'Hawk Tuah' Girl Speaks Out, Shuts Down Multiple Rumors

4 days ago 4

'Hawk Tuah' Girl Speaks Out for 1st Time ... Addresses Internet Lies

Plan Bri Uncut

Hailey Welch, who is champion known arsenic the viral "Hawk Tuah" girl, is breaking her soundlessness since skyrocketing to fame ... addressing for the 1st clip each the rumors astir her idiosyncratic life.

The viral sensation stopped by Brianna LaPaglia's 'Plan Bri' podcast connected Monday, successful which she reacted to her newfound fame and acceptable the grounds consecutive connected immoderate lies circulating the Internet.

Check it retired ... Hailey said astir of the stories that person surfaced astir her are not true. For instance, she was ne'er a schoolhouse teacher ... and truthful she was NOT fired from her occupation implicit the viral moment.

In fact, Hailey, who confirmed she's 21 years aged ... declared she isn't adjacent aged capable to beryllium a teacher.

According to Hailey, she was employed arsenic a outpouring mill idiosyncratic erstwhile she learned she'd go a meme ... but noted she hadn't realized the grade of her fame arsenic she near societal media a portion back.

The Woman Behind The HAWK TUAH Meme Speaks Out For The First Time… Interview retired present pic.twitter.com/BssT1U88mD

— PlanBri Uncut (@planbriuncut) July 1, 2024 @planbriuncut

Hailey besides deed backmost astatine a study her begetter was a preacher and was upset by the video ... saying this couldn't beryllium farther from the truth. Watch the video, Hailey said her parents find the full happening hilarious ... arsenic they cognize she has an unfiltered consciousness of humor.

HW admitted she was shocked erstwhile radical tried to find her online, confessing she initially didn't privation to beryllium found. However, erstwhile fans started stealing photos of her from her friends' societal media accounts and gathering fake pages, she decided to travel forward.

She added ... "It's benignant of creepy, seeing your look connected different relationship that don't beryllium to you."

the viral Hawk Tuah miss "Hailey Welch" has been found

men person already offered her $600 for a jar of her spit

she says her household finds it funny, she has a manager now, and she doesn't privation this to beryllium her representation forever

- via @planbriuncut pic.twitter.com/6iFJrdfnbl

— SOUND (@itsavibe) July 1, 2024 @itsavibe

Hailey has since gotten a $600 connection to spit into a jar. While Hailey said she considered the offer, she yet turned it down arsenic she recovered it "revolting."

Surprisingly, Hailey said she doesn't privation "Hawk Tuah" to beryllium her representation ... though she has landed a manager and a merch deal pursuing her NSFW quote.

We hatred to interruption it to Hailey, but, arsenic radical say, the Internet is forever.

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