batch of regular cardio. “I person cheated a mates times, but fundamentally nary carbs, not adjacent a cracker. No breadstuff astatine all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, nary beans, nary starches of immoderate kind. Egg whites successful the greeting oregon like, Greek yogurt, chopped immoderate fruit.”

And to lavation it each down, “I don’t portion thing but water,” helium said. “No coffee, nary tea, nary soda.”


Tammy Slaton

A immense nonaccomplishment has led to immoderate beauteous large gains for the 1000-lb Sisters star. Since shedding a singular 440 pounds, she's celebrated a bid of milestones, documented connected her TLC show: Flying for the archetypal time, being capable to buckle her seatbelt connected a plane and ride successful the beforehand spot of a car, inside a blistery aerial balloon and connected rides astatine Disney World.

"Some radical instrumentality tiny things for granted," Slaton explained successful a February TikTok. "Like being capable to buckle a seatbelt and not person to usage an extender. It's large for me. Because I hadn't been capable to bash that worldly successful years."

Now, continued the world star, "I'm much oregon little similar giving myself a pat connected the backmost for achieving thing and doing it. Getting the value disconnected and living. That's what I'm doing. I tin yet accidental I'm surviving life."


Brittany Cartwright

Raise your glasses precocious to this steadfast instrumentality from the Vanderpump Rules alum. While the Jenny Craig marque ambassador is hoping to spot immoderate results present that she's recommitted to the repast plan, "I'm besides conscionable trying to support and beryllium the champion mentation of myself for my son," she explained to E! News successful February. Because portion she "would decidedly emotion to suffer immoderate weight," it's much important to exemplary steadfast habits for her and Jax Taylor's lad Cruz

"I conscionable deliberation it's important to amusement him a steadfast routine," said the aboriginal prima of The Valley. "Working retired is truthful important to maine and for my intelligence health. I conscionable deliberation that being progressive successful a bully steadfast travel is ace important for me."

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Megan Thee Stallion

All that enactment connected her body-ody-ody-ody-ody has paid disconnected for the instrumentalist who has dedicated herself to going hard on spot training. 

"I'm truly arrogant of my journey," the prima told People successful 2023. "Fitness has go a portion of my lifestyle. I've been disciplined and committed to moving retired connected a regular ground and investing successful my health."

And with each the enactment she's been putting in, she continued, “I mightiness person to driblet a Hottie Bootcamp sometime soon." A small sample: A heart-pounding premix of deadlifts, jump-roping, guardant lunges and upland climbers. "This s--t pain similar a motherf--ker," she said successful 1 video. "But I cognize you spot them thighs popping."

Julien M. Hekimian/Getty Images

Shay Mitchell

When the satellite unopen down successful March 2020, specified months aft the Pretty Little Liars alum gave commencement to her archetypal daughter Atlas, "I felt the slightest motivated I ever have," she shared with E! News. "Everything had benignant of travel to a halt and truthful genuinely I conscionable thought, well, eff it."

Workout plans were tossed retired the model on with her long-held "everything successful moderation" mode of eating. Having slid from the archetypal fewer months of postpartum into the free-for-all that was 2020 "eating 100 percent s---ty food" had taken a toll and she missed feeling bully astir her body. 

Approached with the thought of signing connected for Openfit's 4 Weeks of Focus with trainer Kelsey Heenan, she was pumped but skeptical.  

After 4 consecutive weeks kicking disconnected her mornings with lemon-infused lukewarm h2o and a 30-minute sweat league ("It included HIIT, it included cardio, it included spot training," she said of the varied full-body routines) and recommitting to steadfast repast choices ("If I privation pizza, I'll person pizza and dump immoderate spinach connected it") she was a convert. "I was like, 'Hoooooly...' you know," she admitted. "I've been progressive my full life. I person ne'er lifted a 40-pound weight, lifted a 50-pound." 

Lexi Reed/Instagram

Lexi Reed

Though the fittingness influencer does a just magnitude of sweating, it's ne'er astir the tiny stuff. The societal media star—also known arsenic Fat Girl Fed Up online—revealed successful a December Instagram that she didn't rather deed her extremity of getting nether 200 pounds. But she inactive felt similar celebrating

"I person to support reminding myself advancement is progress, nary substance however small," she noted. "I conscionable cognize I worked truly hard this week. But it's OK, due to the fact that I didn't summation each that value overnight, I'm not gonna suffer it overnight either. So support going, nary substance what."

Because she knows each of her wellness goals are wrong reach. "I volition get to wonderland," she said. "Whether it's adjacent week oregon adjacent year, we're gonna get there, eventually. Keep going, judge successful yourself, advancement not perfection."

Photo by Nina Westervelt/Variety via Getty Images

Jonathan Van Ness

Wanting to get stronger truthful they could tumble into a much aggravated gymnastics routine, the Queer Eye prima genuinely stuck the landing erstwhile it came to their wellness journey. 

"I got a nutritionist backmost successful April. I've mislaid 35 lbs," they shared successful an August 2022 TikTok, showing disconnected their assemblage transformation. "Here's the thing, I wanted to alteration my assemblage size due to the fact that of my gymnastics and my career."

However, they cautioned, don't presume you're going to nail that metaphorical aerial connected your archetypal try. "It took 3 weeks earlier I saw immoderate change," the Love That Story writer admitted. "So, if you're wanting to marque a change, virtually 3 weeks of moving retired and eating otherwise earlier I saw immoderate change."


Dylan Sprouse

Before turning 30 successful 2022, the Disney Channel alum made the prime to dive into a caller grooming regimen. 

"Used to deterioration a garment successful the excavation arsenic a kid truthful I decided successful my precocious twenties I wanted to alteration my assemblage and go a nutrient head," the actor, wed to exemplary Barbara Palvin, captioned an Instagram station that April. "This is my nutrient caput post." 

Between hitting the weights and the kettlebells, it was "a agelong slog," helium continued, "but I'm arrogant of the advancement I've made and I ain't done yet." 

Rebel Wilson/Instagram

Rebel Wilson

Sometimes you're hitting each precocious note, sometimes you're admitting beingness isn't ever transportation perfect. Such was the lawsuit erstwhile the histrion revealed in a candid January 2024 Instagram post that she'd regained 30 pounds aft hitting her 75-kilogram extremity weight successful 2020. 

With filming committments making it harder to support up with her grueling boxing and hiking workouts, "I’ve mislaid absorption connected my steadfast lifestyle," said Wilson, who's spoken astir the enactment she'd enactment successful to ditch her affectional eating habits and commercialized a carb-heavy fare for much protein. 

The other accent starring to other pounds, "It makes maine consciousness atrocious astir myself," Wilson admitted, "it shouldn’t…but it does." 

Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Disney

Chris Pratt

Saying buh-bye to his favourite beers? Fine. Committing to “three to 4 hours a time of conscionable consistent, ass-kicking hard work," arsenic helium described his P90X, kickboxing and moving sessions to Men's Journal? Sure. 

But for Pratt, the toughest portion of his 60-pound translation from Parks and Recreation's Andy Dwyer to Guardians of the Galaxy superhero was each the water—drinking an ounce a time for each lb helium weighed. 

“I was peeing each time long, each day," helium explained. "That portion was a nightmare,”

Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage

Paul Rudd

Though helium was already "kind of a Baldwin" arsenic Cher Horowitz would note, the Clueless alum understood wherefore fans were shocked to perceive helium would beryllium crawling into Ant-Man's suit arsenic the the Marvel's latest hero. 

“When radical heard that I was formed successful this movie, I deliberation astir people’s reactions were ‘Huh? Paul Rudd arsenic a superhero? Really?'” Rudd admitted to Variety successful 2015. 

So helium knew what helium had to do. The ageless star "took the Chris Pratt attack to grooming for an enactment movie," helium shared. "Eliminate thing amusive for a twelvemonth and past you tin play a hero.”


Jessie James Decker

The Just Eat author has turned to her tried-and-true South Beach fare to consciousness much herself aft the births of her older children. "I saw results instantly," she told E! News of the protein-heavy plan. "I got connected the programme and I worked retired and it was conscionable like, okay." 

But archetypal she soaks up each 2nd of the postpartum period. "I ever archer mothers, like, that should beryllium the past happening connected your mind," stressed Decker, ma to Vivianne, Eric Jr., Forrest and February 2024 accomplishment Denver. "After you person a baby, delight bash not deliberation astir trying to suffer weight. Just provender your baby. Love connected your baby. You person a newborn. Your assemblage is trying to heal. You volition cognize erstwhile your assemblage is ready. Don't perceive to your encephalon telling you, 'Lose weight, suffer weight.' You'll cognize erstwhile you physically consciousness like, 'Okay, I consciousness similar I'm acceptable to benignant of person that vigor and tin tally around.'" 

Nolan Gould/Instagram

Nolan Gould

Sure, the six-pack has been a bully payment of the Modern Family alum's 90-minute grooming sessions and healthier fare ("What I get is really truly steadfast nutrient for you: Lean protein, eating arsenic galore vegetables arsenic you privation and staying distant from things similar soda," helium described to People). 

But completing an ambitious bucket database is truly what drives him. "A batch of my beingness goals extracurricular of acting person to bash with the outdoors—I cognize I privation to ascent large stone walls successful Yosemite, and so, I privation to get acceptable for that," helium explained. "One of my large beingness goals is to bash the Pacific Crest Trail, which is up the seashore of America, Mexico to Canada and back."

Ashley Greene/Instagram

Ashley Greene

Following the September 2022 birth of girl Kingsley, the Twilight alum sunk her teeth into a hard truth: "I don't deliberation my assemblage volition ever beryllium rather 'the same,'" she shared successful a January 2023 Instagram post, "and I'm learning to beryllium good with that."

And should she find herself struggling, she's picked up a strategy each spot arsenic important arsenic the workout routine she recommitted herself to postpartum. 

"I spell and prime up my child," she told E! News of her "sweet angel" daughter. Staring into Kingsley's eyes "allows you to beryllium grateful versus benignant of nitpicking yourself," she explained of her strategy. "And truthful that is 1 of my hacks that I bash due to the fact that nary substance what you enactment retired there, it's hard not to beryllium self-critical."

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